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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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I can understand the idle chit chat between you and your ex. You were open about me in front of your daughter and friends. But I'd honestly like to know how often it is that you two talk to each other -is it on a personal level? Like about what's on TV if you're bored at home? Do you listen to music together? I found myself doing that once when we first started seeing each other. Sometimes when I'm really sad I feel like calling my ex because I feel like he knows me better than anybody else. But he's not that person for me any more. I want to have a relationship with someone who is my 'lover' and best friend. Was the decision to separate (at couple's counselling) mutual? Do you think she still wants you back? You say you want to live with someone, come home to them. In that situation how would you see the level of communication with your ex and vice versa if she were to get into a relationship. Surely one day there will be a new man in her life to help her out and do things for her (and your daughter) -just as you have done for me. Who might want to live with her and/or have children with her. Can you honestly say without a doubt that you no longer have any attachment or attraction to her.

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I wish you had the balls to tell me the real reason you wanted to leave. The time we spent together now seems like a big effing lie. I can't believe I put so much effort and energy into making long distance work, to get my heart broken into so many pieces. I should have acknowledged the time when you said, you felt we didn't relate and at times you wanted to break up. That all started in Feb. when I noticed you and your ex-ex started contacting each other more frequently. It's so funny, because that was the time, when he had just gotten out of a relationship. I really don't know what's going on now, as I really have no clue, but an inkling in me says that you guys are back to talking on a regular basis. I can't believe the hell you've put me through whilst easing me out of your life. I will never ever forgive you for this pain. I feel so betrayed, by someone I truly put my all in to making what I thought in my eyes, the last relationship, I was going to be in. It really hurts to know that I didn't meet your "high expectations" whatever that may be, since you never let me in to your world. It sickens me to the death that I put so much trust in you in turn get no respect in knowing the truth of why you left me out to dry because of your "demons and doubts." Like what the hell is that supposed to mean? So eff you, and I really hope the next guy treats you better than how I treated you.

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there is very literally nothing in the world that could hurt me worse than your total abandonment. even if you never speak to me again (and it's looking like that's how its going to be) i hope you know in your heart that you did me wrong and i didn't deserve it.


now please, darling, i'm seriously begging you, and god, and the fates that be, please don't make me into a joke. i couldn't have possibly loved you any more than i did. and do. there wasn't anything inside of me other than love and respect for you from our first date. and now i'm forced to reinvent myself, and it's so, so hard.

i'm doing a good job.

it will never be what i wanted.


i don't need you back, i just need to know that you cared at some point.


you were planning to wait until i graduated, but you say you were still sleeping with me because you thought we still had a chance.


please. just tell me you aren't as awful as you seem now. tell me that you have some empathy for hurting someone who cared for you as deeply as a mother cares for her child. that's all i need to let this go.


and i'll never hear it from you, and i still don't understand why.

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It's been six months since we broke up and five months I think since we last broke up. I remember how I first felt at the start of the break up, it was hurting me when I breathed, I couldn't stop crying and I couldn't stop hurting. You have no idea how much you hurt me and the amount of pain you caused me, you've got a rough idea but you'll never know just how much because I'll never tell you. I remember thinking how am I gonna live without you? How am I gonna cope with life because I thought I couldn't live without you, I remember thinking that if I didn't have you, I'd die. I really really really loved you and you fxcked me over by leaving me for someone else.


I also remember thinking that I'll never forgive you, but guess what? It's took me this long but I finally forgive you, not for you but for my own sanity. I forgive you because I want to move on with my life and not stay stuck in the past with memories of me and you. I'm forgiving you because that's the only ill properly move on, it was something I had to do I think.


It's like I have this little box in my head with everything and I all I had to do was forgive you and then I could lock it for good, which is what I've done. It's kind of putting something in a lake and just letting it go, that's what I'm doing.


I don't want you back and I certainly never want to see your face again. As long as you're happy, that's all that's needed.


I'll never forget you, ever. How can I forget the first girl I fell in love with and the first girl who broke my heart?

