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I've been thinking a lot about masculinity and it's starting to bug me. I don't like labels and the like, and the questions I have feel like they're stupid but they won't go away.


I love my boyfriend and I don't feel any shame in admitting to loving him or wanting him. The thing is that we're very different people and I wonder sometimes what my role in things is. We had a really rough patch a few months back, nasty breakup, got back together. We talk and kiss and the like but I find myself missing how it was before. I miss sex and I miss sleeping in the same bed and holding and being held. I keep embarassing myself around him because I want him so much, and he seems a little more unsure of himself than he ever was, but I don't get the sense like he's panting for it too. I feel like I'm wanting more than he does, even though I know he loves me. I hate to stereotype, but I keep getting these feelings like I'm the woman in the relationship, and I hate it. I'm not a feminine guy. And the thing I miss the most with sex is bottoming, which makes that "I'm the woman" feeling worse. I'm starting to get almost angry with him, because I feel this way, and that's not fair. And I know it's wrong to generalize women or make it some kind of a bad thing.


Is it normal to worry about this? Does wanting things more or wanting the kind of things I want make me less of a man somehow? I keep picturing the most masculine people I know feeling like I do and I can't do it.

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Sugar.....Even the most masculine man in world would have these feelings if they were feeling neglected from the person that they are in-love with. It's like saying "big boys" dont cry. There is nothing wrong with what you are feeling, things change and people change especially after a break up, it can either be for the better or for the worse....I guess it all depends on why the break up happened. Even if you are "a mans man" you have nothing to worry about when it comes to feeling like a "woman" sometimes because your reaching out for your partners loving touch or some romance, and it doesnt make you less of a man. Keep your head up Babe

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there's nothing wrong with wanting to take the "woman" role in a same-sex relationship


i think you need to embrace it, if u don't, how can u get someone else to like you...


i know that sounds bad, but ur obviously insecure about urself when u don't need to be, i'm sure he's just feeling the insecurity as well


hope all goes well with you both =)



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there's nothing wrong with wanting to take the "woman" role in a same-sex relationship


i think you need to embrace it, if u don't, how can u get someone else to like you...

i know that sounds bad, but ur obviously insecure about urself when u don't need to be, i'm sure he's just feeling the insecurity as well


hope all goes well with you both =)




Could I trouble you for a clarification of what this means exactly?

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