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Is ex trying to buy my friendship


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I don't know whether I should post this in healing or getting back together. I read them both and my thoughts and feelings of the day depend on just that. The day. At the moment I suspect I'm a bit numb so I'll just post it here.


The title was just to grab your attention as I don't know why they sent me a parcel. It was full off books which I'd like and a selection of bookmarks which they also know I like. They run a second hand bookshop so obviously seeing books I might like and sending them isn't out of the ordinary. But the postage cost of $48 is a bit much.(oi rabbitrabbits stop reading into it) And the hand written message of I think of you every single day. I miss you. With never ending regret.......


Now obviously regrets are just that and nothing without action so I'm not reading into this. However I am curious so I suspect before too long I will probably start to read into it


Anyway they've probably just had some books they thought I might like and sent them too me. It's just it's been over 3 months since the breakup and 70days NC.


I don't know why I'm posting here but I'd just like thoughts and feelings. I'm thinking of breaking NC to send a email saying thank you, a short paragraph of interesting things on how my life is going and then sending it.


I'm sitting on the email for a little while but my current feeling is to send it. What are yours?

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