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I ask kindly if you will be here to support me in my prayers for my grandmother, Helen (Nor Kuen) Yu. She means everything to me in this world. Raised me from the day I was born. She is suffering from cancer in her pancreas. She was rushed to hte hospital last Thursday after experiencing excrutiating pains in her abdomen. And since then, they have discovered she has had cancer in her pancreas and has spread, there is a blockage of blood supply there. There is hope and if you would join me in prayer, i would be most grateful.


Please, please, join me in prayer for her to help her regain strength and good health to fight against her pain and illness. Join me in asking God and the Virgin Mary to hear our prayers and to answer us.


I do want to say that your prayres are working. Miraculously. after day after day of having morphine/ tylenol 3, yesterday, she was able to go without any medication without much pain! She was able to sit up, smile, talk with us. Thank for your prayers for those who have been with me. Your prayers are starting to show through her.


Thank you so much, thank you...

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    I hope and pray that every moment of her day, is a moment that she will most cherish.
    I pray that her pain will go away, and her only tears are to see how much her family and grandchildren love her.
    I pray so that she feels happiness in her heart, and see's it through you.
    Make her proud, and slowly, with your faith and encouragement, you're grandmother will heal.




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