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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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Two weeks ago you were the most unbelievable person I knew, the guy who I have given my heart to after 3 years of not dating anybody. Inb4 you started "trolling" and saying that the "I love ******", who was your "friend", was just for fun. You did troll a lot.



I should have believed my guts, my instincts were screaming that there's more to it than meets the eye. But I didn't, because maybe I was in denial that you still are in the relationship and I'm just being too sensitive when it comes to her.



And now here we are, worse than strangers. You've deleted me on Skype. Deleted me on all of your contacts. Said "We were never friends to begin with, so what's the use in talking?" You said that I was boring, and blamed all the faults of our relationship to me.



You've moved on. Fast. And I have an inkling you've been out of the door even before everything ended.

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honestly i don't know what to think or feel because my emotions change every minute of the day. i hate what you've done to me and i hope you miss me a little bit. i also hope you regret your decision and want me back. i also hope that i am strong enough to say: "no, you had your chance", if you ever grow the balls and initiate a reconciliation. yeah, in my dreams.

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Still some prongs hanging out for me. Today I saw some pictures of our friends at a wedding. I'm reminded that it is mostly likely that you will go to there wedding. Maybe I will see photos of you there with someone else. There are no two ways about it, it would hurt.


I cooked a roast dinner today for the first time in a year. It hurt because it was something I would always do for us. Now, I was doing it for my parents. I'm glad I was able to do that but it hurt because it reminded me of the past.


I don't know what I would say to you if I saw you. How are the birds I guess.

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I wish I never met you. You were a mistake. I regret ever even knowing you.

In the end all you were was mean, selfish, an , and you didn't care about me at all. You never cared about me, it's all about what people can do for you, but heaven forbid you have to take time out of your super important life to do something that's bigger than just you. Even if you were doing something for family I saw you complain and snark about it to their faces multiple times.

My life will be better without you, even though it'll be a while before the wounds heal.

It's a vengeful sentiment but I hope you're unhappy. I hope you feel bad every day for your lies and your cowardice, I hope it sticks in your mind over the years.

Have fun with one of those girls that's been looking at you or whatever.

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Wow. Did you ever screw up. Again.


How many times do you think a woman like you gets a chance with a man like me? Twice in a lifetime, to boot?


You thought your career and 'goal oriented life' would make you happy. How did that work out for you? Less than a year at your corporate job. Marrying your idiot boyfriend from college who was so far beneath you that it really is hard to comprehend. Having children with him. Feeling trapped to the extent that you put up with abuse, his affairs, and his insistence in you making changes to your body to mirror the 'adult entertainers' he lusted after.


For this, you left a man who you said was "out of your league". For this, you left a man who has never struck a woman in his life, was kind, more intelligent than any other man you've had. Also, much more attractive. You know this. A man who did not care what your bra size is. A man who did not need you to tattoo a private area to resemble his favorite XXX movie star. A man you told your daughter should have been her father.


For all that I did wrong, I am not the only one with issues in this breakup.


You will, just as you did 26 years ago, regret this decision terribly. I don't wish you any harm, but karma would dictate a lifetime of mental anguish and emotional misery is due.

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its been what, about five weeks? I had this feeling come over me that you are with her right now, watching the US Open Men's Finals. But it doesn't hurt. I think about the new people I have met through meet-ups, and they say about me what you used to say about her. (Although I find it a little embarrassing and uncomfortable for people to say such nice things to me, to my face). And I still don't think you're her type. I think since she is a psychologist she won't be fooled by you. And if she doesn't, I'll have the last laugh that she isn't much of one. This is your loss baby, your loss. I may not make the money she does, or have the land-rich daddy she does; but she won't give you what you need, what you always got from me. YOU will be regretting this, and I am already getting over it.

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When you go to the store, you will think of me and the things we bought together

When you go see a movie, you will miss holding my hand and sharing pretzel bites and hot dogs

I always gave you a bigger piece of mine

When you hear every love song on the radio ...you will think of me

I will be a sting in your soul forever

I will be a scar forever

I am the woman in the movies the guy fights for...the love he never forgets...the girl he cannot ever replace

You will live your days in sorrow and anguish

You will miss the way I loved you

You will miss the way I held you

You will miss the gifts I gave you

We will never watch a lightning storm again...


We will never turn down the AC so that we have an excuse to cuddle under the comforter


You will never find someone like me, you will visit my grave if I die before you

You will put flowers on it



Do you cry for me? Do you bottle the tears? Do you collect them? Do you regret hurting me, and ultimately losing me


You predicted your own self fulfilling prophecy


Do you miss my nicknames for you?


