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OKay guys... My ex bf and i have had this weird relationship for the past 8 mos or so, seeing each other once a week, and ending up sleeping together and fooling around..we go to college together. He imed me almost every day and we'd talk for a while..

Last week i spill my feelings about things to him, and he listens looking sweet as ever. He wanted to see me that night, we hung out..slept together. Things seemed to be more comfortable and better than before. We spoke for a few days after, and then didn't talk for about 5 days for no apparent reason..hes away message had said,,,what a night...so I thought something was going on because he never imed which was totally unusual. I imed him, i asked him if he was mad or avoiding me for some reason. He said I just have been busy...Then i asked him what he did the night before...he said just work... THen i said i missed him...and he said i bet you do...its been a few days- and then i said i have this weird feeling you dont want to see me and he said i do i just have been busy with school work and work... so i just said okay ill let you go...

Well that night I saw his away message say ...someone kept me up late last night getting some much needed sleep... then a few days later he was gone all night...and his message said.. now thats how you spend a night with an angel face.... SO basically, it seems that he found someone new...and he totally dropped me and hasn't spoken to me at all.. So i have been so upset so angry and so hurt because i feel everyone moment i have ever spent with him meant nothing to him, he never cared he just wanted sex from me...and whatever i thought about him was completely wrong.. And i know anything I say to him now won't make a difference to him, i can't hurt him if he has someone else...Schools over in 10 days but im just so incredible angry and feel so betrayed... I don't even know what I should do...

Scum huh?


---too nice too naive..

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Sorry to hear about that Smiles. Some men are SCUM and they make a bad name for the guy who really wants to be with you.


I am sorry that you are hurt and you have every right to feel that way. Dump this loser and move on with your life.


Have a great single summer. This is the best time of year to be single anyway. Your young and you will find someone oneday that will treat you like you are susposed to be treated like.


Good luck!

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Just one question, was he your ex before or after this occurred? It sounds like you said you'd been apart for 8 months, but still hung out and slept together.


True, he's hurt your feelings, but in all honestly, if he was really your ex, and both were okay with sleeping together, that's okay. But do you think that you would be the sole focus of his life?


I don't mean to be harsh, and please don't see this as a criticism of you because that is not at all what I'm saying. I guess what I would wonder were it me in that situation is whether you were still in a monogamous relationship with him. If his understanding was that he was, and he hid the truth, then yes, he's being a jerk.


I think he's got the idea he's a gift to women somehow, likely because he was getting away with being with two women at the same time. That's ended, right? Don't let him get away with that, that's just not a nice way to be unless everybody is okay with it and agrees it's cool. You don't, he knows that, so yeah, he's being a jerk.


Do make sure you set him straight it was not okay with you. He might have the dumb idea it was.


I'm not convinced there is a best time of year to be single, by the way!! And there's never a good time to be hurt, and I hope you get over it okay.

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I never said that it was fun being single just a good time to meet someone. The summer time is a great time of the year because you are not trapped in the house like a hurt chaged animal. It means get the hell out and do something for yourself for once. I also never said it was fun to be hurt I tried to explain that she should move on and forget this jerk.

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Unfortunately, this sounds like one of those situations where it's pretty obvious: this guy is indeed, scum. What a creep to leave messages for anyone to see bragging about his wild nights. I mean, that is just plain offensive, and if there is indeed a real person who he's referring to in those posts, she has zero standards if she's continuing to see him. Gross. Move on, girl...trust me, you can do MUCH better.

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