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What's it mean when girlfriend is not in the mood?


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It depends on how often she's saying it and when. Is it after you two have fought or after she's been working all day. Guys want sex all the time no matter what. Women aren't like that. If we're tired, we don't want sex. Or maybe something is on her mind. I know it's hard for me sometimes to be as into touching and things with my bf when I just got done paying my bills and have no money left. A little more info would be helpful here. Could you elaborate more on the problem?

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There can be a number of reasons she's not in the mood. And yes, Iv'e felt that way many times. No, It's not likely you. But if she's upset with you, that may be one reason. It's hard to know with such little information. It's pretty normak though. I wouldn't worry too much.

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If your sex life is otherwise regular and satisfying, there's no reason to think it's you.


I am not in the mood if I'm very tired, sad, upset (particularly if I'm upset with my boyfriend), stressed out, on a tight schedule and don't have time for it, or if I feel sick. And then some days there doesn't have to be a reason, but I might not feel like it, or we've had sex very recently or something.


So there are many reasons why it could happen, and I don't think any of them are cause for concern unless your girlfriend no longer wants to have sex with you in general, and for long stretches of time.


I guess perhaps people with very high sex drives are never not in the mood ... I don't know. Even my favorite food I don't always want to eat - I love chocolate, but I'll turn down chocolate for a number of reasons, including that it's just not what I want right then. Same with sex sometimes - just don't feel like it.

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Women are emotional critters in general.

stress level, concerns with friends/career/family, weight problem, lack of sleep,

PMS, tiny issues, anything can be a factor.


I personally have to be in the mood to have sex, meaning I'm in a good mood, no stress,

weekend, no weight problem etc!

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I just thought of this too, if you're gf is a shy person, she may have her period and just doesn't want to say that, or like another person in here said, she may have PMS. During PMS, certain places get tender or even sore and it may hurt to have sex. She wouldn't want that but may not want to say it since that's a very personal issue. I don't tell my bf when I have that going on. I just say my stomach hurts if he notices that I don't feel good. Ha ha, he must think I have some major stomach issues!

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