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I'm into him more than he's into me

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I've been dating this guy since Valentine's Day. We get along very well and have many things in common. We hang out whenever our busy lifestyles will allow, with school and work being factors. Keep in mind that I'm 22 about to graduate college and he's 19, just starting college. Anyways, lately it seems like I've been putting more effort into the relationship than he has and it's making me start to wonder if I am wasting my time or not. I've talked to him about this but his response was that we are both busy and not every moment can be spent with me, even though he thinks about me whenever we're not together. We have a great time whenever we are together and I couldn't be happier... so I don't know what the deal is.


Do you think I am making a big deal out of nothing or should I just take things slowly and play it by ear, so to speak? Please let me know. Thank you.

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It's hard to say what the deal is. He may not want to invest as much as you, or he may be a little intimidated and may not know what approach to take, or it could be that he loves you just as much as you love him but his priorities may be a little different than yours. Don't know if this will help I know its pretty vague but things will work out the way there supposed to even if you don't understand it. Good luck btw.

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  • 1 month later...

hey. well i know how difficult age differences are in relationships right now. im 16, my bf is 15, so i know first hand what dating a younger guy entails. first of all, the fact that you feel like you're giving more to the relationship is normal. he probably loves you just as much or maybe even more than you do. but he is intimidated, and his lifestyle may make it difficult for even other people to know about his relationship with you. i don't know all the details of your relationship but maybe contacting you isn't easy. a good idea would be to back off a little bit. im not saying DONT CALL, DONT EMAIL, but just do it less. i don't know about you, but i always feel as if im reassuring my bf about his position, because he is insecure about himself in regards to dating someone older. and although your age difference isn't much either, its enough to pose some major differences in lifestyles. honestly i wouldn't think about it too much. let things flow, im sure hes a gr8 bf and cares about you alot. don't let something as minual as a phone call get in the way

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