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I think drinking coffee has helped me lose weight


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I have been over 130 lbs for the last few months.No biggie since I am at a healthy weight for my height. Last time I weighed myself a couple weeks ago I was 133. Since then, due to cold weather I have been drinking coffee every morning before work.I add sugar and milk. I also have not been working out regularly. Today i weighed myself and I am 126 lbs.I did notice some of my clothes felt a little looser too. What gives?? My diet has not changed dramatically, I have always maintained a pretty healthy diet. So, could drinking coffe actually be good for weight loss in moderation?


Note: Thought I would note that I ONLY get coffee at the convenience store..and add my own sugar and milk. Not one of those sugar laden drinks

from Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts. Just a reasonable amount.

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Caffeine is a diuretic and a thermogenic and in some people reduces appetite. It is used in basically every weight loss pill on the market. That doesn't mean it's entirely responsible for the weight difference though.


It could be a fluctuation in water weight, a result of the diuretic effect in the caffeine, a change in stress, or maybe your diet subtly changed just enough to help you drop a little bit. There are a lot of factors so it's really not easy to pinpoint.


I would say the caffeine probably helped a bit, but it's not a longterm weight management solution. Eventually the body gets used to processing a certain amount of caffeine and its positive benefits go away.

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Coffee (the caffiene in it) is a diuretic, so a few lbs loss after starting to drink it is likely water weight lost. It's also an appetite supressant and used to be the major ingredient in weight loss pills back in the 80s and 90s.


It also can boost metabolism and temporarily boost energy which can get you moving more, which can help with losing weight.

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Sure it has this effect. That's nothing new. Personally I don't really care of my weight anymore. I take as much calories as I can. I 'm fed up with family complaining even if it's a B.M.I. of around 21 and kept in mind I became less musculair since I'm unable to pratice sports. There muscles are higher in weight than fat. I 'm even at a point it can make me feel irritated to notice people trying their best to lose weight. I know I may not show this b/c that would be unfair. It just hurts me to see they are proud of having the luck of being able to have a free will and don't need to force themselves eating loads of candies and snacks.

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hmm maybe i should take up coffee instead of mountain dew


Funny you say this.I usually drink Diet Coke in the morning, but truthfully I think THAT stimulates my appetite more than coffee.I have NO desire to eat when I drink coffee, and usually don't until maybe an hour after I drink it.

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The only way coffee can help some loose weight is by dyhidrating you and flushing your body out of vital fluids. If you drink enough of it, it can also reduce your appetite. Those are not healthy ways to loose weight long-term because as your body adapts to the caffeine intake, it will adjust, and the weight will generally come back on.

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The only way coffee can help some loose weight is by dyhidrating you and flushing your body out of vital fluids. If you drink enough of it, it can also reduce your appetite. Those are not healthy ways to loose weight long-term because as your body adapts to the caffeine intake, it will adjust, and the weight will generally come back on.



Hmm.. but I had in mind it's also thanks to that it gives a lot of energy (and like somebody else mentioned as well b/c it increases the metabolism).


For me cola works well too but there I changed my goal into gaining about 8 kg during this week I started eating fat and sugar things already before the cola could have given it's effect of giving a full feeling. I don't pay attention to a full feeling anyway. I only feel hungry about 2% of the time I take something to eat.

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Well there are many theories, coffee is diuretic like G-Snap mentioned so it may be pushing the water out. But if you're also eating healthy, cutting back the calories while the caffeine is assisting to suppress hunger and add a bit of metabolism it could be a healthy thing. Even for pregnant woman it's healthy to drink a cup/8oz of cofee...


It's when people drink three or four cups of coffee a day with food intake that consist of junk and not feeding the body properly is when it's very unhealthy. The body will adjust accordingly, whether it starts to store the fat or for healthy people it burns.


All about moderation...I drink a cup in the morning from time to time now, I do use sugar but a teaspoon (although I would love to put five tablespoon and tons of milk!).

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For me I like coffee because it's like comfort food in a liquid form.Yes, I do like the caffeine, but I know I would never drink decaffeinated coffee. I don't see the point in that.


