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Do you think you are attractive?


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I wonder how to feel attractive. I have never felt handsome or good looking. This makes it hard to work out or dress nice, because I think why bother? So, do you think you are physically attractive, if so what about you is attractive? Or do you think your personality is the attractive thing, or both?

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I think I've got an attractive personality, but working towards an attractive image.


Yes, that attractive image is a LOT harder to obtain than the personality, in my opinion, since either you're born with it or not, but you've got to PUSH through the pain and the sorrow in the gym, etc.


I can say that 99% of the time, you look worse before you look better when you begin to work out. I always seem to put on weight when I start my cutting [toning] cycle, and look downright gross.


Just push through.


And with looks, comes confidence. And with confidence, comes natural attraction.

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On some days, yes. Other days, no. Like today for example, I feel quite attractive. There's no rhyme or reason to it, other than the fact that I'm in a good mood. My personality is very attractive, in my opinion. Well....it's potentially very attractive. Depression and anxiety gets in the way, and that's been my biggest struggle in life so far.

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I can be attractive if I want... it's mostly in the way one carries themselves. I mean, look at Lyle Lovett and he got Julia Roberts.


But attractiveness is overrated if you're attracting the wrong types of people. Most of the time, I find myself purposely trying to repel people. I don't like too many people getting too close.

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I think I'm attractive. Some days are better than others, but overall I think I'm good looking. I think a lot of it has to do with what people have told me.. that's where I got some of my confidence in myself from, but also because I think being a downer on yourself is a really unattractive thing so I tend to stay away from that even if I feel I'm having a bad "looks" day.


I think I have a good personality mostly, aside from being a bit too shy at times.


If you own your personality, looks really don't matter because you'll appear more attractive anyway. There are a lot of people I know who aren't traditionally attractive, but they have such great personalities which make them attractive.

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Deep down, I don't think I'm attractive. I have been told by many people that I am beautiful, pretty, hot, cute etc etc, I always find some reason to doubt it. I sometimes laugh at how I think of myself. For example, my current boyfriend and all past boyfriends consistently date GORGEOUS girls and I am always thinking, they must be trying an ugly girl to see if it works out this time. * * * ?!


I have a terrible self image and HATE most photographs of myself. I think my standards are too high....who knows?

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Thank god I'm a chick, because I can totally beautify myself with makeup.


When I wake up in the morning, I think I look like a**. With makeup, I can be totally stunning. I do some modeling and I've found out, it's all about lighting, angles, makeup, and a good Photoshop retoucher.


What really matters is your character and how you treat people anyway, not how you look. I've met some seriously gorgeous people who were so ugly on the inside, they instantly became unattractive.

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In all honesty no, I don't think I am attractive. But other people do.


I don't see myself as ugly... I see myself as average, nothing special. When I was younger people told me I should be a male model. The idea of that is hilarious to me. I don't think I am good looking enough for one. But aside from that, my personality is so opposite the model personality. Not to make blanket statement or anything. But I am really shy. I don't like being the center of attention. I don't like people staring at me. I prefer to pass by unnoticed.


I am in a band, and people have referred to me as "the good looking one." I hate that. I would rather be referred to as "the bass player." That's what I am. This isn't MTV. It's about the music, not the image.

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Well, I have really large eyes, which everyone seems to like.


Personally, I think that I look like a living doll (that isn't meant to be good or bad).


Supposedly I'm attractive, but in the end it seems that everyone has there own unique set of physical qualities that they find appealing.

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