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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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Saw that scene in Madagascar that you said reminded you of our arguments. I smiled a little, cried a little, But put myself back together and continued about my business. I refuse to allow myself to let you affect me any longer. Every day it gets a little easier, and everyday I smile with more sincerity. Thank you for allowing me to experience a horrible relationship; I am now thoroughly enjoying a wonderful one.

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Something's changed in me since I last spoke to you. Maybe it was how cold and uncaring you were on the phone, how impatient you were with me, how you just seemed so fed up with me. I realized that you really don't love me anymore and I no longer have anything to lose. You are gone. You hurt me and I dislike you for it. It helps. It colors you in a way that distances you from the person I fell for and pined for.

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I am crying as I write this because really I loved you the moment I saw you. I behaved badly I admit and I cut contact but really I could not take anymore of watching you message others, our friendship was not going to work for me watching you date others. I know you are with someone new so quickly. I wish I could forget you and have feelings for someone else so quickly. I can't. God help me because I need it at the moment. I wish you the best in life. You did treat me badly too and I only wish we could have worked out differently. Want to ease the pain of our memories.

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Now this post is what I am supposed to be using this thread for... sometimes as I let go of someone I send a thank you note. In this case, the note might say...


The year ends and our paths diverge as it seems they must.


For me, 2012 was a year of recovery. I began the year in mourning and I survived several assaults on my job and my finances. I ended the year knowing where I want to go and knowing I can get there. I learned from your instruction and your example. For that I am thankful.


As you discern and carve your path in 2013, know that you have some core strengths to carry you. One of my first compliments to you remains the most compelling. The way you use your mind is your strongest suit. I also like your level of energy and your surprising gift for being introverted. You are hungry as hell. Your combination of traits portends a lifetime of adventure. What really makes you sexy? The fact that adventure can happen in your mind, your living room, or around the globe. Few can honestly claim "I'm always ready." You can.


You are self-aware enough to know these strengths and to rely on them. Still, I hope this little note of appreciation helps fuel your tank for 2013.

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There was a part of me that prayed that you'd text me today. I so badly wanted the satisfaction I had last night when I deleted your message instead of replying. There was so much raw power in that feeling. Knowing that after I told you goodbye hours ago you still tried to contact me. Bug here I am once again, being cradled by my pillow, disappointed that you havent sent me a single thing. Felt horrible. Cried a little, but it hurts when it heals too and i know that us not speaking is for the better. We lead separate lives now with separate people and in order for us grow as individuals we must accept that. It just really hurts to wonder if you're thinking about me as often as you cross my mind. If I plague your dreams as passionately as you do mine. It's th thoughts like these that rekindle things I've forced myself to extinguish in my essence. Everyday it gets a little easier, But that doesn't mean it isn't hard.

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(beware of rant)


I am sorry B, I am sorry. I tried to write you a thank you letter earlier, and what I kept doing was censoring out my words, or my instincts. You know your strengths. A thank you letter from me would feel like, I don't know, more adulation from the masses or some such bs. Have you any idea how you demean yourself by engaging in relationships the way you do? You were falling in love with me, you were wavering in your love for Ann, you were all over the place. You love yourself and will take whatever the rest of us offer you. I think you don't love yourself. We supplant what is missing. But you sure are proud. Where is the honor in that? Where is the desire to profess, protect, provide? Really truly, I love love love so much about you. I am serious about that. I want you I want your brilliance and your confidence and your energy. My goodness you are like a fantasy and a drug and a porn movie all rolled up into one. Can you love? Can you sacrifice yourself for your wife? I just don't know. I just don't. I haven't seen it. You left your wife for Iraq against her wishes, and I know you felt compelled and offended that she didn't support you. Yet you left, and you never could describe for me how you wrestled with that decision. More that you were angry (hurt, but you don't know that) and went anyway. And you can sleep with two people at once, and withstand pangs of guilt and conflict, but still manipulate all to your purposes. Oh sure, it was my choice, I know, I watched your moves. You are complicit and not without soiled hands.


"You are the only reason I would choose to stay here." What about your girls? Why tell me this, when you have no intention of staying? When you are choosing to be with a woman who lives 2,000 miles away and where you say "I have no desire to ever move back there"? Helloooo, intimacy avoidance much?


