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Almost walked out on temp job last night...

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Are you a receptionist for a business? That's what it sounds like. My morning job is that. I speak perfect English without an accent, I was born in the U.S., but I sometimes get complaints that people can't understand me, and I hear about it! Remember, to your boss, the customer is always right. As far as being a mind reader, that's part of my job, too. I've gotten pretty good at it, too! It just takes time.

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Are you a receptionist for a business? That's what it sounds like. My morning job is that. I speak perfect English without an accent, I was born in the U.S., but I sometimes get complaints that people can't understand me, and I hear about it! Remember, to your boss, the customer is always right. As far as being a mind reader, that's part of my job, too. I've gotten pretty good at it, too! It just takes time.

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Screw'em Helly! Either just forget that you are supposed to go to work for the next two weeks. If he calls you, tell him that you were just too stupid to remember that you had a job, sorry, and hang up on him.




My favorite option is the recommendation of FO. Claim that he touched you inappropriately and that you want a full on severance package worth...wait for it (said in Austin Powers bad guy voice) "one million dollars".

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Screw'em Helly! Either just forget that you are supposed to go to work for the next two weeks. If he calls you, tell him that you were just too stupid to remember that you had a job, sorry, and hang up on him.




My favorite option is the recommendation of FO. Claim that he touched you inappropriately and that you want a full on severance package worth...wait for it (said in Austin Powers bad guy voice) "one million dollars".

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Are you a receptionist for a business? That's what it sounds like. My morning job is that. I speak perfect English without an accent, I was born in the U.S., but I sometimes get complaints that people can't understand me, and I hear about it! Remember, to your boss, the customer is always right. As far as being a mind reader, that's part of my job, too. I've gotten pretty good at it, too! It just takes time.


Well, I was hired exclusively to do computer stuff for him. But then his assistant quit (and, amusingly enough she robbed him after she quit, that's a long story.) So, instead of hiring a new assistant, he gave me a raise and put me in charge of doing both.

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Are you a receptionist for a business? That's what it sounds like. My morning job is that. I speak perfect English without an accent, I was born in the U.S., but I sometimes get complaints that people can't understand me, and I hear about it! Remember, to your boss, the customer is always right. As far as being a mind reader, that's part of my job, too. I've gotten pretty good at it, too! It just takes time.


Well, I was hired exclusively to do computer stuff for him. But then his assistant quit (and, amusingly enough she robbed him after she quit, that's a long story.) So, instead of hiring a new assistant, he gave me a raise and put me in charge of doing both.

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Screw'em Helly! Either just forget that you are supposed to go to work for the next two weeks. If he calls you, tell him that you were just too stupid to remember that you had a job, sorry, and hang up on him.




My favorite option is the recommendation of FO. Claim that he touched you inappropriately and that you want a full on severance package worth...wait for it (said in Austin Powers bad guy voice) "one million dollars".


Lol... tell him I am too stupid to remember I had to work, and make sure I thicken my accent up really nice for him so it's almost hard to tell I am even speaking English at all.


Or I could wait until the cleaning lady is right outside the door where she can hear me, but not see me or him, and say, really loudly "No! Don't touch me there!"

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Screw'em Helly! Either just forget that you are supposed to go to work for the next two weeks. If he calls you, tell him that you were just too stupid to remember that you had a job, sorry, and hang up on him.




My favorite option is the recommendation of FO. Claim that he touched you inappropriately and that you want a full on severance package worth...wait for it (said in Austin Powers bad guy voice) "one million dollars".


Lol... tell him I am too stupid to remember I had to work, and make sure I thicken my accent up really nice for him so it's almost hard to tell I am even speaking English at all.


Or I could wait until the cleaning lady is right outside the door where she can hear me, but not see me or him, and say, really loudly "No! Don't touch me there!"

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Lol... tell him I am too stupid to remember I had to work, and make sure I thicken my accent up really nice for him so it's almost hard to tell I am even speaking English at all.


Or I could wait until the cleaning lady is right outside the door where she can hear me, but not see me or him, and say, really loudly "No! Don't touch me there!"


hahahahahahah that's hilarious. Then when he starts talking acting like you can't hear him. "Bueno? Bueno?"

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Lol... tell him I am too stupid to remember I had to work, and make sure I thicken my accent up really nice for him so it's almost hard to tell I am even speaking English at all.


Or I could wait until the cleaning lady is right outside the door where she can hear me, but not see me or him, and say, really loudly "No! Don't touch me there!"


hahahahahahah that's hilarious. Then when he starts talking acting like you can't hear him. "Bueno? Bueno?"

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Lol... tell him I am too stupid to remember I had to work, and make sure I thicken my accent up really nice for him so it's almost hard to tell I am even speaking English at all.


Or I could wait until the cleaning lady is right outside the door where she can hear me, but not see me or him, and say, really loudly "No! Don't touch me there!"


Lol..they all sound like great ideas!! You gotta do at least one of them!


On another more serious note...ahem....I didnt realize you were a long haired, blonde, buff, studly, seriously hot, fabio look alike. Trust me, my mental of you just changed...alot.

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Lol... tell him I am too stupid to remember I had to work, and make sure I thicken my accent up really nice for him so it's almost hard to tell I am even speaking English at all.


Or I could wait until the cleaning lady is right outside the door where she can hear me, but not see me or him, and say, really loudly "No! Don't touch me there!"


Lol..they all sound like great ideas!! You gotta do at least one of them!


On another more serious note...ahem....I didnt realize you were a long haired, blonde, buff, studly, seriously hot, fabio look alike. Trust me, my mental of you just changed...alot.

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I thought I would just let everyone know how work went tonight.


I walked in, my boss immediately turned around and asked me how I was doing. I told him fine. Then he said he was worried I wouldn't even come in tonight. I told him I was thinking of not coming in. He told me he was glad I decided to come to work. Then he proceeded to rattle off a whole list of reasons why he acted the way he acted last night.


He had a whole bunch of appointments cancel on him yesterday (probably because of the weather, that's my guess anyway.) He also said he was pissed off at the lady who cleans the office... he didn't tell me why. Then he told me he's Bipolar and out of medication.


For the rest of the night he acted more friendly then usual. He kept asking me how it was going and every time he walked by my desk he would pound his fist on it. I don't know what that was about, he's never done that before.


Bottom line is, I think he felt bad about going off on me like he did. But I still don't think there was any excuse for it, bad day or not.

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I had a boss that I admired do that to me once. He went off on me radically in front of a group of my coworkers. Talk about shocked. I had worked for him for years and he had never done something like that before. I just continued on in my work, I was in my twenties and knew these kind of things happened from time to time, and about fifteen minutes later he came back and apologized to me in front of everyone. That took a big man to do that, he is fairly famous in his field, okay, he's VERY famous in his field, and he stopped to realize he had made a mistake and was man enough to admit it. I worked for him for several years after that and we always had a good relationship. I would give your boss the benefit of the doubt. Everyone has a bad day once in awhile.

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I'm glad it went well.....I still think your boss is seriously weird though.


He kept asking me how it was going and every time he walked by my desk he would pound his fist on it


That is just really strange behavior overall.


It sounds like he did feel bad- but the true test will be whether he ever acts like that again during the remaining time that you are there.

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You know what, I didn't even think about that until now. I guess he could have been a lot meaner.


Hopefully he only ran out and didn't completely go off the pills. Sometimes my son has run into problems with having to get a doctor's "prior authorization" before insurance will pay the cost, and he has gone a few days without something. Last time it was his Lunesta, OMG!

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