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-To Blow, or Not to Blow-

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Well, for the first time I *kinda* gave my boyfriend a blow job. Okay, not really. I was giving him a hand job and I went down there, put it in my mouth and played around with it in my mouth for a few minutes. This was the first time I did that- and the first time anyone's put his pen!s in their mouth.... lol


Anyway, to get to the point- He didnt orgasm mainly because I wasnt doing enough for him to, and since it was just my first time, I just wanted to explore, and get used to it. And he had to get used to the feeling too. I could tell in his breathing that he really liked what I was doing, but I just wanted to know if anyone had some tecniques?!


Oh- and girls, for the first time you gave ur bf head, did u let him orgasm? My boyfriend's precum tastes minorly salty.... (kinda like if u lick ur lips right after u ate popcorn) and I just didn't know what to expect. Taste really isn't a factor for me either- I'm not a picky eater, and I'm willing to try anything!


And another thing- I am completely and 100% comfortable with my boyfriend in every aspect possible- we talk and share about everything. It's amazing.... But is it weird that today I didn't want him to watch me when I played around with his pen*s in my mouth? I mean, i know its a big visual thing for guys, and I know that in the future I'll let him watch, but is it weird that i didnt want him to watch me for the first time???


Sorry if this is confusing, or graphic!! Any help/replies would be appreciated!!!

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most of the techniques will eb written out within different posts so i guess you could find some throughout those, i know i writ some but its a little tedious to rewrite, i dont think taste is that much of element i think its consistancy thats different, you will really have to try it out, practice is something that will come to better you as you said that this was the first lad you had gone down on, but never blow, just please stick this one in, you DONT blow.


and its not odd that you didnt want himt o watch you, for you this was something new and probably you wanted to test different aspects out so him watching wouldnt been a peak of him pleasure but more you trialing different methods, next time he should enjoy, but like i said, check out some other posts and it should help you out.



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  • 1 month later...

hey well i also very recently started doing sexual stuff with my bf. we love eachother alot and talked about it before and everything. the very first time i put his penis in my mouth, i probably just like licked it a LIL for like 20 secs lol. but i didnt give him any handjob or anything, but i gave him a full blow the other day. like for a bout 7-8 mins. i could tell he liked it as well, but he didnt come. it seems like most guys dont come during JUST oral, especially the first time because i think it takes practice. about pre cum, i tasted it and i was like wat is that in my head lol. and that kinda actually freaked me out at first, but i think i didnt actually SUCK enough. like i took his penis into my mouth completely a couple times, but i barely PULLED/SUCKED so i dont know if thats why it wasnt enough. but i hear many times the main thing is that the guy feels that you want to do it. i actually asked my bf later about it and he said "it felt good, but i could tell you were tired", and i was VERY tired when i stopped my jaw was killing me. but a big thing is to tease a bit, and do what feels natural. im still in the experimental zone, i mean i did it once with him now hes on vacation so i dont know when we'll actually be in a place where we can. but dont worry, just a little teasing, tip licking, and sucking because i think that was my mistake lol.

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Ok, Im going to give you a guys point of view. I actually had the best BG of my life a few days ago. I'm not really into them anyways, yeah, it feels good and all, but it doesnt make me cum. Of course, It can if done long enough.


Licking is the best. NEVER give him a hand job. Why would you girls think a guy wants that, we can do that ourselves? lol My old GF used to do that and I was always like, are you done yet? It actually got annoying.


There's a secret I learned though. If you caress the nutts while you do it, it makes it 100% better, also, when its in your mouth, use one hand to guide it, makes it feel like you are putting the whole thing in your mouth. On the caressing thing, it also makes normal sex last twice as long because it calms the guy down, but feels wonderfull at the same time.


Sorry I got graphic, but you asked?? Hope that helps..

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well guys are going to like different things so try and see what he responds best to. It is especially important to find out where you guy is most sensitive for some it could be underneath the head or farther down on the shaft. A good place to learn how to give a bj is link removed

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