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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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To you, talk is not cheap.. It's for free and it's way unbelievable how you act. You have no heart, no logic, no perspective. How can you even stand yourself? And why do I still love you so much? That makes me a fool too.


If what I have on mind is true, I would never forgive you H. Never!

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Have you cheated on your new boyfriend yet? Oh wait, you only do that when it's long term and serious and the guy has completely believed all your lies about "love" and a "future". Forever, huh? You are incapable of love, incapable of commitment, incapable of honesty, and incapable of decency.


I might not wallow in pity anymore, but I still hate you. I think you are classless, disgusting, and cruel. I don't think people like you deserve any kind of happiness. The fact that you treat people like dirt, betray them, lie about them, and get away with it every single time makes me sick. I hope karma catches up with you one day. Even in ten years time, when I can barely remember what you look like, if I get a phone call that the misery & suffering I have wished upon you has finally come true, then I will crack open the champagne and celebrate. The all-consuming and furious hate and anger that I once felt for you has gone; but my desire to see justice done has not. People like you deserve their comeuppance.


You stole three and a half years of my life. You stole all of my money. You stole the career that I would have had. You were the biggest mistake I have ever made.

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Guess this is it huh? No more contacting me? IDK why it hurts me, but it does- especially now. But what ever. Been three days NC. Bet you went out Saturday night didn't you? Like you wanted to. Bet you hooked up with some skank like back in July. Or better yet took your 'friend' Clarissa with you again. LOL. Definitely not funny but still worth laughing over. Not a laugh filled with humor, more like sarcasm and anger. So I guess this is it. Its really done. GOD I hate this. Even after ALL of this I still want to talk to you. I'm an idiot who will NEVER learn. I can stick my hand in the fire a hundred times, feel how bad it burns, promise myself I'll NEVER do it again, but yet always be tempted to. I promise myself this time I WILL NOT BE THE ONE TO CONTACT YOU! And It seems obvious that your not going to contact me, so I guess were good. I wonder if you'll wish me a Merry Christmas. Probably not. I won't either. Or a Happy birthday next week....not like you'll even remember. UGH!

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I'm hurting so badly tonight. I miss you so much tonight for some reason. This SUCKS!! I can't get you out of my head. I stared at my phone tonight from 8:30-10....the usual time you would call. Nothing. It hurts. It hurts alot. I wanted so badly to text you. But then i didn't because I'm scared of what you'll say. Maybe you have moved on. Maybe you're talking to someone else and don't even miss me.


This sucks. Going to take another sleeping pill so I can actually get sleep tonight. Thats the only thing that actually lets me get any rest.

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I miss you. SO DAMNED MUCH. Why are you so stubborn with this NC thing? Do you really hate me that much? Did I mean nothing to you? Really? All that time we spent together = nothing? Just for fun? I really can't come to terms with this.


Maybe you when we broke up you were just soooooo over it already that the rest is easy-going. It frustrates me. Why do you have to be so damned cool all the freaking time??!!?! Or maybe you're hurting too? Hmm. Dunno how I feel about that.


I hate myself for not being able to hate you and for being unable to forgive myself. I hate that I take every single word you ever said to me, commit it to memory and then beat myself up for not meeting that standard of whatever it is. The biggest problem is me. Okay, I got it. Thanks for telling me.


Huh. My birthday and no text. I assume you've already forgotten. Or maybe you're not even in the country? Whatever.


Have a good Christmas and a happy new year. I'm not going to tell you that in real life, that's for sure.


I wish you well.


I'm going to live my life and be happy alone.

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you dont show that you care if im in your life or not.. im tired of being blamed for everything - being called crazy, a * * * * * * * , annoying, telling me you like that im laid back, but im a push over, saying i can take jokes but if i let you get away with too many jokes, everything is always wrong.. so if you dont care then i am just disappearing and you can see life without me around at all.

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You're really bad for me.

You are a cheater, plain and simple; both self-described and a textbook example.

So, why do I want you to call?

Answer: Because I'm lonely for you, not because I wish we'd get back together.


I don't miss the stress of guessing about your whereabouts.

But I do miss loving someone and spoiling them.

Best I save that for someone who deserves it.


I put myself through the wringer enough.