I am going to buy some coffee to start making at home...

does anyone have a preferance on a good brand?

I considered getting the Dunkin Donuts brand, but someone told me it really doesn;t taste the same because they use some sort of heavy cream, which would be bad for me


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Hmm, what kind do you drink now? What is good coffee is a big matter of taste.


What kind of coffee do you like?


I know Miss Firecracker is a connoisseur and she was right about Chock full o' nuts - really good.


I love coffee, love love it. There is a lot of good stuff out there - personally I think Maxwell House and Folgers are bottom of the barrel and to be avoided.


My favorites right now are Kicking Horse Jumbo Wild. If you like a strong flavored coffee, worth a try.


If you like Starbucks coffees, I can't help you....lol.

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For me I like coffee because it's like comfort food in a liquid form.Yes, I do like the caffeine, but I know I would never drink decaffeinated coffee. I don't see the point in that.


I am going to buy some coffee to start making at home...

does anyone have a preferance on a good brand?

I considered getting the Dunkin Donuts brand, but someone told me it really doesn;t taste the same because they use some sort of heavy cream, which would be bad for me



I buy the bulk ones from Costco - either Starbucks, their Kirkland brand, or other "fair trade" ones they have going on... you would need to invest in a grinder though.


I tried buying the coffee from the chain coffee shops around here - never tasted as good as the ones I grind myself.


I heard otherwise. Many who took up the habit of drinking coffee at retail stores gained weight.


I heard the same thing. I have heard that caffeine encourages visceral fat deposition. Visceral fat is the bad kind (as opposed to fat just under the skin) since it is between the organs. Thus, it gives you a firm belly vs a jiggly one. Not sure how much truth there is to this. Just putting it out there


Also, funny... you guys are making crave coffee so bad right now. Every so often I like to kick the coffee habit for 2-3 weeks to let my body "reset" so to speak and react to the caffeine as well as it used to. I'm on week 1... gah!

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For me I like coffee because it's like comfort food in a liquid form.Yes, I do like the caffeine, but I know I would never drink decaffeinated coffee. I don't see the point in that.


I am going to buy some coffee to start making at home...

does anyone have a preferance on a good brand?

I considered getting the Dunkin Donuts brand, but someone told me it really doesn;t taste the same because they use some sort of heavy cream, which would be bad for me



Dunkin is okay, they actually taste better than most cheap coffee places but I'm not that picky about coffee (although I don't do Folgers or any cheap coffees either they are NASTY!).


I buy the Kinetic Coffee from the bike distributor. They are about $12 retail for the bag but it's very smooth. French Konnexion is my favorite (and organic too).


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For me I like coffee because it's like comfort food in a liquid form.Yes, I do like the caffeine, but I know I would never drink decaffeinated coffee. I don't see the point in that.


I am going to buy some coffee to start making at home...

does anyone have a preferance on a good brand?

I considered getting the Dunkin Donuts brand, but someone told me it really doesn;t taste the same because they use some sort of heavy cream, which would be bad for me



The problem that i find with the big name coffee that you make at home is you can never seem to put the right amount of coffee and water together, or one is to much and less of the other.


Also i find that the paper cups makes a big difference in the taste. As for me i'm a massive tim hortons drinker

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Interesting initial posts. Haven't got time to read all posts right now.


Yes, I've read coffee in moderation is meant to be good for diabetes. Didin't know about it speeding up metabolism and helping lose weight though. That's neat.


I used to be a real coffee addict. However, Didn't have any for about 5 years as i have cfs and it generally isn't recommended (although I've just read some research that says it's good for cfs). I started drinking the odd cup again recently. I never want to go back to being an addict though as despite some health benefits in moderation it is unhealthy to be addicted to it. It is a potential carcinogen (cancer), can suck calcium from your bones and it relying on it for constant alertness can mask health problems that can lead to bigger health problems. You can think you're not tired so not sleep. this is not the best for health long term.


Theres my little sermon for the day.

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