Every song that comes on the radio, makes you think of me


And I haunt your dreams, and I will always haunt you forever


do you remember the young happy girl in her 20s that you met at first?

Do you remember how I was so confident, so happy, so cheerful, so youthful and vibrant


You stole my youth from me...


I know you will never ever change. And for this, I do not have hope or miss you.


You did not dry the tears from my eyes, you caused the tears to fall....


Honestly it is ok, in this life perhaps we have many loves...and we lose and we win and we lose


And it was not in my destiny for us to be


But a large chunk of my life was


we danced 7 years


You lost your Sweet Pea forever...but you took your turn and you did your dance with me.


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I heard this line one time 'bout tryin' to save the world

But have you ever tried to save yourself

A wide-eye suicide drive remains a fake

As if you'd ever, ever go and make that same mistake


Strung out as the night comes crawling

Your halo of thorns is falling


Blood runs cold, I feel it in my bones

But you don't know your time is up

And blood runs cold


Somebody somewhere is screamin' out the words

But do they ever really ease the pain

I guess what I'm trying to say is whose life is it anyway

Because livin', livin' is the best revenge you can play


This fall from grace

I see your face, it's over


Blood runs cold, I feel it in my bones

But you don't know your time is up

And blood runs cold


From you love was kind

Resolved, left scarred and blind

Wasted and naked in the wings

Denying twist of fate

Demanding heaven's gate

Lying in wait above the wind


Strung out as the night comes crawling

Your halo of thorns is falling


Blood runs cold, I feel it in my bones

But you don't know your time is up

And blood runs cold

Blood runs cold

Blood runs cold

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Sometimes I wonder if my relationship with you was my only chance of having a relationship. Or only time of sharing happy times with a partner. Life really hurts for some people. Some people don't marry or have kids or find someone they want to be with. Maybe that's me. And maybe I should just be grateful for the time I've had because I have friends who haven't even had that. I'm just tired and fed up. What is so wrong with me? Why are all our friends getting married and settled and yet you didn't want that with me? What is wrong with me? I don't want to be lonely. I wish you could understand what it's like to have hardly any family.

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We didn't date very long. One thing you said that stuck was that you wouldn't hurt me. You know I trusted you. You're the first person I trusted in a long time. I opened up to you. I felt vulnerable and scared but I trusted you.


You know you said you wouldn't hurt me but you did. You disrespected me. You used me.


You came into my life for a reason and you actually taught me a lot about myself. I just wish you were mature enough to be honest with me then just walk away. That's what hurts.

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(1) To my nutty ex: we went for a run last week. First time we communicated responsibly in a long while. I mean, we have kept the thread going but it had just gotten so sexual, and now it seems more constructive. And then today you wrote in the morning to say you had just woken from an amazing wet dream about me. And me again on your mind by the afternoon. And we may run Thursday, though I may cancel now that I can make boot camp. I dunno. Anyway, my situation with you and all men is: if any of them said" have sex with me, I would pick you. I trust you, you are a known quantity. Yet we have no "future". Maybe I am arriving at a place where I am just simply over that future thing. No, that is not true. It is simply that I trust you. So odd to trust you and know the depth of our prior addiction to one another. At least that seems over with.


(2) To my hot man: I don't know, I get over you so many times. Maybe now, I am. You call me almost every day. You dont ask me out when you are here. You wont say you want to be friends. You tell me I turn you on. What is it you want? A safety net? A date for later, when you are ready? What? You wont tell me what you want. I know that I want someone who knows he wants me, so I think you have taken yourself out of consideration. I dont think you meant to do that. Who can tell, though?


(3) To the loving man down the street: Why did you not ask me out in 7th grade? Now everyone is in bed with everyone, so you and I disappoint each other, and friendships are hurt everywhere. You have only been single a short while. We get along so well and kissing you is fab. You have four kids! You use the "we" pronoun! Scared. Of. Failure. Not ready to foreclose other options.


(4) To sailing man, you are great, I dig you, I think its over. I am sorry, it seemed so good, but now I just overwhelmed and distracted and I need a vacation. Unfair, I think. So I vacillate. In the end, I will end it.



Leaving me with the ex, and the hot man, neither of whom are mine, and the neighbor, who scares me with his intimacy. So, that's 4 at bats, 0 home runs. OK. I can do that.