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I hate that I texted you


I wrote this text out saying hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas, and my bestfriend tried to convince me not to send it....and it accidentally sent. And I feel like crap right now And you called....and I didn't answer. And you texted me back with 'you too'. It KILLED me!!! KILLED!!!!!!!!!!!! I might as well just go crawl into a ball right now and cry myself to sleep. Why did I text you? Its been 5 days- I was doing good! UGHHHHHHHHHHHHH! But I want to hear ur voice so much right now! I hate life!!

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Even though I haven't tried to contact you in two months, and you haven't either, I still think about you all the time and miss you. But I just can't talk to you right now. I know doing so would only set me back, because I still love you -- there's still too much hurt there. I don't know how you are interpreting my silence, but it isn't because I've gotten over you or forgotten about you.


It's OK that we are apart now, but I wonder if you still think of me and care about me, or if you've moved onto someone else.


Did I mean as much to you as you once said?

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so I faced you, it was easy. You asked me to call, I shouldn't have said maybe I should have said no. Your gf is a tramp, I'm so insulted you picked her to follow me. You'll never know I feel this way though, I'll you'll know is that I don't call and I don't write. Hope you hold your breathe til I do XO

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I have given you all of me. I can't believe that you are what you have become. How on earth did I trust you? How on earth could you play me so heartlessly and I couldn't feel it? You are no good at all. I was literally blinded not to see all the crap that deeply lived within you. You are the worst person I have ever met. Yes, you are.

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Why you have to send me that e-mail trying to manipulate me? I can't believe that after a year you can't admit all the damage that you caused to our relationship. You still believe that you can have it your way, and that things are going to happen according to your plan. I feel that I don't know you anymore. You are a whole new person and not in a good way. I have to keep doing my stuff and not be affected for your messages. I'm going away soon. I will not be here on your birthday...And I'm not going to send you anything...so I better say happy birthday here instead of contacting you. You are going to be with here. You chose her instead of me, so what's the point of me saying HB? I know that deep in your heart you know what you did to me is that you don't have the balls to admit what you did...Because you have to keep this clean image that everyone has of you, when deep inside you are a .........

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"Hey, how are you? Let's grab a coffee sometime."


I want to say these words to you. They're not very scary. I would do it, if only you hadn't blown me off three times since our BU.


Now it's up to you.


I know you have the strength within you to be friendly again with me.


Or maybe... are you testing me to see if I'll come begging and crying like every other girl that falls for you?


You're such a player. I don't know why you pretend like you're a genuine guy. You've bedded more girls than most people your age.


I can't accept that you rejected me, who doesn't ask for much, and yet you will bed just any other random girl. Then you say you don't like meaningless sex. You are full of crap. FULL OF IT!


If you're going to act like this forever, BEGONE. Go back to where you belong. Go hang out with your stupid ex who you love (you probably already have!).


We don't need you here. You and your stupid "I don't give a damn about anything" ways.


I loved you. I may have confused you with my other ex a couple of times, but that doesn't change my current feeling. I loved you.

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....You've left our work, for your Christmas break, (your boss is nicer than mine and let you leave early). You stopped by for a Christmas hug, and it made me wish for more holidays, I tell you. Being in your arms is the perfect place for me. I am happy that we are friends, it's hard at times to be only a friend to you, but I appreciate that you let me be who I am, you don't think me weak or ridiculous for my feelings.


Friendship. Like I said, difficult, but worth it, because I truly like who you are....it's more than romantic love.

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You've contacted me today. Just a trivial conversation for some information you thought I'd like to have. What does it mean? Does it even mean anything? I think not. I won't initiate contact either way. I'll respond to yours but I won't initiate it. I NEED to wait and see what happens, or I'll never understand. I need you to miss me, or I'll never make my point. You know I miss you and it's clear you do not miss me instead. But I need to make you miss me so that I can have some peace of mind. If you never see your life without me, you'll never see what you lost. You are happy on your own, I get that. I can be happy on my own too. But you just don't see together is BETTER. I hope by the time you know that, I will be in a better place, I won't be hurting anymore and I will be healed and happy. Happy to be whole without you. Happy that the void in my chest would be gone. I live to see that day come true. You've been my best friend of all times, you've been the best boyfriend I've had yet, but I will become the best friend I've ever had and the best lover I've ever had. I hope someday, when things will be different, we will meet again. We will meet in peace and happiness and enjoy some time together. No hurt, no sadness, no regrets. Just me and you, having fun.


I know you don't love me anymore. I hope you someday will see that you do love me and that you made a great mistake.

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