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Almost walked out on temp job last night...

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I know I've posted a lot of threads lately. You guys are probably all tired of me by now.


I've had this temp job since September. I took it because I wanted to save money to go back home next summer. Since I lost my full time job, this has been my only income.


Last night at the end of my shift my boss chewed me out. Apparently I haven't done much of anything right for most of my time there... I had no idea he felt this way.


I have two weeks left working for this guy. I don't even want to go to work tonight. But I know I have to. How do I even go to work and deal with this guy knowing he's so pissed off at me?

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Last night at the end of my shift my boss chewed me out. Apparently I haven't done much of anything right for most of my time there... I had no idea he felt this way.


He sounds like a real jerk. Most bosses will at least give you some kind of feedback or warning.




I have two weeks left working for this guy. I don't even want to go to work tonight. But I know I have to. How do I even go to work and deal with this guy knowing he's so pissed off at me?


I know it seems almost unnatural after what happened, but my advice would be to "kill him with kindness", and just go about your job as best as you can. Hopefully the 2 weeks will go by fast.

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^ And some of the stuff he's mad at me about is stuff I have no control over. Like, he's pissed off because his customers supposedly can't understand me on the phone. Well, he knew what I sounded like when he hired me.


And apparently he expects me to be a mind reader. Last week he asked me to do something on his computer, which I did, then last night when he was going off on me he told me he shouldn't have had to ask, I should have just done it. Well, the way I see it, his computer is his computer, that's his work area. Who the hell is going to just sit down and start messing with their boss's computer?


He told me he should have known better then to hire a guy. He says he's never once hired a guy to work for him the whole time he's owned this business. He also told me I would have had a permanent job with him if I would have done better. And then he told me if I know any women looking for a job to give them his number.


He's also mad because his customers aren't showing up for appointments. Maybe I am missing something, but I don't see how that's my fault. Does he expect me to go to their houses and physically drag them to his office?

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LMAO, reading that made me wonder if you're a phone sex operator.


Screw him. Does the temp agency have anything else available? Give them a call.




I didn't get this job through a temp agency. I responded to his ad on Craigslist. But, the temp agency I am registered with doesn't have anything. They have openings all the time for factory jobs. I've told them I am more then happy to work a factory job, but they won't place me in a factory because they say I am over qualified.

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And some of the stuff he's mad at me about is stuff I have no control over. Like, he's pissed off because his customers supposedly can't understand me on the phone. Well, he knew what I sounded like when he hired me.



He told me he should have known better then to hire a guy. He says he's never once hired a guy to work for him the whole time he's owned this business. He also told me I would have had a permanent job with him if I would have done better. And then he told me if I know any women looking for a job to give them his number.


^Oh geeze- that's blatant discrimination at its WORST.


At the end of your 2 weeks, if he mentions anything about the "permanent job" he would have offered you- you should say thanks but you would not have taken it anyway. If you temp agency asks you to rate him (some agencies do that) make sure you let them know about his tendency to go off the deep end and his statements about not wanting to hire men or people with accents.

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I haven't checked into this, but someone told me he's a convicted sex offender.


Cool! Now you can claim he touched your wee-wee.


Is this an hourly rate or a contracted salary job? Some contracted jobs will sue for breach of contract if you quit... Then again, you can claim he inappropriately touched your studly self.

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^Oh geeze- that's blatant discrimination at its WORST.


At the end of your 2 weeks, if he mentions anything about the "permanent job" he would have offered you- you should say thanks but you would not have taken it anyway. If you temp agency asks you to rate him (some agencies do that) make sure you let them know about his tendency to go off the deep end and his statements about not wanting to hire men or people with accents.


I would love to be able to rate him... But I got this job through an ad on Craigslist. The temp agency I am registered is about worthless so far.

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Cool! Now you can claim he touched your wee-wee.


Is this an hourly rate or a contracted salary job? Some contracted jobs will sue for breach of contract if you quit... Then again, you can claim he inappropriately touched your studly self.


Thank you so much. Seriously, I laughed my ass off just now when I read this.


It's funny... I've wondered if he might be gay. (Not saying there's anything wrong with that, I have no problem with gay people, just so everyone is clear.)


But he get's his hair highlighted. He goes tanning. He gets his nails done. Then he comes into work and talks about that with me as if I am interested.


If not gay, then he's at least very metrosexual.


Oh, and it's hourly, to answer your question. He actually pays me really well. I am currently his only employee, so I guess he can afford to pay me well.

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Maybe he's a sexual double agent? I can't imagine going into work everyday to find some gourgeous Scandinavian long haired blond sitting accross me... (Heck! I'm getting turned on just writting this post); anyways, you never know the affect your Fabio self has on this girly man. This could explain why he's agressively pushing you away.

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I haven't checked into this, but someone told me he's a convicted sex offender.


Employers commonly conduct background checks on potential employees. I wish it was more common for the reverse to occur. I certainly would never stay working for a convicted sex offender, even if he/she was a fair boss. At any rate, since you only have 2 weeks left it's not work looking into.

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Employers commonly conduct background checks on potential employees. I wish it was more common for the reverse to occur. I certainly would never stay working for a convicted sex offender, even if he/she was a fair boss. At any rate, since you only have 2 weeks left it's not work looking into.


I am not going to bother digging up anything on him. The person who told me that wasn't a reliable source anyway.


As for why I commented on that here... Up until last night he's never given me any reason not to like him as a boss. I heard he was a sex offender, but I didn't really care because I didn't want to know about his personal life. But last night after he talked to me that way, I was thinking, maybe he really is a nasty person after all.


My biggest problem with this situation is I feel like I can't do anything right. I know it shouldn't affect me this way, but it is. He pointed out last night that anyone who can read and write can do my job, it's not rocket science. And sadly, he's right. But, somehow I managed to screw it up.

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Is this current boss the same person you were talking about here?





If so....


My biggest problem with this situation is I feel like I can't do anything right. I know it shouldn't affect me this way, but it is. He pointed out last night that anyone who can read and write can do my job, it's not rocket science. And sadly, he's right. But, somehow I managed to screw it up.


He had a HORRIBLE track record already with his employees, why blame yourself for it not working out?

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