Concert man, you are not on this list, because for some reason, you play it so cool and unremarkable, that I am getting ever more comfortable with you. Its odd, isnt it? I will see you tomorrow. How lovely that you dont call me.


Hot man, you frustrate me the most. We are so incredibly good together, except that we are not. I do not know what stops you.

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"It's only a matter of time, before we all burn". I've been hiding from my feelings, I still am.. Today I am opening Pandora's box so I can close it without an ounce of hope for it to ever open again."where my badge a vinyl sticker w big block letters tells your new friends I am a visitor here I am not permanent". I tried w all my heart to not end up here, yet it's my heart that sent me here. My actions have shown and continue to show how much I love you, despite my neglect or acknowledgement of it. Bc when you love someone like I still so painfully do, you can't help but relentlessly do anything for things to work. It's funny bc the same reason we broke up the first time.. Is why we are here again. I couldn't fight enough for both of us, all I have control over is me. Some standards can't be overlooked and broken.. After all I went through w u this summer.. For you to come back and pretend you wanted me, when really you couldn't keep your hands to yourself in Europe. To sit there and pretend that you were "serious" about me. But you've taken me on one date in the 4 mos you've been back. A date that was about you. Given me one note where you said less than I've said to you in one night. Keep telling me it's too soon to move in with me In a year, but that I should take comfort in the fact that you only "date girls you could see itgoing there with". Having you sit there in silence while I can't stop spewing out my guts is the most painful feeling of it all.. A pain you are lucky to have never felt from me. At least I'll never go through that again. The funny part is, that's exactly how it was before you left.. Nothing changed. U were just selfish. Maybe I was just sex. You never looked me in the eyes and told me I was special, or why you loved me. And all I wanted was to be loved fully, all you did was walk out when things got tough. The only reason they got tough was bc of your inability to express yourself. Our last conversation all you could say is I'm sorry and that I deserved someone who would cherish me. At least you know I am worth that and admitted you can't. It doesn't make it better right now. It doesn't make the hidden rejection and built up pain worse. I had healed myself and finally thought you'd love me like I wanted.. Nope. Just a joke.couldnt even not see other girls. I guess I just thought the guy excited to plan dates for me would come back, the one who lit candles and put on pandora. Now you send me cold excuses about how bc u are in school you can't be with me. Minimalist attitude that makes me angry I wasted a second with you assuming it meant anything. I guess it used to. I need to stop giving so much. Especially when I know it's useless/unreturned. That's the most hurtful part. I feel so vengeful, like I want you to see all that I did and realize one day why you were such a . But I guess, if you realized that, we wouldn't be here. You think bc u are some badass doctor all you need is you. I know I am better without you, I'm more hurt that I let this happen. Every time I try to leave you, you make me feel like you left me. Which is also annoying bc if u knew u didn't want this, y didn't you have the balls to break it off? Bc I never really meant anything to you

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I have no more energy. I still want answers that I will never get..i still want closure that will never come. I still want to hear that i meant as much to you as you did to me. But you are making sure you are angry. So you feel justified. But it will hit you one day and it will hit you hard but knowing you,you wont do anything about it and will suffer in silence as is you.


its been three and a half months or so but really we should add a month to that...you weren't here the month before either.,,that's what prompted the breakup. We could have fixed us. Effort fixes those lost feelings. They aren't lost, they are buried.


do u know how many exes of mine over the years and to this day express their regret? Most . I don't think u can say the same.


you suck. I hate you cause I love you.


I can't move on. everywhere I look, everywhere I go, there's a reminder of you. Eff you.

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Stumbled on a quote from this book which speaks a great deal of you. Those red flags really meant quite something after all.

She came accross as a sexual creature, but Nick thought that her sexuality was only a manifestation of something else in her personality . . . a symptom. Symptom was a word you used for someone who was sick, though, wasn't it?

I'm sorry for being the fix-it type of person. I guess I've wasted your time for a long while. Maybe I should have ended things back in time. The time I had had this light bulb moment it wasn't just some random red flags I've been wanting to overlook, but rather a manifestation of something worse, the big picture, the set of personality traits I've been misreading all along.


I was weak -invaded with fear, obligation, guilt. I opened myself to you, trusted as I've never thought I could before. After all, I thought, it was my only chance at a relationship.

I was naive -detaching from you was the best option I could came accross. I never thought it could backfire like it did. You told me you'd never leave me, even played the push-pull card... and I took you for granted but I let you walk. Unlike you did, sometimes controlling, alienating me from my friends.