I wish you find love and integrity in your soul and in your heart. I wish you find the courage to build your relationships in a way that reflects respect for yourself. I really do. May God protect you where I have tried and can not.

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I'm glad you are finding your way again... that you are starting to feel the darkness lift and that you are seeing that you are worth something again... but as this happens and you rebuild your sense of self... I will begin to drift away even more than now... I was your best friend first, and I know you are in need of help, and I firmly believe we should not reattempt a romantic relationship... but I still need space to grieve...

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i cant believe you havnt called me, your so self centered! i asked you to call me asap to let me know if you want me around or not in your troubled times. i was the good guy! i didnt have to talk to you at that party, i didnt have to see you the next day, and i didnt have to call you the next day either, but i did because i still care! do you even miss me, or still think of me? were you just testing the water to see if i was still "available" ? .. do you want to get back with me!?!? stop being so damn crazy and keeping all your emotions in your head. get it into your thick skull that i dont want to get back with you!! i have been talking to you to be nice and be a familiar friendly face! i dont want to be with you unless you learn to communicate!!!!!!!!!! but you are never going to do that!!


youve strung me along again! do you expect phone calls and texts now declaring my love? your not getting them. i know you will probably never call, and if you do eventually call, im going to tell you to leave me the f*** alone! i dont care anymore what you have to say, unless its an apology, then i will consider it! once again you are walking all over my feelings and my respect.


saying that, i hope your medicine helps you, and your councelling helps you. i hope you tell them everything this time and not just scratch the surface. tell them everything about me and how terrible you were to me when i was your prince charming, and i still stood by you. then go home and cry into your diary, listening to taylor swift writing about how foolish you are, or better yet! pick up the damn phone and plead your heart out to me! stupid woman

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You finally sent me a facebook message and responded to my birthday wishes even if it was 11 days later. I just saw this today, even though you sent me the message 10 days ago. Now you know I'm barely keeping up with facebook and not checking up on your life as much, if at all. I'm not going to respond to you but you told me that contacting you through facebook would be better instead of via phone. I wonder why that is. Maybe it's so you can ignore a simple message for a month and use the excuse that "you didn't see it". Yeah, go **** yourself.


Anyways, I have most of my self confidence back after you dumped me 2.5 months ago. Last night, I spotted a girl who is easily a 9.5+/10 eyeing me from accross the bar. After we caught eachother glancing a few times at eachother she came all the way up to me, grabbed my arm and started grinding on me. That felt pretty dang good and she seems really nice and somewhat interested as well. I got her number and am texting her right now. Even though I was in love with you, I have to admit she is better looking than you and hey, she's probably nicer too.

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I still miss you and it hurts to be moving on. I feel my perception of relationships is warped because you were my first love and I honestly thought that, after so long, we would end up together. I'm confused that we didn't and why it couldn't work. I really want to talk to you and see how you're doing. Why won't you get in touch?

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Tonight I am exhausted and miss you more than I should.

I want you to fly here. I want you to show up at my work and spin me around and tell me you still love me, that you'll stay a while because what else is there if not love? I want to feel you against my back again, lay warm and safe under your arm until the other one goes numb so you turn into the little spoon. I hate that at this point I would take you back in a heartbeat.

I so, so miss you tonight. I wish you loved me enough. I wish I didn't love you at all.

Please, if there is a god, let me forget this person.

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I'm missing you alot today waking up all I'm wanting is too snuggle up to you with you in my arms but I know I got to keep moving on as you still have not contacted me after 5 weeks and us been together for 6 years engaged shows you don't love me and I can see your hurting but u pushed me lot i just hope soon you relise what you lost and how much I did for u. I can see your in party mode and its starting to wear off and its starting to sink in what your losing

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Dear ex, you unfollowed me on twitter as I've noticed...how does it feel to know I "unfollowed" you first. BAHAHAHAHA. -.- I still hate er--love gah--dislike you. It has been 41 days since you've left, I am 20 pounds lighter, and starting to date again. also, i do not care about your new relationship--all "that" much. I think this may be what moving on feels like. that's all for today!

