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I'm 22 and still a Pure Virgin.


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First off, I'd like to say I've been lurking this board for maybe about a week now. So I know I could have made this in another thread, but felt as my first post it be better for a new thread.


Never kissed, never have had sex...really, only thing I've done is jack off. Can't really carry a conversation with women that good. I can't even hug women, cause I'm afraid my chest will touch their chest and it be weird for her or she get mad. So, I like give half hugs.


I have a speech problem and because of that I'm shy and a bit anti-social. Haven't really dated too much in my life or flirted in person with women. Have flirted on-line with a few girls on myspace though. Only gf I had was long distance. That lasted three months and I broke it off because...the chances of it being physical was low. Was suppose to fly out there, but I chose not to and ended it. Before that relationship, had one hell of a crush on this one girl I worked with...didn't end well, and she wasn't that nice to me. Got a tat to impress her and that failed badly. Ended up getting addicted to tats and have gotten 6 in under two years. Also started smoking back in March of 2008 (hardly smoke now though) to get back at her.


Since lurking this board, I've found out there's nothing too wrong with being a virgin and so far never doing anything physical with women, although it is frustrating still, just not as bad.

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You shouldn't want to "get rid" of your virginity. Sure, you can work on your dating problems, but be proud that you're a virgin! Instead of looking on how to "lose it" you could try seeing it as "giving it" to the person you fall in love with.


As for dating problems, there are a lot of things you can do, but the best thing would be to build your self confidence. The more attractive you are to YOU, the more attractive you are to others. You could try signing up for David DeAngelo's newsletter, it's free and it has some really great advice.

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Okay. So from an adult female perspective... no more self-destructive behavior 'cause of women! Take care of yourself. Only get tats or start smoking for other reasons


Second, start finding out the really cool crap about yourself. What are you good at? What do you looooooooovve? Then try to hook up with other people who love it too... and in the group you might find your femelle (fr).


Lastly, while it does hurt to lose a prospective young lady, if she wasn't right for you - maybe being grateful will help. It saves SO much pain when a relationship that wasn't right to begin with rides off the rails early.



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Then you should be proud about it that you aren't going it to any woman just to get rid of it. Lose it the woman you have a strong bond and love. As for now, only focus on your social skills. It's not that if girls are talking to you. Focus on their likes/dislikes and then you're find yourself talking for hours....

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You shouldn't want to "get rid" of your virginity. Sure, you can work on your dating problems, but be proud that you're a virgin! Instead of looking on how to "lose it" you could try seeing it as "giving it" to the person you fall in love with.


As for dating problems, there are a lot of things you can do, but the best thing would be to build your self confidence. The more attractive you are to YOU, the more attractive you are to others. You could try signing up for David DeAngelo's newsletter, it's free and it has some really great advice.


Well, I do think about sex. A lot. But yeah, it is a plus that I don't have any STD's.


Who is this David DeAngelo? Think I've heard of him.


Good for you. Seriously.


But work on that women thing. We like men, and we like to touch them, so don't be scared of contact.




Okay. So from an adult female perspective... no more self-destructive behavior 'cause of women! Take care of yourself. Only get tats or start smoking for other reasons


Second, start finding out the really cool crap about yourself. What are you good at? What do you looooooooovve? Then try to hook up with other people who love it too... and in the group you might find your femelle (fr).


Lastly, while it does hurt to lose a prospective young lady, if she wasn't right for you - maybe being grateful will help. It saves SO much pain when a relationship that wasn't right to begin with rides off the rails early.




Well, I now smoke cause I like it, but I hardly smoke due to being jobless and I live at home still, and my parents don't care for smelling smoke. Tats are addicted and I like being at tattoo shops...at least one tat I have on my chest...I got with a clear mind.


Then you should be proud about it that you aren't going it to any woman just to get rid of it. Lose it the woman you have a strong bond and love. As for now, only focus on your social skills. It's not that if girls are talking to you. Focus on their likes/dislikes and then you're find yourself talking for hours....


Well, I have thought about those legal ranches in Nevada...but the money for the deed and the plane ticket just isn't worth it. although the site I went to for a ranch there.......wow, a massage via boobs? But still....not worth the cost of a hotel for the night, plane ticket, and anything I want there. I can use that money for a car or a laptop.

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trust me, you will probably regret it if you just "get rid" of your virginity. and this is coming from a guy who gave it to a one night stand....


i wish it would turn out differently


but anyway, seems like you have issues that you need to work on.


like why are you nervous around women?? they are just dudes with long hair, haha

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There's nothing wrong with giving women hugs - half hugs are awkward and may even offend some people! I hug my good guy friends all the time and it is purely PLATONIC and nobody thinks about their chests touching.. well, I don't, and even if I do I don't get mad about it..


PLUS, never, ever do something risky or dangerous to impress others!

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trust me, you will probably regret it if you just "get rid" of your virginity. and this is coming from a guy who gave it to a one night stand....


i wish it would turn out differently


but anyway, seems like you have issues that you need to work on.


like why are you nervous around women?? they are just dudes with long hair, haha


Well, speech problem made me shy/anti-social. Am working on it. I can talk in public, but I still get nervous.


There's nothing wrong with giving women hugs - half hugs are awkward and may even offend some people! I hug my good guy friends all the time and it is purely PLATONIC and nobody thinks about their chests touching.. well, I don't, and even if I do I don't get mad about it..


PLUS, never, ever do something risky or dangerous to impress others!


I meant...wait, what do you mean risky or dangerous to impress others? Like smoking? Oh no, I started that cause I was frustrated over this girl playing me. It's a long story...and I doubt you have popcorn for it.


lol! i think of chest touching. and i likeeeeeeee it LOL. really, i don't mind. just don't be an immature high school guy about it.



link removed because i think it helps the shyness.