In hindsight, it's funny how tables turned. When I needed you to be for me, you were making your way out of the relationship with someone new. Living a parallel life for months.

The last thing I expected from you was this nightmare, I've been living a lie. I take comfort at having been your 1st and 2nd level drama help desk, your personal bank account, lifeboat and whatnot.


tl;dr: don't ignore horse sized red flags [-o

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Doing my best not to think of you. Obviously I still do though. I'm making progress towards improving and focusing on my own life.


Once I move, I'll be going back to school and I'm thinking of applying to the local sheriff's department at my new location. Looking for new opportunities in life, even some things I had never considered before, just to have change. I would join the Army, like I always wanted, but they denied me due to illness. However, the police/sheriff's do not disqualify people with my medical problems and I meet the qualifications.


I'm moving to either Tennessee or North Carolina in a few months. I have two homes I'm looking at in the mountains of NC and TN, and both come with a lot of acre's of land. I'm tired of living in South Carolina and I will never return here. I want to own my own land and live (somewhat) off the grid in the mountains of TN or NC. I want the peace and quiet that living in the mountains bring.


I sometimes find myself wishing that you'd be with me when I make the move but I know better than that. You cheated on me with multiple people, at once. You lied to my face for more than half a year. And then you left me for one of your co-workers, the man you were cheating on me with, the same man that was got you into threesomes with strangers. You disgust me. Sometimes I hope you got an STD or two from having unprotected sex with strangers behind my back. But then I don't, because it's wrong to wish harm on others...


I wish I was strong enough to just forget you completely and forever, to fall into indifference. But I loved you, I still love you, and I don't see that happening.


I never want to see you again, and yet, I miss you.

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I never want to cut anyone out of my life.

The thought of you not caring if you ever hear from me hurts me, too.

When you thought I was planning on seeing my ex you called me a dog and told me to stay out of your life, what a hypocrite.

To me, breaking up is usually the last resort. I would prefer to stay together and try to work things out rather than end things in the heat of the moment, at the first sign of problems. Because the problems don't just go away. Taking time apart makes me think about them.

Healthy relationships and arguments should not be about the last word it should be about the content and reaching an outcome that suits and favours both parties.

I think the absence does make the heart grow fonder and I have been completely bamboozled. I've been like a 'love zombie'. I have felt like when I don't have the full information/evidence I doubt myself and cave in, wanting to believe the best in you.

We have both been weak willed.

Why break up if we're just going to keep getting back together again.

Keeping saying 'stay out of my life/I'm going to block you' -looses it's meaning after so many times of going back on it. So does saying I love you or want a future with you.

The words have lost all meaning and all that is left are the actions. And the last ones I was left with were that you used me for sex then you tried to show me it was more and when you thought an ex girlfriend randomly showed up you panicked and silenced me.

It's got to be one way or the other. It had to stop.

The on and off has been soo damaging.

I don't break up with you so I can go get attention or sex from other people.

If that was your true intention then I needed to to know that so I could stop deluding myself that it was more.

When you unblock me you talk to me about sexual things -when you are seeing/sleeping with someone else.

You only tell me you love me or were committed when it comes to the crunch that I'm cutting you off. You don't seem to apologise of your own free will or remorse.

If I had just let things be at times you had broken up with me I would have never heard an apology or how you feel.

I have to stop fooling myself that I'm okay with that.


I don't want your platitudes of wishing me happiness. Because I thought I had and wanted happiness with you. Because it implies I'll never be happy if I cut you out of my life -and that's just childish.

What you are saying equates to punching me in the guts and then saying 'hope you feel better!'

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Today is Day 1 of NC. Again.


Yesterday I told you I'd leave you alone. You didn't respond to my email, which is what I expected, really.


It's been 30 days since we broke up. 2 weeks of no contact, 14 days of scattered texting. I begged you, I pleaded with you, I wanted you back even though you hurt me so much this summer. I know we weren't good together and we fought a lot, but I wanted to change for you. I could've been so much better if you had just given me a chance. I messed up, you messed up, but wasn't what we had worth fighting for?


I guess you didn't think so. Because now you're gone. You said you're not seeing anyone, and said that you don't want to hear about my dating life, and that maybe we can be friends again when you have a new boyfriend and I have a new girlfriend. But for now you just want to focus on your studies. Honestly, you've handled this breakup with so much maturity and its just reminded me of all the things that I've admired about you. You haven't lead me on, you haven't hurt me on purpose, and you didn't even cut me off until 3 days ago.


