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My ex boyfriend of 3 years we broke up 6 months ago. Well I was thinking that we were not going to talk about us and we are just over. Well my friend always said that he was going to call but I didn't believe him. Well on friday he did he left a message talking about he just wanted to see what was going on and trying to see what's up with me. A week earlier he asked my father about me and how I was doing and the week before that he saw my best friend and was asking about me too. So now that he has called why did he call? What did he want? I called him and left a message but he hasn't returned my call. Should I call him back? I mean i have 80 percent moved on I have dated other people but I still love my ex and want to make it work but what do I do now? Please help!!!!!!!!

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I 20% believe that you've moved on based on what you've said .


You may just be in denial. If you know is current inquiries about you within weeks before you must be checking up on him some how. "Moving on" is at a stage much further than your at. But hey, just my opinion.


But that said. Why did he call you? Could be anything. He may be curious. He may feel guilty. He may miss you. Only time will tell.


But one good thing is. Someone who is completely over you and doesn't care about you at all wouldn't call you. So you at least have SOMETHING of him.


Don't be too eager. Do you call him back again? Your call. But if you do you have to do it in a reasonable timeframe and only do it once. He maybe testing you. And you can't pull this "no contact" deal only to blow it a month later. So if you're not going to call him, DON'T CALL him. Any further contact from you after a reasonable time will blow all your credibility.


I would at least wait to see if he calls. And I think you're going to call him back whatever I say. But when you do don't pull a "I'm too busy to talk" move. For you to call him and portray some kind of "moving on" would look pathetic. I would emphasize an unknown quality. You're happy, upbeat, but your not trying to emphasize anything about your life. Let him hang up first, and then don't call him back. There will probably be more.


good luck.

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I agree with what was said in the previous post. I would like to add, it depends on the reason the two of you broke up, and if you feel that it can work again. If you have moved on even a little, don't fall for a call. Stand back a little and see if he has something concrete to offer before you make a move.

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