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I hope none of you remember me. Hopefully everyone who was here when I was posting has moved on.


2yr ago my "walk away wife" left me without a single warning. I was very devistated. I don't know to this day what caused this......but that is now all in the past. We didn't have any children...so there were not really any ties that needed to be maintained.


2yrs on....the divorce was final a couple of months ago. I brought out her portion of our house that we had spend many years renovating. I've been dating a wonderful woman for the past 9mths and live is good once more.


Life dosn't stop when crises come along. We need to work our way through the trauma......get back on our feet once again and hold our heads high. Things will work out for the best in the end...even if it looks impossible at the time.

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Of course I remember you. Is that bad? We landed here about the same time if I remember correctly.

Nice to hear you are doing good. My story is close to the same. I bought out her half of the house and the divorce is nealry over after 2 years. I have one great little boy though.


Learning to accept things when the Walk Away Wife drops the bomb is something we all need to do to move on and live a happy life.

Unfortunately there have been a great many new members to the club these last 2 years. I try and help all I can as well as the others here.


Best wishes


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