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is it normal


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I used to feel that way when I was 16. Especially when I saw most of my friends getting into "relationships". Thing is, most people your age that are getting together are probably going to break up before they turn 20 - and they will find new relationships.


I had boyfriends but nothing serious until I got to university, even then I went through a few relationships and still haven't really found the "right guy". well maybe this one I'm dating is - its too soon to tell.


Try to spend time with your friends and have fun - enjoy these years while ya still got them.

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You're probably right, it probably is because a lot of my friends are getting into relationships -- some of them have been in relationships for a long time, and maybe it's seeing all of these people so head over heels for each other makes me scared that I won't ever have that...

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I think everyone feels this way at some point in their life. We can never know the future though, so just go out into the world EXPECTING you will find the one and make good choices and I bet you will find who is right for you. If you go into the world NOT expecting to find the one, you most likely wont.

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But, there isn't a 'one'. At least, I don't believe there is. There are a lot of people we could have healthy and very wonderful relationships with.


I strongly believe that there is a 'one'. There are lots of people that we could have wonderful relationships with but in the end I believe that there will be one person that I chose above all others, and that choses me above all others. I definitely believe in soulmates.

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I strongly believe that there is a 'one'. There are lots of people that we could have wonderful relationships with but in the end I believe that there will be one person that I chose above all others, and that choses me above all others. I definitely believe in soulmates.


If there is only one, how would you ever meet them? This world is far too large for me to find them. Even if they lived in the same town I grew up in, I probably would never meet them, let alone know that they were my soul mate. My town only has 2,000 people in it too, and I definitely do not know everyone, let alone know them well.

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I think everyone feels the same kind of panic at one point or another. The trick is to prevent such fears from pushing you into a lousy relationship just for the sake of having one.


When my friends and I spot an elderly couple who laugh and look happy together, my friends envy their long history together while I wonder if they've just met.


Try viewing the world and your future as full of possibilities until the very end rather than the end of possibilities right from the start. At 16 it's hard to trust that you'll grow into yourself and find out who you are, so too many people fake this self-knowledge and throw themselves into relationships that limit their growth and opportunities. That's not finding love--it's feeding fear.


Be brave.

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If there is only one, how would you ever meet them?


Because you obviously wouldn't be destined for someone who you would never have the chance of meeting. It's not someone you find, but sort of--- someone you create. With the proper amount of love and attention from both sides, a person can be 'your one'. You said yourself that there are lots of possibilities of people who could be perfect for you -- but the one you spend the rest of your life with, you just know that no one else could be as perfect for you. Does that make sense?


And thank you, catfeeder -- your reply was rather insightful.


Thanks everyone =]

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