I miss you so much. I'm starting my job in 10 days and it just feels so weird that you're not here to be excited for me. You were there for me all through college, all through law school, you helped me get this job, you were so proud of me, and now when I'm actually about to become a lawyer and an adult, you're not here anymore. I want you in my life again so badly.


it's so hard to live without you. I'm doing it, day by day, but it kills me.

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I've almost forgotten your phone number, even though I can still remember it if I try(but I usually distract myself before I can remember it fully). I usually measure how much I've moved on by whether I've forgotten the phone number or not. I probably won't ever forget your email, but it's one of those very simple addresses so that's not a big deal. I still have that facebook account, the first one I ever added you on. It's a very dead account so in the numbers of people you have on your facebook, I don't really worry about you remembering my account is there. Sometimes I sit on the account and think about looking at your profile, but I try my best not to, and I haven't in a while now. I don't need to keep seeing things or reminders about your life anyways.


I know you know I unfriended you with my main account. Why oh why did you have to reactivate that account? You deactivated it a day or so before breaking up, and I thought I could keep you on it because you always mentioned hating facebook and wanting to be off of it, so I thought it would be fine to keep since I wouldn't see any notifications from you or anything. Idk what I would have done having your deactivated account on there anyways, but I didn't want to take it off.

But then you reactivated it. Barely a week later. I quickly made sure you were excluded from seeing everything I'd posted in the last few months(if you aren't mature enough to face me when you're breaking up, I don't want you being able to see what I'm up to), and finally, at the urging of my dad, I unfriended you. I hypothesize that's about the time you blocked me off from contacting you through anything but chat on gmail. But what did you think I was going to do? Try to talk to you? I asked you to come to me, and you didn't. I left the ball in your court, and as far as I'm concerned, that's where it's going to stay until you decide to do something about it.

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Your current girlfriend is spreading rumors about me, I see. Heard it from our common friend. Rumors that may have stemmed from some facts I have told you when we were together.



But I will not take the bait. I would not go back to that forum and give her what she wants.That's like a solicitation for digging up a grave. And your girlfriend's ad hominem and double standards positively reflect the glaring lack of development from her prefrontal cortex. Arguing or talking to her would be like trying to insert a square peg into a round hole - utterly pointless.


My friends know the real me. No point in poisoning the well. You did say you don't like drama, do you? Why kiss and tell?


So slap that proverbial gag order on you and your girlfriend's face. Your ad miserocordiam won't paint both of you in a good light.


Dios mio. Enough of the child's play.

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Claudia Garcia, you were the most perfect girl for me. I took you for granted. You cheated, lied, and used me for the last year of our 2 year relationship before you shattered my whole world. Your still the last and first thing I think about when I go to sleep and when I wake up. I can't believe that you would throw away everything. It feels incredibly unnervingly weird that you are not here with me anymore. It hurts me so much that you went back to your physically abusive ex before. How? Why? I realize I wasn't perfect but all you had to do was communicate with me and I would have have changed. I would have done anything and everything make us BOTH happy.


You have forever changed me. The way that I see girls and the way I see relationships. Im slowly starting to live life for myself and yet I still love you and miss you so badly. It hurts so fricken much how you don't and didn't care until our relationship. All these memories flashing before my head meant nothing to you, but to me it was the some of the best times of my life. Oh how I wish I could hold you again and contact you but I know that you would just ignore me and not reply back at all. Since your soooo happy with your ex. Im trying really hard to move and forget about but right now at this moment it looks impossible. Again I hope you realize how much I loved you and would have done anything for you. I hope you realize one day how much you've hurt me.


Idk what to say about us and at the same time I feel like I could go on and on for days talking about what happened to us but Id know that you wouldn't even care and it hurts so damn bad. I cant believe the person who you are today, and not the person I fell in love with in the first place. Im a zombie now. Just walking around, FEELING emotions and pain and suffering. While you live life. I do wish you the best, and only wish happiness. But I hate you just as much for lying, cheating, and using me. I feel I don't ever want to see you again, I wish I never met you. I told you if you ever cheated on me I just would never speak to you again. I thought we were gonna get married, I thought we were gonna have kids, I thought we were in love. Everything that I hear that comes out from your mouth just destroys me inside to shreds. I can't stand you and yet I still wish we could be together in love and happy somehow.



I don't know how you could just throw away 2 years of our life together. I guess I can, but if you ever truly loved and cared about me you wouldn't have done the things you did to me. I love you but I hate you even more and it hurts me so much to say that.

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