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Bad habit: chewing pens.

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How do I stop chewing on my pens/pencils?


I have very healthy teeth and have been chewing on these things for years, so that's not the problem. But I go through so many pens and just demolish the poor things. It's a waste of money, honestly.


Chewing gum does not seem to help.


What do I do? I've had this problem since I was 6.

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can you put the pen cap on TOP of the pen and chew on that??? That way you only destroy the pen cap, not the pens.


Honestly though, pens are not THAT expensive, unless you are chewing on a Cross pen.


Done that. I chew through the cap.


It may not be that expensive, but it still costs money and it's annoying. I buy cheap pens. I'm mostly just frustrated with myself because it's a WASTE. I chew right into the pen to render it inusable...even though there is still ink inside.


I have the same problem. I chew straws, the edges of cups, paperclips, pens, and my nails.


I think it's stress related. But, you're not alone.


I used to bite my nails too. I used that bitter nail stuff and now I don't dare touch my nails to my lips! haha it worked.


I do think it's stress related. I don't always FEEL stressed but I always chew.

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You would not believe what I read the thread title as at first


Could you try putting the bitter nail stuff on your pen tops? It sounds like you've transferred from nail biting to pen biting - perhaps if you work on why you're chewing things, ie. the stress, you might stop doing it.


Or find a less destructive habit

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Or find a less destructive habit


Smoking relieves stress AND doesn't waste pens! Just kidding haha.


But seriously, people relieve stress in many different ways, and if it works for you, then just be glad it's not cigarettes or alcohol that's your vice, cuz those are even more expensive habits!

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I just don't want to put something like nail polish on my pen...kind of worried about the liquid eventually getting on me or something like that. I often put pens in my pocket.


I have been chewing on pens since I was 6. My teeth are literally perfect without any past braces. I am lucky in that regard...I want to stop chewing not because of my teeth, but because it's gross and wasteful.

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I don't think chewing on pen caps has a major impact on teeth, does it?


Teeth are certainly strong, but they do wear over time....and that's only if you use them for their intended purpose - biting & chewing food.


Enamel is tough, but it can wear away slowly depending on our dietary & lifestyle habits.


Something as seemingly harmless as using too much pressure when brushing (or brushing with a back-and-forth motion instead of a small circular motion) will, over time, wear away tooth enamel and gum tissue.


These sorts of things don't create visible/apparent damage overnight, but do them for a few decades and they do catch up to you by the time you're into your 40s & 50s.

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I just don't want to put something like nail polish on my pen...kind of worried about the liquid eventually getting on me or something like that. I often put pens in my pocket.


I have been chewing on pens since I was 6. My teeth are literally perfect without any past braces. I am lucky in that regard...I want to stop chewing not because of my teeth, but because it's gross and wasteful.


Keep doing what you're doing and let me know how your tooth enamel's holding out when you hit your mid 40s.


Maybe you won the genetic lottery and have some freakishly uber strong enamel....but do you really want to count on that?

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5. Use your teeth only for chewing food. Cracking nut shells, chewing pen caps and tearing off clothing tags can crack enamel.


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Chewing pencils, pens and other hard objects

Your teeth were meant to chew food, not writing utensils. Pencils, pens and other things that do not belong in your mouth can fracture teeth, leading to otherwise unnecessary dental repairs. Besides, you do not know where these items have been, so why would you put them in your mouth? If you feel the need to chew, stick to sugarless gum.

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When Chewing Bites


Your teacher or mom might have reprimanded you for biting on a pen or pencil when you were in second grade, but truth be told, both kids and adults are guilty of this bad oral habit.


Kids might do it simply because they have a habit of sticking everything in their mouths. But adults often chew habitually because of stress or anxiety.


Although it may feel like a benign way to self-soothe, chewing on a pen or pencil can actually fracture your teeth. And if that’s not enough impetus to stop, consider this: Tooth fractures can be very costly to repair.


If you must chew, try chewing gum instead -- why spend big bucks on tooth repair when you can chew on a stick of gum for just pennies? You’ll not only save your teeth -- you’ll save your bank account!


Be aware that chewing on ice cubes, hard candies or your fingernails doesn’t give you a “get out of jail free” card. Chewing on any of these items can damage your gums or chip your teeth.

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I started this thread to find ways to STOP chewing on pens.


Yeah, maybe it will hurt my teeth...I'm not disputing that. But that's not my main reason to stop doing it. I still want to stop chewing though.


The main reasons for my wanting to stop is 1) it's gross and 2) I'm wasting pens.


My thread is now on page 2 and is mostly about dental health, which has nothing to do with my original question.


Can someone please answer my question: how do I effectively stop chewing on my pens?

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I've always known that I may be doing damage. It's just not a huge concern right now. I have other bodily health problems to worry about.

But why does it matter...I've already been wanting to change this habit for a long time.


Can someone please give me advice on HOW to do this, please? That is what I've been asking from the start.

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