So I can't go 'OMG, THAT FELT AWESOME! j/k. Thank you for the link.

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I'd like to start by addressing all the people who say "You should be PROUD of being a virgin!". You people should be slapped. Seriously.


I was suicidal for being a virgin for as long as I was. Certainly, very few women would even give me the time of day, let alone date me. Let alone kiss me. Let alone have sex with me. To me, being involuntarily celibate and being proud of your virginity is like being morbidly obese and being proud of never being a rape victim.


That said, OP, somehow you need to get used to the idea that women are people, too. And there are more types of women than you think. I usually recommend posting an online personals ad (like on Craigslist) and just being simple, to the point, honest, but not too detailed, and seeing who responds. Then I correspond with women via e-mail until we decide to meet somewhere in public. I never acquired a girlfriend or even gotten laid this way, but I more or less got used to the idea that women were human beings, made of flesh and blood.


I also lost my virginity by going for broke on Craigslist, so there's that option, too.

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I also lost my virginity by going for broke on Craigslist, so there's that option, too.
There's a difference between being proud that you're a virgin but later on lose it to someone you really love, care and fully ready about versus going on online dating sites and lose it just for the heck of it as if you were a selling merchandise....
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Frankly, I don't understand how losing your virginity will help you that much. It's really not that big of a deal.


I think you should have sex with a person because you want to. Not because you are ashamed of your virginity. There's really nothing to be ashamed about with it. And if it bothers you that much, you need to rethink how much power you are giving to virginity. It isn't even a tangible object. Just an idea.

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I think that sex could be a confidence booster.
Which would lead me to think there's more to that guy than his virginity issues. Means he is seeking sexual gratification from women as away of making himself feel good. Why they need for that?? I think if you're that desperate, you got some self-esteem issues along with self-confidence to work on first.

Think about how his history would be if he were to have a gf and starts telling her about how he lost his virginity to either a random woman online or hooker just for the hell of it due to shameness and the need for gratification (wanting to get rid of it fast). Not a good impression...... Would make me think getting attention from others was more important than loving and respecting himself for who he is....

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Which would lead me to think there's more to that guy than his virginity issues. Means he is seeking sexual gratification from women as away of making himself feel good. Why they need for that??


Because it can boost a guys confidence.


That's why.



I think if you're that desperate, you got some self-esteem issues along with self-confidence to work on first.

Think about how his history would be if he were to have a gf and starts telling her about how he lost his virginity to either a random woman online or hooker just for the hell of it due to shameness and the need for gratification (wanting to get rid of it fast). Not a good impression...... Would make me think getting attention from others was more important than loving and respecting himself for who he is....


I don't mean a hooker. I mean with a girl who wants to have sex.


If someone wants to have sex with you, then that means they want you.


I have no idea how that isn't a good thing.

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Because it can boost a guys confidence.

That's why.

First the poster would have to practice his communication skills. You can't skip number 5 and go straight to number 10. Not how it works. Once you can done with the first step then go to the next one.

I don't mean a hooker. I mean with a girl who wants to have sex.

If someone wants to have sex with you, then that means they want you.

I have no idea how that isn't a good thing.

I get, meaning just the lust and no real connection to the person. Wow... Didn't say it was terrible just that it's better having sex when you actually know the person better and feel that strong bond with them rather than just doing it out of random and because they're cute and available with no actual connection at all.
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First the poster would have to practice his communication skills. You can't skip number 5 and go straight to number 10. Not how it works. Once you can done with the first step then go to the next one.


Communication skills would be a good step.


I get, meaning just the lust and no real connection to the person. Wow... Didn't say it was terrible just that it's better having sex when you actually know the person better and feel that strong bond with them rather than just doing it out of random and because they're cute and available with no actual connection at all.


Sex is a good thing. Connection or not. But it doesn't mean it can't help someone.

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thats not a bad thing that your a virgin but i wouldnt wait too much longer. women your age and old do like someone with alittle experiance. They dont want to have to train you in the sack. Just learn to be confident man. thats the first and one of the major steps to meeting and getting women. You need to step out of your comfort zone and get out and mingle. Talk to girls and get thier numbers just for practice. if you fail, dont let it discourage you. Its only practice but you need to get out there. I have a bunch of tattoos too and not saying it attracts every girl but i have found that most of the women i met feel tattoos are sexy and give off more of that bad boy image. However it does depend on the kind of tattoos you get and where. Are you slim or larger build?

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thats not a bad thing that your a virgin but i wouldnt wait too much longer. women your age and old do like someone with alittle experiance. They dont want to have to train you in the sack.



I agree. Most women most likely don't want to be a teacher. They would rather have someone teach them.

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I agree. Most women most likely don't want to be a teacher. They would rather have someone teach them.
Come to think of it when I met bf, at some point, I wished I had been experienced, no didn't felt comfortable at the moment I told him I was virgin, my face kept turning rather pink from blushing. Also a little bit about the fact that he had a past and I didn't... The pain, along with the pauses and all those emotions, blood on the 3rd-4th time plus I knew of many girls that had boyfriends in high school. I know I didn't do it right the first couple of occassions, as I had a hard time focusing on the right angle. I got better (now I'm almost expert) the more I did it but see had he met me experienced, no need for all the drama nor making him wait for 5 months or him telling me where I needed to improve in that moment.... So it can suck a bit.
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I'm sure it can suck sometimes at first. Atleast for the female.


So you wished you were more experienced then?


But I do think that most females don't want to be a teacher.


Some might find an 18 year old virgin cute, but once into the mid-twenties, I assume it isn't cute anymore.

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