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Listen you goofball, you have gone silent on me, which is perfectly understandable but highly annoying. If you have been creeping my fb, you may have seen pics of a certain hot-as-blazes fellow whom you think I am sleeping with, but I refused him. Oh, I want him, make no mistake, but after being in a relationship with you, my requirements are much much more stringent. No more of this one woman here, one woman there nonsense.


And aren't you a piece of work.


I know you are leaving my head, but it is godawful slow and ya ain't nearly gone.


Knowing you are with A really kinda irks me, it does, and I get jealous, I do, but it is so slight a response now.


I have done my very level best to find a way to remain in contact, but you have returned to mourning your own choice to be with someone else. You make no gd sense to me. Why mourn your own choice?


Meanwhile, she has posted a movie pic from a 1939 film about a woman who wins her man back. Screw her.


I tell myself, DTMFA, and I do it. But it is very difficult, internally, to rid myself of you. I am a bit mad at you for that. You did me wrong, my man, deeply wrong.

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I don't feel like posting or saying anything more, but I will once again..because I feel I must, given recent events.


Out of the blue, I had a amaurosis fugax (loss of blood supply in eye), due to either a mini stroke or hypertension. It is transient and my eyesight is normal but it is possible that this will happen again or something else that could be equally debilitating.


I have given up on a lot of things in life now anyway.


I have reached a point where I feel I have to stand up for myself and my own feelings now. I can't keep blaming myself for everything because there have been people who have not understood me or treated me shabbily or not given me support at the one time I needed it in my life. You hurt me very much also and I don't want to minimize that anymore. People (not just you) who said they loved me, who I believed loved me but who thought of themselves first during the one time I needed their help the most. You turned me away from your doorstep that night by choosing someone else (a random cult-ie) instead. You accepted presents from other men while you were seeing me and that made me feel like crap, even though I had to pretend it was all ok, because you seemed happy and it would be have been so little on my part to mention it. You also made me wait for 30 or more minutes, so many times, so many times, while you talked to other people, with me just standing around with no indication that you cared or were aware as to how disrespecful that was.


But all that fades away. I loved you. You were my one and only. And know this: I won't forgive you for leaving me and never coming back, even after I changed my own faults, begged and pleaded and tried everything I could, everything I could bounded by taste and social mores.


I know in my own heart that I did not deserve this...I simply just did not. You could have given me a chance, the one time in my life I needed it, from you. You could have been a bigger person or you could have found love...somewhere in your heart. But all I got was a cold black night and I never saw the sun again for 16 months.


I won't forgive you, even if we both lived for a million years. I will forget but I will never forgive.



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Even though your pretensions and immaturity, cowardice and lol I forgot the other word damaged me more than you will ever know


I was in this upscale grocery the other day and I saw a man in his late twenties-mid thirties looking intently at the goods in the shop and suddenly it triggered sympathy in me like




All you wanted was to feel important, like your judgement mattered, that your existence mattered.


Even if you went about it in the wrong way, I can't blame you for the way you misused your limited resources due to


Your background, physical appearance, life experiences, time you grew up in, or the random things that happen to validate who you were at a certain point in time that led you to believe a certain career was your calling

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I realize more and more that the life I once knew wasn't actually that mainstream...weirdly enough. It makes me sad that I'm one of the unlucky ones who grew up in the richest, freest country in the world yet was so incredibly miserable. This was before I realized


That I'm not like going to hell or something for taking a completely different path from where and how I grew up.


Before I realized it's okay to actually be free, to love who you are, to stand up for the positive things you believe in,


Before I even knew that I could be happy

Weirdly enough

Happiness really was pain to me back then and I didn't even know it. My life was miserable.


So finally seriously, I just want to let the universe know that I'm leaving you behind. I feel guilty in a way wondering if you'll discover what you have been missing in life.


I think back to our first apartment

How it was pretty nice

And we moved into increasingly shabby quarters and I felt increasing depressed with the decisions you made in life


Yet I couldn't dare question you because you were above judgement as a mystic and a third rate academic.


