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Feeling like period is about to start.. but no period!


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I was meant to get my period a week ago, but I still havnt come on yet. Thing is the time I was meant to start it, I felt like I was going to come on but it never came! Im scared Im pregnant, and Im going to take a test later on in the week. Is this a symptom of pregnancy- feeling like your about to get your period but it just doesnt come? It could just be late but I am never late and Ive been feeling like Im about to come on for a week now. Any advice or suggestions would be useful.


I'm know I'm a guy but I have been through this situation with an ex before.

It's too early to tell but if you are stressed it could be PMT.

One of my exs was 22 days late and had two HPTs both negative.

She also had symptoms of being pregnant, like tenderness and a bit of nausea.

She was stressed and then was even more stressed with the thought that she could be pregnant.

Apparently the woman has to be calm for the egg to be released.

Odd what the body can do.


So there is a definite possibility you mayu not be pregnant.


Yes, period symtoms are the same as pregnancy symptoms. I didnt realize that I was pregnant, I just thought that my period was coming on. I had alot of bloating and gassy feeling. Then I realized that I was 10 days late for my period, took a test and 9 months later my beautiful son Landon was born!


You can test today. The tests are designed to be taken once you've missed your period. I'd get one today, so that you know what's going on.


Yeah, there are pregnancy tests now that you can take 5 days BEFORE your missed period (First Response) so ease your fears and take a test ASAP. Women do tend to know their bodies though. If you're feeling symptoms similar to what u get every month before your period, its possible that you have recently changed your diet or you were extremely stressed recently and that can throw your cycle off substantially. Take a test and if its negative, id say go to the doctor to make sure its nothing serious.

Yes, many women feel like they are about to start their period any minute before they find out they're pregnant.


I'm not sure if you are being serious or sarcastic but what you wrote is true. I felt like I was going to get my period and then found out that we were pregnant.


I had a very heavy, crampy feeling the night before I found out I was pregnant. I was sure I was going to get my period. The next day when it didn't show up (I was due that day) I tested and was pregnant.


The sooner you take a test, the sooner you will have your answer and be able to explore your options.


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