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She won't text me back...


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I've been talking to this girl for a while. The only problem is that she NEVER ( I mean never) texts me back. When I see her in person I ask if she still wants to hang out, to which she says yes. I tell her to text me but she never does.


I've given her enough chances, so I'm inches away from just ignoring her completely. Whats with this texting thing?

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When I see her in person I ask if she still wants to hang out, to which she says yes.

She's probably really confused why you keep asking her if she wants to hang out, she says yes, and then you don't make specific plans for a date. I would be confused too, lol. She's already said yes. Ball is in your court now.

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Seriously? Why am I the only person that's just gonna put it out there and say she's probably not interested?


You're a young buck, so I'm assuming she's a youngin too. She may just not want to be rude or honest or whatever by telling you she has no interest in you, so she says she wants to hang out even though she has no intention of following through. Actions speak louder than words. She can sit there and say all she wants that she wants to hang out with you, but her actions tell a different story.


You can try calling her, but if she doesn't get back to you after calling her once, I'd next her. Sorry kid.

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Not sure where you got the impression that calling makes you look needy. That just sounds really strange to me...I can't imagine why a person would find that to be "needy." It's not like you'd be calling every five minutes. Anyway, I agree with the other poster who said there is a chance she's not interested. I generally would think that a person who likes you would not ignore you but would say "hey I don't like texting" or "my texting plan isn't very good" (or something that gets that message accross).

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