The fact that I could have been duped by such an obvious charlatan makes me really sad for myself


Like I must have been a complete idiot

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It's just embarrassing considering how important I thought I was going to be as a person. That somehow our relationship mattered to the universe because we were going to change the world, even if you disgusted me on a very accessible level. I mean, , if we had actually gone on to change the world I wouldn't sound like such a narcissistic has been loser now but as it stands my actions were embarrassing and pathetic.


I truly thought I couldn't do any better.


And the weirdest thing isn't that, it's that whatever nightmare one can conjure up already exists in the world. You are a ing nightmare of a person and I can't believe you're real. You were right there at my most vulnerable point to take me away and indoctrinate me with


Your narcissistic fantasies in addition to my parents


That's what my identity used to be

Just a collection of other sick people's narcissistic fantasies.

I was nothing without that.


I don't know how to be anything but scared of you


Because like my original abusers, you seem to completely lack the ability to reflect on yourself in an honest way


How can I stop being traumatized by that?


By moving on in my head

And in my new world of honesty and integrity

Simplicity and light

I know that so many better things are there for me

And that I need to let this security blanket go.


I have to let the darkness go

But then it means my life up until this point is a waste.

That's why I can't let you go

It's hard to admit that I am at fault for a of the stupid foolish things I've done in my life

You were one of the biggest mistakes I ever made

One of the times I acted out of fear and out of convenience

And killed my own spirit until I felt like an unrecognizable monster


How can I forgive myself for ruining my own life?

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I'm numbing. Or is it actually getting over you, as scared as I am to say that? I don't know, really. Your silence is speaking volumes to me, whether it's what you truly mean or not. You couldn't really make sense of your own head when things got rough with all your personal stuff anyway. That didn't make you a bad boyfriend. I worried about you, but that was my problem, not yours. And you were always so supportive when I did need you to be there; it was just when there were problems you were having with us and you wouldn't tell me what upset you that I got freaked out by your behavior. If I could find a way to deal with that and we could find a way to deal with the communication problems we had as a couple...well, I think we could make it. But I shouldn't put my hopes up high for that happening, as badly as I want it to.


I still love you. Always will.

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i'm glad you went to deal with your stuff. I hope its true that this was a real fix and not just dealing with the symptoms again. Anyhow, it really sucks that you never bothered to tell me and that you never asked me to take you. I am so hurt. Selfish for me to think maybe, but its how I feel.


You complained how others always walked away from you. I never did. Again, something else you never let me prove.


Really nice to think that the next girl will have your attention and that wont be the focus of the relationship. Real awesome. Sucks, but only sucks for me. I'm the idiot who was thinking of forever. And forever meant the good and bad and sickness and health. Now she'll get all the good stuff.


Now I will not be making any more effort. No calls, no texts, nothing. You want me gone. Im gone. For real. So if you want me its your turn to fight. Goodbye my love. xo

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Still no response from you. I wish you could see how much i truly miss you. But i know you want your space and I'm doing all I can to respect that. I would do anything to just hear from you. You said you would always care about me no matter what happened, but where are you now? I still hope we talk soon. But I'll admit I'm still not emotionally ready. I don't even really know the words to say. But I do love you. With all my heart. I hope you're doing well.

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Are we FINALLY at the place where you will stop telling me that you wish you were my bf while you are choosing not to pursue me?


Are we FINALLY at the place where we are mutually NC?


Did A post that pic becuase she thinks she has finally won her man?




I think about my crush more than you.


You still were the best. But I have faith in the future, and that I am doing it right.


Miss our dysfunctional thing. Glad its gone. Miss it.

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Yes, YES you can pay me the money you've owed me for the past year. I've just had to make a payment myself so please do. No, I don't want the pets we got together because you are moving and don't want them anymore.


Yes, I had a lovely Birthday. I'm glad things are going 'really well' for you and that you've not been through the massive upheaval I had to go through when you broke my heart. Because, deep down, I want you to be happy but I am jealous of how easy it has been for you.


