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Hey people ,

I was just wondering if its cool to ask many girls out at once. I have met 3 girls in the space of a week.... something so rare that even i was amazed. Things is i am attracted to all of them and they are different, but they all sed yes to a date.

Now i am feeling guilty coz i didnt tell any of them that i had other dates lined up. I feel like i am being sneaky.

Is it morallyaccepted to go out with many people at the same time while you choose and do you have to tell. I have a feeling if you tell you lose all of them?

And if i drop off the other 2 and choose one what if it doesnt work out? and i have landed in the dreaded friend zone with the other 2?

No one like being second choice... let alone third??

So what do you guys think.........?



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I think as long as these girls know that you aren't "official", its ok to see other people. If you just met these girls, its normal to just get to know them for the first couple of dates. If they know that your just getting to know them right now & aren't really looking for anything serious at the moment, then I think its ok. Tell them that you are just looking to meet new people right now & maybe something might come of it. Just don't lead any of them on until you make up your mind.

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In my opinion you dont know what u want or your not sure what u want so your out looking which is fine but dont go overboard cause any of them 3 may not work so your in a tough situation your not cheating cause your not together so have fun but dont mess with there minds to where they all 3 think u want more then just a date go by the dates you will be able to see if any of them are worth taking a step more or just hanging out just dont play mind games good luck

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yes, just be clear that it's about 'meeting people and getting to know them' sort of dates. And make sure you know what they think it is. Once you decide to make a move into proper courting, you will have to make the choice. Just be upfront right from the start so everyone knows where they stand, and there aren't any hurt feelings from the other two once a choice is made.

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