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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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What can I say? No word has left gone unsaid, no feeling has gone unexpressed. Today you talked about the pity-sex....we both laughed about it. Truth is - I am so down for that. With you, I don't feel dignity to be necessary. One look in my eyes and you know I"m still (always) in love with you. Frankly, I hope you are truthful about that pity-sex...you are the best...I don't want anyone else. I want you. But I know you are not coming back. W/E. Life's a major b----.

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Ugh. It's been a while so I called you. I was just trying to be friends, nothing more. I just wanted a coffee and confirmation that we can be friends. I don't want anything more from you. I'm not "pushing" you anymore. Why did you still have to be so cruel? I always knew you were a cold person, just not this cold. How did I manage to have a relationship with you all this time? You're unable to give any emotion in a relationship, did you know that? The moment it got kind of serious and showed signs of troubles, you quit. Maybe you're kind of broken.


Was I that easy to get over?

Was I that easy to forget?

Did you think you can just walk in and stamp all over my life/my house/my room and walk out?

Was I just a booty call to you?

Was I just a rebound for you to get over your ex?


Why did you have to pretend to like me all that time? What was that coffee you used to make? The stupid looks you used to give me... what were those for? Why buy me clothes? Why buy me dinner? Drinks? The things I used to do were just a test to see if you were worthy of my devotion. You failed most of the time, but I loved you regardless. Why did you do all those good things for me if you were going to sit back and then start talking about your "own life" and all that rubbish? I was never in the picture, so why did you act like I was? Were you fooling yourself... or me?


You hurt me. Really bad. But you know what? I am a strong person. I can even forgive you, and like a glutton for punishment, I can even be friends with you. Why can't you see this? I don't want to lose this person that I have loved and respected in my life. I can do it with others, I can do it with you.


Maybe you're hurting too and I'm unable to see that. Even as I typed that line, I could feel that I was just fooling myself.


You don't want friendship -- okay. I GOT IT. I promise you I won't call/text anymore. This is the last and only thing I can do for you.

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I'm going to start afresh in Jan. First gonna do a ritual where I burn off everything that reminds me of you, then I'm going to write a list of my goals and hope it comes true.

I'm going to meet an awesome guy in January and have a great relationship with him, I'm going to meet the right person for me within two years. I will be super joyous and content and relaxed and make something of my life. I will be able to smile and really mean it, smile from my heart outwards. And you will be the past.


I will always think of you though...and love you intensely. My darling boy lol, I'm so glad you entered my life. Even though you completely shattered my heart, that only means a better, more resilient heart will grow in its place. =) Start of something new yea? Kinda excited!

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Oh and will you promise you'll make something of yourself? Take responsibility for your life soon ok?

You have all that potential in you, don't waste it hun.

Shine your light outwards, so that everyone else can see, not just me.


Tbh you are severely, incredibly messed up in many ways, but I don't care, bc it really doesn't change my feelings for you. You're special to me T.


Always will be.

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I'm going to be alright. I have to, no matter what happens.

I have been so broken for a quite long time and can't manage to do anything without you.

I can't hold on to you for a lifetime. I can see an end to all this very soon. Either with or without you.

I choose to be with you though, but I can't force myself into your life if you're happier without me being in your life.


I will hope for a better year. I will pray that I can finally meet the person who's going to be my life. I will pray for peace of mind.

I will pray that you will be the one, but if not, I'm sure God will take care of my happiness.


I love you. So much, H.

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I look back and wonder why I was always so afraid to be without you, to start all over again.


Now that you have freed me from your spell, I'm free to go out and actually have a good time. My game is tight right now and the attention I get from the girls is almost too hard to believe at times.


Thank you for letting me go and allowing me to be with other people. There are people out there who actually enjoy kissing and having sex. Who knew!

I wouldn't change anything for the world. I'm a bit derailed and get myself into more trouble then I should but, I'm having fun and after all I have been through, I think I deserve it. The world is my oyster and trust me, I have been shuckin it.



