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I am currently in Community College. I think it's my third week in (Started on Jan 11th, may be fourth week) and I don't wanna do it anymore. I have no gf...still a virgin...live at home....no job, no car, no license, only have a permit...I feel hopeless. It's like in high school. I just slept and thought about girls or day dreamed about girls for most part. Only my senior year my head was at school, and I could only muster a decent C that year (9th-11th got D's). Right now my head isn't in school. I feel like the workload and feeling hopeless about life is gonna take it's toll on me soon.




P.S. Yes, the books are boring I have to read....which doesn't help.

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What are you taking in school? Is it something that your not interested in? Believe me I've been in college and university for almost 8 years now and I am going through hell with all these stupid assignments, not to mention that they are insanely boring... but I just keep reminding myself that its worth it, in the end it will better my future!

And about no job-no licence-no car? How come your not looking for a job? Once you have a job maybe someone you work with will interest you, then you could afford to get a car!

Think positive, it will help you through all your worries!

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What is it that's causing you to feel such grief about life? Obviously this has been going on for sometime.


I dunno. I am lonely and don't feel good about my life?


What are you taking in school? Is it something that your not interested in? Believe me I've been in college and university for almost 8 years now and I am going through hell with all these stupid assignments, not to mention that they are insanely boring... but I just keep reminding myself that its worth it, in the end it will better my future!

And about no job-no licence-no car? How come your not looking for a job? Once you have a job maybe someone you work with will interest you, then you could afford to get a car!

Think positive, it will help you through all your worries!


Right now...


Basic Math Skills, Western Civilization 1, and Intro to Sociology. Only Western Civilization is longer than 8 weeks. It is Jan 11th to like May 10th. In early March I finish Basic Math and Sociology and take another math and public speaking. I wanna go into film at UNC-W. Was...gonna go to LA Film school...but couldn't get the money and had to drop out.


I worked at Walmart for nearly 2 years before quitting for a stupid reason. Been outta work since last May. Course, I was trying to go to LA Film School afterwards...then the economy...I feel hopeless.


I may just try Army Reserve or Marine Reserve, but I doubt I could handle it mentally.

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Does your college offer anything fun and quirky you'd dig? One of my friends is as happy as can be in community college because she's only taking the history of music and a sculture class. She's in the same situation with the economy and all. I'd say, make the best of it. Don't opt out for less! Design your life in a way you can enjoy it!

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Hey you've just started going back to school(so have I last thursday) so think of it as another year to get to meet new and interesting people. Perhaps you can try something new. Ever thought of study abroad? It can be a great experience. How about joining a club at your school? Or maybe starting your own if you can. Looking for a new job in your school? It has only just began so don't give up

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Hey you've just started going back to school(so have I last thursday) so think of it as another year to get to meet new and interesting people. Perhaps you can try something new. Ever thought of study abroad? It can be a great experience. How about joining a club at your school? Or maybe starting your own if you can. Looking for a new job in your school? It has only just began so don't give up


Study overseas? If I couldn't get money to go to LA Film School....how exactly will I be able to go overseas and study? My H.S GPA for one doesn't do me much good. Only a 1.6.

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Dude, best advice I could give you is to give you an example:


If you see a fat man lamenting that he is fat, and then he constantly is eating double bacon cheeseburgers because he is sad that he is fat and food makes him feel better for a moment, what parallel could you draw about your own life?


If you put no effort in, nothing gets better. Nothing is going to magically change or get better. You have the be the driving force in your life and you need to make things happen.


The difference between success and failure is determination and drive. The difference between success and apathy is actually giving a s**t about yourself for real.

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