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Guys, if you really liked a girl


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i wouldn't think so. my ex drove 2 hours to see me everyweek, then 2 hours back.. which makes it 4 hours in total. but we knew it wasn't going to be like that all the time. the living situation would change... maybe he just doesn't see a future for various reasons, one of them being 45 min... but that's not that long.

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I'm not a guy, but I can speak for my guy. He drives about a little over an hour to see me on the weekends. He hasn't once complained. It really depends on your connection with her. If it is the most amazing connection ever, then you should consider going for it and eventually arriving at a compromise on taking turns driving out. If you find gas prices being more important and a reason for not going for it, then the connection was probably not as strong as you thought it was.

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I was exactly in the same situation your asking. Had a girlfriend, lived 45 minutes away (college) After 3 months, I couldn't take 45 minutes! A lot of other guys are different though


Yea I think to each his own on this one.


This was a situation I was in a while ago with a guy I was seeing, who always claimed to be busy with work (which I didn't buy), in the end when I broke it off with him, he used the distance between us as one of the excuses as to why we didn't see each other that often.


I was just wondering.

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