I'm angry at you for getting in touch. I want you to disappear. I don't want to think about you. My ego wants you to come back begging but I don't know how helpful that would be to either of us.


I sometimes miss the comfort of being with you but THAT is all. I am angry that it will take time to form that level of comfort again with someone. Now f**k off back to obscurity like I know you will!!!

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you have no idea how i feel. i only wished to love you and make you happy. i had never raised my voice at you, never hurt you, never got angry at you, never fought you. i tried to make our relationship as easy as possible for the both of us, always focusing on the good. i had one weak period of time when i was going through a lot. family problems, friend conflicts, and my personal issues. you were the one person who i thought i could lean on. who i get my strength from. who i thought would never leave me. and if that isnt bad enough, well, thanks for throwing away our relationship and finding a new guy to text and chat with DURING our relationship. i dont know if anything will come between you two, but still. it hurts. it hurts to the core. i am sad. disappointed. angry. but despite all this. i still love you. more than ever....

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Sigh. I still find it so hard to comprehend that you abandoned me for 'her'. I know our situation was not an easy one, but I believed you loved me. I don't know what to believe now. How can you so easily change gears and give everything to someone that in your own words you 'barely know'?! It makes me sick. Stupid me can't even bare the thought of doing what you're doing. But you know what? If the tables were turned and you were in my position and I was in yours, I know you would be struggling to cope with me being with someone else.


I was talking to my dad the other day. He was just being very dad-like and telling me to go get another boyfriend, life is short blah blah blah. Valid points but easier said than done at this stage. And then he said he's only going to say one thing, and one thing only about the situation with you. I waited anxiously for some more sage dad advice. And you know what he said? He leant accross the table and said "She really aint much of a looker!". Hahaha good old dad. He confessed he spied on your facebook after I rang him in tears when you announced your relationship. And he is right. She aint much of a looker! He's not the only one to tell me that. I know it doesn't make much difference, as at the end of the day you still chose her over me. But s**t. I hope you're happy waking up to that every morning! I know appearances aren't everything. Hey, you aren't exactly a model, but I still loved you and you were more than attractive in my eyes. Gorgeous even. And I know I'm not exactly a model either but you thought I was beautiful and sexy. So as much as my family and friends tell me how ugly 'she' is, it's nice to hear but it makes no difference. You chose her. You chose a stranger after 4 years of knowing and loving me.


It's actually 4 years ago today that we met in person in Paris. You wouldn't even be in the head space now to realise that. Yet I am here, very much aware of it. Still remembering the first time I heard your voice. You idiot. Just weeks ago you were saying how you can't believe how long we've known each other and talking quite sweetly about us. Now you're tucked up in bed with someone you barely know.


I hate you. But I love you just as much. Grrr.

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I miss you .... If I could just talk to you..... I'm sorry for the way I was, I never stopped loving you or caring for you, I just always thought I didn't deserve your love and I pushed you away .... I'm my worst enemy .... I wish it didn't have to be like this . I always did love you I just let my emotions always get all worked up , no argument was worth losing you .... I'm not the same without you .

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I did everything to forget u..be it going to the gym to workout, deleting ur number, not contacting u, deactivating my social media accounts and transferring every picture we took to somewhere else..why do u still come back to my mind? I want to forget u and everything abt u. It has been 6 mths and until now i still cannot believe the person who said and done such harsh things to me was the same person i fell so hard for.


Please leave my mind, i want to forget u.

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Screw you. Your email today, thanking me for replacing the frame that I broke and saying it was unnecessary, was frikkin unnecessary. I left it outside of your house when I knew you wouldn't be there on purpose. It was for my own piece of mind NOT for you. Your closing of "I hope you are doing well, despite what you might think" was infuriating! As if I am not doing ok without your issues and BS in my life? F you. I want to respond with a giant email full of anger and cuss words. But you aren't worth it. I was not angry before this email, you have succeeded in pissing me right off.


Now go away. Permanently.

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