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What to talk about before your first kiss?

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Hey all. First off, I can honestly say I've never made the first move on any girl I've been with. (a whopping 3!!) But they were all outgoing and I was the shy one so it made sense that way.. I met a new girl while visiting my friend at college (actually, she IM'd me before i went up there, we exchanged picture, etc. i think she wanted to spark an interest between us before i got up there) and I'm going up to see her within the next week. I'm definitely gonna be talking to her one on one, hopefully under a starlit sky. I wanna get to know her, but I also want to kiss her. Thing is we can't just be talking about our jobs when i touch her cheek and lean in.. or can we? Could i do that and chalk it up to spontanaety (horrible spelling) I'm thinking i need to get her thinkng romantically before i try and kiss her, maybe not, mermayd, you're a girl, what would you want?? girls, pleeeeease, chime in, i need to know so i can plan out my night...

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ok im no girl but, never had much problem with first kisses.


First off, dont think about it all the time, you need to relax, think of that kiss as a natural process, like breathing.


lets say you go out, maybe you went for pizza and a movie, during that time youll find a time to hold her hands maybe while crossing the street or in the movie theater.


also you look into her eyes from time to time, and smile. you want her to feel comfortable with you, later on that night when you walk her to her door (make sure no one is around watching) tell her you had a great time and really would like to do that again, she will say the same im sure, then with confidence put put your right hand gently and smoothly on the side of her head but dont grasp or push her head towards you, you move your head forward towards hers, tilt your head slightly and close your eyes, give her a full mouth kiss, no tongue!, not a peck but not a jaw breaker neither.


Your hand on the side of her head, will highten the experience for her, making it a little more than just a kiss good night, also helps you guide your self when your moving in, and one more thing, if she decides to tilt her head also to receive that kiss, youll know to tilt your head in the other direction, so your not bumping noses.


I have to laugh, describing a kiss is like describing a space station docking procedure, lol. its not as difficult as it sounds on paper.

just do it.


also a little smile and a soft "wow" right after the kiss, will make her feel very special.

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Oh i've got the kissing part down pat.. but talking before that.. I guess going out and waking her home would be the best way for a first kiss. i was thinking just sitting on a bench or something tlaking, but going out would be a lot easier.. no tongue on the first kiss? i think that might be dificult... the 3 girls i went out with all said our first kiss was amazing... i'm hoping to make this #4... thanks for the tips tho!

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Agree with Gilgamesh.


Another good move (if you want to call it that) is instead of placing your hand on her head, place it at her hip. If things go smoothly and you can tell that she is enjoying it you can then move your hand upwards on her side (not implying fondling here) halfway bewteen her hip and arm pit. Although that part of the body is not the most sensual, it is the first kiss and touch so it will certainly get her attention and be arousing for her.


Placing your hand at her head can be a little too much for for some women for a first kiss.


The hand on the side is a sure thing, believe me. Most importantly, be confident and whatever you do, DONT ASK. That takes away the spontaneity (Spelling as good as yours) of the whole kiss and ruins the whole thing.


Good luck

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I had my hand on her hip at the party we were at.. she enjoyed it I'm guessing, she didn't seem to care, so.. I dunno, girls LOOOOVe to have their faces touched while they're being kissed, every single girl i've asked loves that.. right hand on face, left hand n her ribs, can't go wrong.. that's my usual standing kiss pose anyway.. i should be ok.. just gotta get in the right situation.. that's what i was asking for really. not how to kiss, i know how to do that.. just how to get into the situation to kiss a girl for the first time...

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