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i think i'm starting to get kinda desperate to find a partner, and i don't like this color on me. i used to be okay with being single, i do like being free to flirt and whatnot, but it just seems like it's been so long now and i'm kinda over it. in the last 5 years i have been in 1 short-lived (2 months, nearly 2 years ago) relationship that kinda crashed and burned and dated another person for another couple months. the latter wasn't serious, and we mutually ended it a few months ago. since that time i reunited with an old friend whom i completely fell for, and it was pretty mutual in the beginning but it didn't work out and kinda ended before it even began. i totally got my heart broken but have done my best to move on and put myself back out there, and it just doesn't seem to be going anywhere.


aside from those instances which barely seem worth counting, i have been single since 2005. i'm 26 years old, fairly attractive i think, smart, artistic, etc., i think i'm a good person overall.. so i just don't understand why nothing is happening in my romantic life. my job has me meeting new people all the time, but i just haven't met anyone i've connected with on a romantic level. and it bothers me. i wish it didn't, but it does and i'm just not sure what to do about it. it seems everyone around me is getting married and/or having babies, and i find i can't even be happy for a lot of them because i am so envious. i want to be with someone. i am tired of 'situations', i want a partner.


do i just want it too much? am i not looking in the right places? should i just let it go and 'let it happen'?


who knows? and i don't mean that rhetorically. thanks to anyone who responds.

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Trust me hun, it's a lot of that going around these days. Looking accross the site there's a lot of single people in the world that are just dying for a chance at love. Some of them are second, third, fourth and fifth chances at love. The problem I discover often are those "Let it happen when it's right" cliches' used to redirect a person's concern for love. Don't fall into that, because nothing great comes easy. I'm like you, I've been waiting patiently for my chance and seems as if I'm never going to get it sometime. Well, that may be, but I'm going out on my shield if that's the case.

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Trust me hun, it's a lot of that going around these days. Looking accross the site there's a lot of single people in the world that are just dying for a chance at love. Some of them are second, third, fourth and fifth chances at love. The problem I discover often are those "Let it happen when it's right" cliches' used to redirect a person's concern for love. Don't fall into that, because nothing great comes easy. I'm like you, I've been waiting patiently for my chance and seems as if I'm never going to get it sometime. Well, that may be, but I'm going out on my shield if that's the case.


thank you. i really, really appreciate that your response was deliberately not cliche lol. what's your story? i kinda feel better knowing someone else is going through the same thing. seeing most everyone around me pairing off, getting married and having kids tends to make me forget there is anyone else who feels like this.

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Body language has a lot to do with how approachable you are, that and how much you smile, the look on your face, how you dress and where you spend the most time etc etc. Just some food for thought


i agree with you in theory. i am kindof awkward sometimes and have been told i can be intimidating, but it's not on purpose lol. i dono though, i tend to gravitate towards people like me in that respect. i find awkwardness to be cute and i like people who are a little intimidating (to others -- they tend not to intimidate me). so, i guess i'm just hoping to find someone else who does too. the things you mentioned are valid in some ways, but kinda superficial in comparison to what i'm actually hoping for. i do dress well (i'm a fashion photographer and designer, so i have to look the part), but i'm not really hanging in the same places a lot. the photojournalism thing sends me to all kinds of places and they don't repeat themselves often. i guess the only thing i'm at routinely is the autism group i volunteer with.. but everyone there is way older or way younger than me, lol. not really sure where else i should be hanging out, i guess?

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I mean coffee houses, gyms - public places of leisure I guess.

I walk around looking very, very intimidating (as I'm always told) because of my confident walk and the "leave me alone" expression - but I still get approached. What I meant was more to the effect of being aware of how you look and your expression etc - which you already are so that's good


So yeah, if you're looking to meet people - an environment where people are either way too old or way too young isn't going to be very promising ;]

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I mean coffee houses, gyms - public places of leisure I guess.

I walk around looking very, very intimidating (as I'm always told) because of my confident walk and the "leave me alone" expression - but I still get approached. What I meant was more to the effect of being aware of how you look and your expression etc - which you already are so that's good


So yeah, if you're looking to meet people - an environment where people are either way too old or way too young isn't going to be very promising ;]


hmm.. yeah maybe. i'm just not really sure where to go? i'm like 80% gay, really only looking for women at the moment and not really into the bar scene since i'm always in bars/clubs for work. and to my knowledge, in this area, that's the only way to meet gay/bi girls. there's no gay functions that i'm aware of (i've looked).. so i dono. short of the local home depot, i'm not really sure where i should be lol.

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