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Will my shy crush regret this?


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Some time ago, I was over at my crushes house to hang out with her brother. I finally got the nerve to make a move by giving her a what I like to call a "promise to date" ring. You see, she isn't allowed to date until she turns 16, but I am willing to wait for her (the age gap isn't too severe).


Anyway, the way I was going to go about giving it to her was to first have her look up what they are by using Google. This is where the trouble began. First of all, she asked me to type it in. I asked her why, she didn't say much. Then I asked her if she could spell it, she said no (I didn't think that much of it until later on when I saw a piece of paper, in her handwriting, that mentioned the word promise). When I typed it in for her and got to the site I was thinking of, an ad popped up. She clicked it off and we finally got to the site. She saw a few seconds of it, then another ad came up. That's when she said "what is this?". I said "just an ad" and clicked it off. Once everything was settled down she began to look at the site itself, but soon stopped and said "I'm not reading this." I asked her why not and she sort of gave me an I don't know. Then she said "I'm going upstairs". By the way, when she said these things it was in a very quiet and shy manner. Funny thing is, she only told her best friend about what happened.


Some of the signs of liking me that she showed in the past (and convinced me to do what I did) include: looking at me when I'm not looking at her (sometimes while giggling), mimicking me, asking people she knows questions about me, showing concern for me if she thinks I’m in trouble, her friends act differently around me, sometimes she blushes around me, etc.


I'm thinking of apologizing to her when I see her at her house tomorrow and explain to her that I didn't mean to put her in an awkward position. Then, I'm planning on nonchalantly giving her the ring. I can't take her anywhere out of the house, so I don't have much to work with here.


Does this sound like a good idea or will she probably clam up again? Will she most likely regret this later on on life? Any suggestions?

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I think you have asked this question before?


I would say, don't give her a promise to date ring at all. Promise rings are usually for people who are too young to get engaged or are old enough but need to finish school, etc. Its sort of pre engagement thing that some people give.


Also, you could interpret her behavior as having a crush on you, or she could be teasing you because you are her brother's friend and that is what little sisters do to their brothers friends and brothers - mimic, tease, poke, etc.

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