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I don't want you to be happy. I want you to suffer like I suffered, cry every night, and miss me as much as I miss you. You never cared as much as I did. I hope she dumps you. I hope you are just in a rebound relationship. I miss your hugs. It's so hard to remember your voice and touch. It's been four months since you held me. I hate your actions but I can never hate you. You need to hurt. I am so sick of your parents protecting you. Man up and remember what you walked away from.

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I miss you. It feels like your memory is burned into my brain and I can't seem to rid myself of the longing for you. I can build a new life and the pain gets better but I just want to come home to the familiarity of you. I want to be falling asleep in your arms. I'm sorry I am so based in comfort and routine but these things matter to me.


I still don't understand what went wrong. I still don't understand how, instead of wanting to talk this over like an adult, it is easier for you to run away. I am hurt that I don't know the real reason why things can't work.


I find I can cope with most of what has happened but it is the missing you that gets me down.

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I really should go do something but I can't, tired of exercising and tired of feeling this way. Ice cream proof blue funk. Ugh..


So you didn't text or call and there it is. I read my notes from long ago and although there are serious reasons for never going back, I dismissed them all. Didn't forgive, just dismissed them and stared at my chest - traitor.


I'm going to forget about forgetting you, new strategy and just reflect and savor all the wonderful times. There were so great ones, maybe write about a few and leave them as lessons learned. Why not eh? Beats whatever strategy I've got going now.


I got a present in the mail from our friend at the country club. She's getting on and rambled for 3 pages but in the end, she asked if we were back together? Achh. Maybe that was the start of this funk. Have to admit though, she really like "us" and it was so strange to see her try and fix people she barely met. Remember she did that fortune telling thing, telling us we will have 5 babies and one will die. I remember it because you were shocked it was the first time I witnessed your temper. I let it go as babble. After you left, she called to have me take out her water heater, during that job she was telling me not to give up that she was certain we were met to be. I was too miserable to care but now I have to answer her and find a gift.


She was right though. Something did die and I'm glad it wasn't the baby. Must think of it like that.


I miss you, I wish I was in a better place. Hate feeling this way.



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If someone had told me a year ago that we'd be broken up now, well, honestly, I probably wouldn't have been that surprised. This time last year, you were barely talking to me. But it's still so weird to have you gone. I can't believe how much can happen in a year. I have so much I wish I could tell you, and I genuinely wish I could tell you. Do you find it as weird as I do that we haven't heard one another's voice in so long or seen each other's face? Does it bother you like it bothers me? Do you think of me as often as I think of you?


There have been times I wished I could hate you - but those times have been very few. Mostly, I just wish we could've been the right people for each other. I'll never forget how you would question whether I really loved you. Now, almost a year later, I haven't seen or heard from you - you might as well be dead - yet I still love you. If only you knew how wrong you'd been.


I still believe that someday our paths will cross again. I try to imagine you gone forever, and it's impossible. So, I guess, 'til then...

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You are still on my mind so many hours of the day. I miss your voice and the jokes we would make. I wish i could have been in a happier place so that i could have been more fun to be around. Why did you not want to work on us? But then again i do not want to beg for someone's love. Moving on is so hard, especially if the pain is still holding you back so much.

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You're an a** and a liar. So I was the rebound all along? I was your ego boost during the time we were together, and when your ex (who you introduced me to as a friend) came running back you no longer needed me and tossed me aside. Of course none of this I found out directly from you, and of course when I confronted you about it you danced around the truth like the coward you are. I know I shouldn't be focusing on this but I honestly hope you guys don't last. But either way you deserve each other. She's a flake and you're weak.

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I ended things with my ex in a really awful way. I unfriended him on FB and I basically told him to never ever contact me again. Now I'm struggling because I want to contact him and say sorry. We were best friends since we ended it in May and since he found someone new this month, I went balistic and crazy on him and now the regret I have for acting the way that I did is absolutely killing me. He deserves to be happy and God knows I have hurt this guy so bad. I just want to apologize but I don't know that I should. We have been NC for just 3 days. The angst and sadness I feel is absolutely terrible.

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