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Is this a mistake or just a male thing?

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At the beginning of the week like monday or tuesday, my bf said that this weekend on saturday we were going fishing and he was going to take me out to eat too. Now, I was really excited because we haven't had time to ourselves in probly a good month or so and he hardly ever suggests actual "dates". So last night i asked him what we were doing saturday to kind of confirm it and he said "I thought we were going fishing... did you have something else in mind?" Ok, yeah! But i didn't say anything till this morning. And we got in a big argument about it right before i had to go to work which didn't help at all. He said he didn't remember telling me that and then when he finally did, he said that he said that almost 3 weeks ago. This isn't the first time he's forgot things. I tell him all the time about stuff and then he forgets and says i didn't tell him and i know i did cause he eventually remembers. Another thing is that he's been kind of distant from me lately except when it comes to sex. He says he's still as affectionate as when we first started dating but it doesn't seem like it to me. I know it sounds like i'm bashing him, but he really is a good guy. We're a couple years apart in age, he's still in school, i'm out, and it just makes me wonder if it was a mistake sometimes to date him with the age difference, which i don't think totally matters except for the maturity level at times, or if his actions are just a male thing, no offense. I know he still loves me and cares, but it's just hard to deal with him sometimes. I think maybe i communicate with him the wrong way too. When he screws up i yell and get upset and he doesn't respond well to that but it's hard for me to calm down when something is bothering me, you know? So, any thoughts about this would be appreciated, thanks.

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I think it might be the case that he is just a forgetfull person altogether...and he doesnt mean to get on your nerves.Some people when they say they are going to do things in a couple of weeks time, just forget cause they have more immediate concers on their mind, he probally doesnt think about the future to much and when he promises stuff just forgets naturally...i would just remind him every couple of days by giving hints.


No its not good that you shout at him, he probally doesnt mean to be so forgetfull...but i can understand it is frustrating just try and remind him more often.i would say its just a male thing as i have read that males have a problem with times for some reason..anyway its just my view i hope you get more feedback.

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My boyfriend, even being older and more "responsible" has been guilty of this. Sometimes men are idiots, get used to it!! lol I joke!


(Although even men would agree that they are less intense!)


Actually, I have girlfriends who will tell you their boyfriends have been the same way more than once. A smaller amount will tell you that it's a frequent thing. At least he didn't just totally ditch you without calling, I have a close friend whose boyfriend does that every now and then, then says, "sorry I forgot".


If this was something that happened all the time, I would suggest that you mention it. You're still young and want to have some fun, go out, dates, have some romance and excitement! In your case, I would have to say that he's just a young guy, and probably really DID just forget. Just let him know that you still want to go out from time to time, and try to organize little nights for the two of you. Sorry guys but this has to be said - sometimes men have NO IDEA about what women want, even when we spell it out.


Just try to get something together for next weekend. Ask him which night he can book off or spend just with YOU and nobody else (make sure that you tell him oh-so-nicely that you love hanging out with other people too, but that there are times that you need it to be just the 2 of you!). Then go from there. Organize something and I am sure you'll have a great time!

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I do that too, and I'm a chick. But then again, I've been told I'm a man in a woman's body. Which gives me insight into the male mind without actually being male. It's not a non-caring thing, I know I try my damndest to remember things and such. But sometimes it just doesn't happen, and I feel stupid when I forget important things. But it's defenetly not a sign of non-caring.

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