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I need some insight on rebound relationships. I have never been in one becasue after a break up I like to take time to myself and heal and work through it. It is tough as hell though.


I was with my ex for two years and have been broke up for 4 months. One week after we broke up he was with someone else. Now this has to be a rebound. It made me feel as if our relationship meant nothing. In the four months he has broken up with her twice and came back just as friends but then went back to her. He is currently with her and I am currently doing No Contact to move on.


He called me two days ago...in which I haven't heard from him since last time he decided he wanted to come back. After that I just didn't want to deal with it anymore and statred No Contact. It has been about 21 days and he calls to see if i mailed something to him. I didn't answer...I didn't wnat to go back to square one and haven't called him back yet. Should I call him back or just ignore it.


Also will this rebound last. I so bad want to move on but I truly do still love him and want to work things out.

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My advice is not to call back 'cos as you said, you will be back to square one in trying to move on. And it doesn't sound as though he's calling to offer something concrete with regards to your relationship.


You badly want to move on but at the same time, you want to work things out with him. This depends on why you broke up of course. Just examine what makes you want to stay and work it out, and what makes you want to move on. And then see which makes more sense. Better still, which makes more sense for the long-term. Something, someone enduring.


Some rebounds last but I think only after the one rebounding has worked thru their feelings from the previous situation, and find that they still like being with the current one for the right reasons. So issues have to be worked thru, either way.

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don't worry, it is just a rebound relationship and it won't last. This guy sounds like he has major committment issues. if he's already broken up with this girl before, it sounds like he likes the drama. i suggest staying away from him. don't call him back. notice how he runs to you whenever things aren't great with her. dont put up with that. keep with the NC rule.

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I know that I need to keep with the No Contact and I will. I am just afraid that I won't be strong enough when he comes running back again. I am sure it will happen because I don't think that their relationship will last but it is so hard. Any Advice

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Listen, i know my ex will be running back to me soon. well, i think. I have thought about what i will do. I've taken him back once and it actually went really well for awhile. but we were serious about our relationship working. i just don't know if this guy is serious? did he treat you well? you should do what makes you happy, but if you truly believe he will do it again, please don't take him back. only take him back if you honestly believe he is ready and willing to work at it. i still haven't made up my mind what i will do.

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