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Ok im going to try to act reasonable about all this, because this guy I know theres alot of them out there and its the point of u cant do anything about it, they will always be that way. Ok. Well a few Days ago I met 2 guys. There names are Mike and Eric. Mike and I got very close in just one day. He tryed to kiss me but I wouldnt kiss him. He got mad but hey who cares? I mean with all the Diseases out there...im takin no chances. We hugged and stuff though, then Eric got really close with my best friend Melisa. But Melisa knew both of them almost 2 years. Eric always liked her. Mike was so into tryin to get me to do stuff with him, it was quite funny. When Melisa and I left she told me when I saw Mike again not to touch him, she told me he was a playa and will end up hurtin me bad, thats just the way he is. I didnt take it to heart, I didnt care to be honest. So the nect day we saw them again, and did I listen and not touch him? Of course not I had to be a stupid idiot! We rode around a bit and he took my arms and put them round him. We ended up makin out and I ended up doing other stuff 2 him. My feelings that day were so strong. But I hid them from Melisa and told her if he ends up hurtin me o well ya know? Ok well last night Melisa called Eric. She asked where mike was and he said out on a date with a girl. I couldnt breathe my heart flew out of my chest, I hated the feelin..... I felt lonely. Not only That I felt dirty, like I needed to scrub myself clean from touchin him. And Not only that I felt confused it wasnt like I wasnt warned about Mike and how he was I knew, it was the fact of I didnt think it was gonna happen so soon. I was hurt, I guess u can say. and I still am. Well when Melisa told me that, I sat down and tears came rollin down my eyes, I couldnt let her see me like that so i ran into the bathroom. She knew I was cryin. Also we were doin all this stuff at the playground by my house, and now everythime I pass the playground I break down. How can guys hurt girls like that? Dont they know how it feels, to have your heart ripped out? Or is it they just dont care, same with girls....Girls play with guys too.....I know cuz I use to do it, I stopped cuz I know how it feels. Please it u have a gf/bf be true to them if you cheat thats a stupid move. U dont know wut u have til u lose it. Ok well I could seriously careless if I never see Mike again, but i will see him again. How should I act do and say? Thanks alot....

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hey sugar, i know just how you feel ... my advice is, if it goes fast, then it's no good ... PERIOD! Players ALWAYS want to go fast, and the end result is ur heart being shredded ... if a guy has no self control, and is all over you, like this Mike guy, he's no good, steer clear ... you gotta guard ur heart ... always go with your gut, IF you thinks he's a player, most likely he IS ... as to why some guys do this kind of thing, it's because they have no self esteem, no control, and are small minded perverts ...



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i'm sorry to hear about what happened. i know what it feels like. some guys can be jerks. if you see him again, don't do anything with him. he will probably try to make you & i'm sure you want to, & he will probably tell you that he likes you & all that stuff, but don't fall for it. he's the kind of guy who only wants one thing. players have this interesting way about them. some girls go for the players for some reason. it makes no sense to me. they fall into their trap & the player makes them think he will change, but he won't. he will just continue hurting you. i had something similar happen to me. i thought he totally liked me & then i found out that he messed around with some other girl. that really hurt me. i was stupid though because the next day he started telling me how much he liked me & how beautiful he thought i was & i thought then that he must want to change his player ways, so i made out with him again.. guess what happened, he ended up hurting me the same exact way. don't fall for this guys trap. its so easy to fall for that kind of thing, but trust me, if he does it once, nothing will stop him from doing it again. so please, for your sake, do not let him take advantage of you anymore. don't let him sweet talk his way in or anything. if you think that you will have a hard time controlling what you do with him, maybe it would be best to try to avoid hanging out with him.

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