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How can you wait until after marriage for sex?


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I can choose historical context... more often than not, women are the seducers... and it's based on their sexuality, and a man's lackluster self-control of his own eyes among other things. Make no mistake, each sex has their own part in the downfall.


I see in the historical context, and current context... issues come from lack of self control, not the opposite. These again are opposite viewpoints, but I still say look at history... I see many more issues from nations, peoples, and countries through-out history becoming too greedy in war/food/money, having no self control, indulging in everything as if every breath is possibly their last, and then they are destroyed as a people when they were nowhere near death. This is way off topic... though I think you should do some more research. You may reply to this if you wish, I'm not going to take this any further off topic though by replying back.

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'Taking the car for a test drive' seems like an overrated idea to me.

I do understand people saying that they would like to have an idea of physical compatibility, but i think that it is placed too high on the priority list at times.

I definitely don't mean to say that it's unimportant, though. It's just that i get this impression that people are putting too much weight on the 'testing'.


I'm still a bit undecided on how i really feel about waiting until marriage, but i don't see it as a negative thing, and i don't liken it to walking into a completely dark room, so to speak, and not knowing anything about your partner. I guess those are my thoughts on it right now.

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I don't understand this either and probably never will. IMO sex is when you share something intimate with your partner and is important in a relationship. I feel that if I'm denied one component in the relationship then there's no way I can relate to him so no I would not wait (and did not waited either).


In addition, I feel it's hypocritical how in some society (as well as in the past) the woman is expected to be virginal before marriage while the man is highly experienced. If they're going to impose such a ridiculous law, then it should be applied for both the man and woman... It also doesn't make sense how some parents teach about solely abstinence to women (those traditional family) but yet they would teach their boys something different...

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I have to publicly say, I am impressed with this response. Firiel clearly is making a decision SHE wants to make, based on her beliefs. Which IMO, is the only way it should be.


It's all a crap shoot anyhow. You could marry someone who'se been rockin your socks off for the last 3 years, & she could suddenly develop a case of libido amnesia (aka Bait & Switch), you could have a great sex life until kids, until 40, until 80...or your partner could suffer an accident that renders them impotent at 29...Then what? People are also forgetting here that their own sex drive, tastes & interests will grow and change in intensity, waxing and waning at different times in your life.


So you have to do what you feel is right for you, and find a partner who shares in those beliefs, whatever they may be, and keep the lines of communication open.


The only right way, is the one that works for you as a couple.

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