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Do you believe in the single bullet theory?

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This theory is taken from Michael Connellys Harry Bosch Novels. The single bullet theory is that you can be pierced with one persons bullet that'll touch your soul like no one else ever has, knowning that she/he was the one true connection in your life, the one that came closest to seeing your hidden secrets. The one that touched you the most, knowning that you can make love and fall in love again, but you'll know it'll never be as sweet, never be as beautiful, as that one who got under the wire.


What are your thoughts on this theory?


I definitely believe in the single bullet theory, this one girl touched my soul like no other, the love between was so beautiful, even though we never made love, I've always felt like she was the one that came the closest to seeing the real me, she was able to get under the wire and into my soul. She was a beautiful person, who I'll love forever even if we aren't together as I realize things aren't always meant to be.

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As the song goes- "Love is always reaching out for the lonely one. We are stronger when we are giving love...meet me half way accrosss the sky to where the world belongs to only you & I...


Love at first sight is real. Maybe it is lust or chemicals in the brain, but that first moment you met "the one" never goes away, especially if you keep it there in your heart & mind & never forget it. My souldmate-lover-best friend "J" saved my life and vice versa. In fact, I am still holding on strong even though he has a drinking problem because he was the only one (besides) my family who did not abandon me when I was suicidal last year. We are both predisposed to these issues , we both have gotten help b/c we are aware of our flaws. Nobaody is perfect. Sometime i forget, still I let go of the fairy tale version of Prince Charming. I just accept my man for who he is. We are both growing in a positive direction, just slowly- we learn to take things day by day. Our love has changed us, it has also hurt but good out weighs the bad. The "one" who hits you with the bullet will be in your life forever & hopefully affect it in a positive way.


Our relationship may seem miserable to some. If only you knew us both: we are kind, generous & loving not only to one another, but to our friends & anyone who meets us...after all this time, nobody makes me laugh the hardest or makes me feel more beautiful. Everyone has their issues. We do not want to be a statistic for a broken relationship (divorce). Even the most seemingly wonderful romance takes hard work and infinite devotion

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  • 6 years later...

Yes, I totally believe in this theory. I have been married and I have two children but I never felt this "love" thing that other people seemed to talk about or that singers all sang about. But then I met this woman and it hit me. It really is like being shot, and she became, and still is the most important person in my life. She is my guide, my protector, my friend, my lover, my advisor, my partner, and because she feels the same way about me, I am all those things to her. We lwere brought up and we lived totally different llifestyles, but that just adds to it as it means we can bring different viewpoints and experiences to bear on any problems or discussions we are having.


We have spent hours just being alone and we end up talking and laughing and just bringing so much fun and joy into each others hearts. We once spent four days in bed, just getting up for a shower, a quick breakfast and then falling back into bed where we just talked and talked and talked. We even get fun out of shopping togther and I find myself walking around with the daftest grin on my face, just because I am near her. We went in a grogery supermarket one time, and she was on one aisle and i was on another, and I actually rang her mobile just to say I love you

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I'm skeptical, as I am with a lot of theories. I think that it's luck of the draw, and being in the right place at the right time. Those of us who haven't found love yet are foolish to think of such absolutions. It's fun to theorize, but it's also more beneficial to be realistic.



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I guess it's a balancing act ..That is you accept his drinking because of the other attributes he seems to have ..I think it's different for everybody..Since I don't drink I could not be very tolerant of that behaviour ..I could deal with someone who drank on a recreational basis [weekend] but not someone who drank continuosly .

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I don't believe that there is only one person that touches us that way. Otherwise, people would never fall in love more than once, and that happens fairly frequently. It's just a novel. Writers exaggerate a point to create a feeling.


Exactly. Many people don't find true love until their 2nd, sometimes 3rd marriages.

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I definitely believe in the single bullet theory, this one girl touched my soul like no other, the love between was so beautiful, even though we never made love, I've always felt like she was the one that came the closest to seeing the real me, she was able to get under the wire and into my soul. She was a beautiful person, who I'll love forever even if we aren't together as I realize things aren't always meant to be.


All this really "proves" are the factual statements within. All it proves is that in your life you've only met one person who touches you deeply and the other people didnt get that close.


It doesn't prove that in ten years or less you wont meet another one, two or three people you feel as strongly or more strongly about.


It doesn't prove that other people meet noone they feel this way about. Or that other people dont meet several they feel that way about.


I dont think it holds as a universal theory. It may be true for some people (just based on the factual circumstances of their life alone) - but its in no way a necessary truth!

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makes me wonder on the power of human thought. perhaps the constant replay of thoughts becomes a self-fullfiling prophecy. the more you tell yourself...convince yourself...that what you had can never be equaled...the more it becomes truth for you. think about the beliefs you've had in the past...perhaps something that you believed to your very core; but then, something happened that made you question that belief...perhaps opened you to a new perspective. the belief is no longer rigid. it may still be a belief...but now it doesn't have the same hold. you're open to a different perspective. hmmm..

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I don't believe in it.. I think there is more than one person out there for someone. If we only had one true 'soul mate', then it'd be awfully hard to find that one person on this huge earth, wouldn't it? Hence, there really is more than one person who you can fall in love with and be very happy.

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Every relationship is different, so I don't believe in this. I've loved a few people in my life, and each of them touched me in ways that the others did not. Love is beautiful and big and varied. I do, however, believe that there are few people we meet who are capable of really knowing us and touching us very deeply--this is true for friendships, intimate relationships, what have you. It's rare, I think, but not impossible, and certainly not limited to just a few people.


I think I used to believe in this theory but I also realize that in retrospect, the intensity of some of my memories of certain people had to do with my immaturity at the time (convincing myself that I would NEVER feel this way again, and that the other person was the alpha and omega of my existence) and my tendency to give my power to others and believe that I had absolutely no control over my feelings--they were dictated by some mystical, otherworldly source. This isn't to say that I'm not capable of feeling the same intensity with someone else now that I'm older, but the drama was always amped up when I was young, so I tended to blow things out of proportion and endow perfectly normal, perfectly flawed human beings with supernatural power and the encomium of being "the one."

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It's nonsense, and as BriarRose already said, just as silly as the idea of a soulmate.


I've thought several girls were "the one" and that I'd never find happiness again... and yet again and again over the years I've met someone new, and better. My current ex? Sure, she was 'the one' and I'll never love anyone the same again. It was amazing. This time it's different. Yeah right. Give me a couple of years and I won't even remember her name and I'll be with someone even better.


People who marry their first love have just had a bit of luck (or not, in my opinion. Ewww, only one partner, how boring!). So because they have stuck with each other, it's lasted, they can sit there and say they're "soul mates" and it's meant to be. But if they broke up after ten years, or one of them tragically died, are you really saying that that's it, no more happiness with anyone else ever again??


So my point my good man, after that slightly cynical rant, was that NO, there is no magical bullet that means you can never find love again! I know it's tough to get the girl of the pedestal, but you will eventually and you'll meet loads of girls who could all equally be 'the one'.

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I *think* I do... in a way.


I'm still very close with the first person I fell in love with and I don't know if that will ever go away. I don't think I would ever be able to replicate the kind of love we had, but at the same time, I don't think I'd want to. That's over and done with and the next time I fall in love will be just as good, but in a different way.

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