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Been reading the pain and suffering here which I was feeling deep just a few days ago. I still feel it. I just wanted to say that I think a lot of us, maybe everyone refuses at some time to accept that others are just as lovable -maybe more- than ourselves. My gf just left me for another man, and it's tough. That's natural. A person I loved has rejected me completely after years of love and devotion and is now in the arms of another man experiencing complete bliss and ecstasy, the way it was when we first met. Incredible, harsh, ugly and beautiful at the same time. Its the beauty of their love that terrifies me the most. They are perfect for each other. Maybe I knew all along that we weren't a perfect match. Now she has found hers and I wander looking for mine. I think only love can heal a wound this deep. But I am determined first to fall in love with myself first before I let another into my heart.

Bye for now

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Dear Cabernet,


wow, I'm deeply touched by your comments. You show a very mature and adult attitude - a proof that you are a good and lovable person, sure enough that somebody will see that very soon and you'll find that love again.

I'm recovering from a heart break like probably all the others here. Everybody has their own story to tell, but we've all experienced love.But even when it seems that we've found that personal fairy tale, in no time it can be over for reasons that are not up to us. We can't force anybody to fall in love with us and love us forever, and we can't often prevent them from falling in love with somebody else. Such is life.

When somebody dumps you for another, you feel such a pain that only very few people can honestly be so not selfish but happy for these 2 other people for having found love. Why shouldn't their love be beautiful like yours was? It's not our priviledge.

I guess the lesson to learn here is that we should fully enjoy love while it lasts, because we'll never know when it can be over. And once it is over, we should smile because it happened and not cry because it's over.

I know this is more easily said than done...I'm fighting really hard myself against becoming a cynical eternal single person, because all my stories seem to end too fast...


But anyways. I really appreciate what you wrote. Gotta keep on believing that we'll find love again, TOO.


Take care,


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