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Hit rock bottom...again???

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I didnt think it was possible to get any lower then what I was feeling. I guess deep down I was still hoping that my ex would come back to me after a few weeks of being apart. She removed me from facebook today, and told me she did it because she says i wont be able to move on if Im still looking at her pics etc. It is so hard to figure out how someone could go from being so in love, to just treating me like a stranger. This is all in the span of a couple weeks. She wouldnt even call me, cause she said she cant hear my voice. Im shaking right now...spinning in a circle....cant believe its actually over.

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Mark - As the say often here, you are not alone. Mine has behaved the same way. 100% in love with me to complete stranger in less than a week. Hang in there... it's going to be like this for a while. Up and down... Try not to fight the feelings - let them pass thru you - they go away quicker that way. Hang tight.

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