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crap. i've been thinking about the next guy that i might have a relationship with, but if he's going to date me, he's going to have to be seriously confident and secure with himself. i hope he's going to be totally ok with the fact that i have as much privacy as a goldfish in a bowl. i hope he's going to be totally okay with the fact that i do exboyfriend relationship counseling on a forum because i cant afford a restraining order, i hope he's going to be totally ok that my exboyfriend's exgirlfriend's paranoia drives people mad, i hope he's going to be okay that my grammar and spelling is bad, i hope he's going to be totally ok that i do energy-work healing and he's not allowed to be skeptical about that. sighs* i live in a crazy little world.

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i also think much about my ex-boyfriend's next girl.


1. will she be understanding that her boyfriend is still keep tabs on his ex-girlfriend from 4 years back who lives on the other side of the world, and will likely feel privelaged to read her emails, chat logs,and do a background check on her past relationships without letting her know?


2. will she be understanding that my ex-boyfriend's ex-girlfriend before her will likely run a vulnerability check on her and also a background check on her past relationships and let her know what's wrong about her?


3. will she be understanding that my ex-boyfriend's God makes him frustrated and ashamed that he has a penis? will she respect his belief system and not make him horny?


4. will my ex boyfriend be understanding of what i just wrote, work through his trust and insecurities, and be slightly more considerate for the next girl that he is dating?


if she doesn't find out. then no problem for her....

for him, yes. maybe people here can help?

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