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Why do men withdraw?


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1. They like you a lot and are scared of that emotion


^^ This one always fascinates/intrigues me. I was always under the impression that if you like someone a lot, it makes you happy and you want to be with them more, but apparently it has the opposite effect (in some cases), and they run away instead. Can any male here explain what that's all about please? It confoooozes me!! lol.

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^^ This one always fascinates/intrigues me. I was always under the impression that if you like someone a lot, it makes you happy and you want to be with them more, but apparently it has the opposite effect (in some cases), and they run away instead. Can any male here explain what that's all about please? It confoooozes me!! lol.



Yep men are confusing, i will have to pick up venus/mars book to decode the warped mind that is called men.

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I assure you that all men are not "confusing and warped". Maybe it's the type of men that are attracted to you?


Withdrawing when you like someone isn't kind of warped?? Or lemme guess, you've never done that to a girl.


Btw if you are going to post negative hateful things don't bother. I'm not phased by your nasty little comments.


Ok duh, you're only 17.

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Withdrawing when you like someone isn't kind of warped?? Or lemme guess, you've never done that to a girl.


Btw if you are going to post negative hateful things don't bother. I'm not phased by your nasty little comments.


Ok duh, you're only 17.


I actually wasn't being mean. Maybe the problem lies with what you look for and how you see yourself instead of the world around you. I gave an alternate viewpoint that the problem may actually lie within.

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^^ This one always fascinates/intrigues me. I was always under the impression that if you like someone a lot, it makes you happy and you want to be with them more, but apparently it has the opposite effect (in some cases), and they run away instead. Can any male here explain what that's all about please? It confoooozes me!! lol.


I would say that's woman. Woman always say they want a caring man, they get one and hes too clingy! If he backs off he's distant and doesnt care enough. its rather funny actually, this applies to both males and females. People never seem happy with what they got, its either too much or not enough! Just cant win.


Personally i hear girls all the time saying they just want a nice man, a guy who speaks his mind about his feelings, cares. They get him and think there is something wrong with him, or ask if its normal for a bf to care soo much! you care too much your "clingy" There was a thread about recently, a lady asking if her bf was normal because he was vocal on his feelings, knew what he wanted and was genuine. I couldn't believe it! you just cant win!

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Yeah sorry, just a little touchy, i've been really hard on myself lately. I have been put in this situation quite a few times and started overcompensating because i was panicked by this withdrawal business. Maybe its normal, kinda why i posted this question so i can learn and understand what to do if i ever encounter it again.

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I would say that's woman. Woman always say they want a caring man, they get one and hes too clingy! If he backs off he's distant and doesnt care enough. its rather funny actually, this applies to both males and females. People never seem happy with what they got, its either too much or not enough! Just cant win.


Personally i hear girls all the time saying they just want a nice man, a guy who speaks his mind about his feelings, cares. They get him and think there is something wrong with him, or ask if its normal for a bf to care soo much! you care too much your "clingy" There was a thread about recently, a lady asking if her bf was normal because he was vocal on his feelings, knew what he wanted and was genuine. I couldn't believe it! you just cant win!


LOL its does appear damned if you do damned if you don't. Guess we need a little of both, clingy and distant at the same time

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The reasons why a man or a woman backs off at any time in a relationship are limitless. Conjecture will get you nowhere. Talking with him about how you're feeling and asking him if there's something bothering him he'd like to share with you may get you somewhere. Eventually if one or both people continue to back off the relationship evaporates.

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Withdrawing when you like someone isn't kind of warped?? Or lemme guess, you've never done that to a girl.


Btw if you are going to post negative hateful things don't bother. I'm not phased by your nasty little comments.


Ok duh, you're only 17.




I think you are over reacting to that post.... I didn't interpret it as hateful at all.... just saying

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Doing some research here, why after a few months into a relationship do men withdraw suddenly?


1) They are trying to regain control over their emotions?

2) They are not sure if you both click?

3) They are after the chase

4) They want to see what you will do?



#2 would be the only likely one out of these 4, I MO.

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For a simple explaination read Men/Mars and Women/Venus book. We don't withdrawl but more go into our make believe man cave to decompress from a day at the battle from work. We do not relax by sharing our day as women do to relax/vent on stressful stuff.


I agree with that. If it's for a few hours or even a day or 2 then there's nothing to woory about. It's actually best to give him that time and do your own thing in the meantime. If it's longer, I'd assume he's not interested enough and I wouldn't even ask him about it.

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hmmm well i think it has varying factors on behaviour and hormones and yes guys have them aswell its most to do with their life whats going on in it and the chemicals in their body and what its doing at the time.

women do this aswell as guys its not just a one sex thing,i think its to do with the testosterone levels being to high also.or maybe he is loosing trust or has doubt and has shyed away from being so open because of fear of it coming back and biting him/her in the arse at a later date,maybe they are having a hard time and dont want to bother you with their rubbish time or maybe they are lacking confidence in them selves and feel like poo.it can be many many things.

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I would say that's woman. Woman always say they want a caring man, they get one and hes too clingy! If he backs off he's distant and doesnt care enough. its rather funny actually, this applies to both males and females. People never seem happy with what they got, its either too much or not enough! Just cant win.


Personally i hear girls all the time saying they just want a nice man, a guy who speaks his mind about his feelings, cares. They get him and think there is something wrong with him, or ask if its normal for a bf to care soo much! you care too much your "clingy" There was a thread about recently, a lady asking if her bf was normal because he was vocal on his feelings, knew what he wanted and was genuine. I couldn't believe it! you just cant win!


Josh you hit the nail on the cranium...


Bottom line it's a lose - lose situation for most part. You almost have to resort to game playing if you want to deal with this stuff, bah! I am done with relationships, I am going solo from now on. It's just going to be me and my dog (soon to get) (hope he doesn't fart, my last dog killed me with that)

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Josh you hit the nail on the cranium...


Bottom line it's a lose - lose situation for most part. You almost have to resort to game playing if you want to deal with this stuff, bah! I am done with relationships, I am going solo from now on. It's just going to be me and my dog (soon to get) (hope he doesn't fart, my last dog killed me with that)


Or, you could go for women who don't play those games. But men tend to lose interest in them. The women that Joshb describes pose a much greater challenge, I suppose.

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I often withdraw when;


1. Theres something on my mind that I find difficult to talk to my partner/girl I like about.

2. Im upset / unhappy.

3. Im stressed.

4. Im tired.


...but this is only for, like, and afternoon or something, not a couple of days.


I dont think men withdraw because of the relationship. Its just what we need to do to unwind or get our heads back in check.

Women like to talk about their day if it was stressful. Men like to sit infront of the TV and forget about it

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