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Hi Guys


This is my first post here... I stop to read this forum and It's really interesting.


My concern is why im soo unable to find someone who carez a little for me.

I'm just a regular girl, by the way, i'm from Dominican Republic 8) (so xcuse my english...) a nice 19 years old girl, maybe a strange one, but good kid in general. Just the other day i start to go out with this boy, he's 23 years, a nice one... really intelligent, worker, decent.. all that i look for in a guy, and suddenly he just disappear. and the story is repetitive over and over... i dont know if i got this repellent for nice guys or my destiny it's just be alone. perhaps sound desperate, but i never had a boyfriend or someone to share my feelings. I'm the only daughter from my parents, dont have any brothers or sisters... or many friends... my life has been study and work.



dont have any hopes. i give up.





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Well I am sure you have gone through these forums, reading people without a love in their life. You know that many people don't have loves for some time in their lives. I didn't have my first love until I was 17. being a guy I can't tell you how to chase a guy or anything. I am sure you know that guys first judge by a girl's looks. At our young age, that seems to be the only thing most guys go after. I can't tell you how to get a guy, but all I can say is to keep your head up... it will happen in your future I am sure.


Patience is all I have to tell you.



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Hola! Como Estas? Yo estoy muy bien! Y tu? Seniorita, your english is perfect! I don't think that I can type up a paragraph in a 2nd language as well as you do. Congrads!


My concern is why im soo unable to find someone who carez a little for me.
I know what you mean by 'caring for you a little.' Some people are good at b.s.-ing, and will tell us what we want to hear. We don't want people who are all about game. We just want honesty, respect, sincerity, and genuine friendship-bonding from a guy. A buddy of the oppossite sex to joke around, be silly, and fall in love with. Someone who will offer us compassion, and that spark in our lives.


My best advice is to 'let it happen.' Don't go out searching for love. You'll run into it, when you least expect it. Continue on being yourself, and enjoy your life. Don't let the lack of experience in having a boyfriend get you down. Work & school as a daily routine? Don't worry. You'll be okay. You're such a mature lady! 'Save the best for last,' right? Much props to ya, for being such a patient girl!


My best advice to you:

1. Be glad that you're in your situation. Sometimes heart-ache is worse than actually having a boyfriend.

2. If you do meet a guy, don't trust every word that he says. Don't hold it against him either.

3. Give the relationship time to progress. Trust takes time.

4. Savor the fun moments, but don't put all of your eggs in one basket. In other words, get to know him, have fun, be cautious, and don't put in too much hopes into anything. Enjoy the part of just 'casually dating'. There's no harm done there. Just get to know each other, but don't fall too quickly. Sometimes, it's easier said than done, depending on how well two people get along.


Whatever you do, keep yourself occupied. Find things that you enjoy in your life. Focus on self-happiness first, then eventually, things will fall into place and good things will happen, when you least expect it.


Good luck to ya,

Adios mi Amiga!


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Hi Strange Little Girl,


Welcome to the board!


Mahlina gave some pretty sound advice there. To add on, I would like to say that your insecurities could be leaking into the way you handle your personal relationships.


First up, learn to love and respect yourself. We are all designed to be different and no one is special in exactly the same way. Cherish that.


Secondly, most guys tend to be attracted to the forbidden fruit. So, do not try too hard in pleasing everyone. As with fishing, there's a time to 'pull the line, as well as letting go'. Apply that techinique to men and I am sure that they would see you in a different light.


You sound like a real nice girl, so play it cool... and I am sure that you will meet that right guy in time. Cheerios!

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Don't go out searching for love. You'll run into it, when you least expect it.



Believe me, i dont. My luck is so black that doesnt happen. im just lacking hope or faith in love. i never felt in love with anyone so... dont know much about it. just sometimes when i have some personal troubles dont wanna feel so alone and i get depressed for that.


thanks for the advice everyone 8)



Well.. hav' to go... college tomorrow. c ya later. 8)

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Love, it can't be explained, only experienced. I remember not knowing what exactly love was... and hell I still sort of don't. Don't think I will ever know, but you know your in love when all you can think about is caring for another person.. or just wanting to give a piece of you for them. Kinda like putting your body in front of theirs to catch the bullet. Thats kinda when you know your in love... although love consists of emotions that are far separate than anything in this world... its all hidden... its kinda cool actually



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Hi StrangeE LittlE GrL


First of all don't feel terrible cause I'm 20 years old and I've never dated either. Believe me I know what you're going through. I only have one sister, no friends, and no social life at all. However, I constantly try to keep my spirits up by talking to myself and reminding myself of all the good things in my life in order to avoid feeling terrible. Remember having a boyfriend shouldn't be our only priority in life. There are other important things in life such as going to school and obtaining a career. You know being a hard working female. (Para que te puedas mantener tu misma mama y no tener que aguantarle paquete a ningun hombre).


So, what I am going to tell you is first, don't feel terrible because you don't have a boyfriend. It doesn't mean there's something wrong with you. Either you are meeting the wrong people, or you are not having enough social contact in order to meet guys. You sound like a nice girl; thereforeeee, you'll find someone you just have to have patience. Just try to keep yourself busy you know have fun. Don't stay home feeling blue and feeling sorry for yourself. Besides, do you rather date any loser just to say that you are dating and probably get broken hearted, or do you rather not date and just wait for that perfect someone who will love you for you who are?


Oh, and one more thing. Remember to always be yourself. Don't put on a show just to keep a guy around. If he likes you let him like you for who you are. Anyways if you put on an act they will end up seeing the real you and dumping you when they realize that it was all fake.


* By the way are you from Miami? If you need someone to chat to you know for some advice or for some simple girl talk PM me. I'll be glad to chat with you.

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do you rather date any loser just to say that you are dating and probably get broken hearted, or do you rather not date and just wait for that perfect someone who will love you for you who are?



Thanks Glittergirl por tus comentarios


But... that perfect someone... dont exist.


Im from Dominican Republic, y vivo aki mismo en mi pais.


and again... thanks for the advice. i will take it.

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