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So you still haven’t dug the knife in deep enough, huh? Still calling me for no apparent reason at all except that you’re bored or feeling a little melancholy because it’s the holiday season and all just might not be so perfect with your new love as you thought it would be? The question is still – why are you calling me? Go home and cuddle up with my replacement – it’s her job to comfort you now, validate you and give you reassurances – the one you chose over me and three years of a relationship with no real issues. It plagues you that I finally realize how fortunate I am that you are not in my life any more. You’re perplexed as you know I am enjoying freedom from you and all the perks that go along with it – able to read in peace, can go to my favorite coffee shops and just sit back and read, enjoy a nice cup of herbal tea, soak up the relaxing, comforting feel of the atmosphere without feeling it may bore you….I can go out on my balcony and be at one with nature, see and hear the squirrels running in and out of the bushes, climbing up trees and telephone poles.


I have slowly, painfully and deliberately moved on from you and a relationship that was a fraud – what was supposedly formed from a strong foundation of friendship, love and mutual respect. Yes, carefully and deliberately I replaced your fake friendship with my own true, lasting friendship, and I have moved on. I am my own best friend now and you’re on the outside looking in…or should I say, on the outside calling in?

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Oh this should be fun... lol.


Not that I would contact you anyway, but let me get something off my chest.


For the longest time, I had my doubts about you. Before you left for the military... remember how I tried to dump you? Remember how I tried to move on with my life, even back then? How you cried, and how I even changed my status to "single"? I remember being over the entire situation even back then. I told you how things went down with the other girl I was dating that joined the military, and you promised things would be different. But you taught me that you're all the same. There is no such thing as "different".


Everything we went through over the past 10 months or so, it was more or less a case of need over want. I wanted to be free, but I had become so accustomed to having you around, and when you left, I became bored. I didn't have anyone to spend time with in the way I did you, I missed what you were to me more than I missed YOU. And I let that begin to control me, and how I acted.


I had long been bored with the relationship, but I chose to continue it because I had got so used to being with you. We spent at least every other day together. Oh, but we had good times. I don't believe I wasted time with you, not at all. Even though things were getting dull, I know we could have spiced it back up. And I was ready to when you returned. To go back on day-tes, to move in together, and to bring that fire back. I really missed you.


Now, I barely even think about you.


You were not particularly good in bed, and near the end THAT even bored me, even after not seeing you for 2 months. Not a good sign. LOL.


Thank you for giving up on me, so I could begin to believe in MYSELF again. This has been a great experience in the end, and I hope you're having the time of your life. I'm living my dream, and your knees and shins are still f**ked. I hope they figure out someway to replace your knees without, ya know, having to replace em, because that SUCKS.


Good luck, stupid. You gave up on the best thing you ever had. That may sound conceited, but I know I was good to you, and you are dellerious.



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Yeah, you're right. You finally unmasked me and underneath it all I'm just a heartless, lying b****. Most guys would've been fooled by the three years of unwavering support I gave you. The hours I spent helping you with your life and your kids. The gifts, the material support, the affection. Always seeing the good in you and trying to make you feel understood. But you knew better, didn't you? Yeah, you finally rooted out the truth. Sure, it took lying to me continuously, cheating on me, breaking up with me, convincing me to trust you and then pulling the rug out from under me---twice, making promises and then forgetting them, telling me I was difficult and crazy whenever I complained. But eventually it worked and I was exposed as the miserable, angry person you always knew I was. Well done, SuperEx.

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Today, I finally, cleaned my house. It's been, how many weeks now since you left? 4, 5? Of course I've done little things here and there, the dishes, and cleaning the bathroom, I am far from a slob. But today I finally had the energy and ambition to clean it - top to bottom - a deep cleaning, and FINALLY stripped the sheets from the bed....those sheets you slept on your last night here I know, that borders on gross, right? Still, I haven't been able to do it. Fresh clean sheets on the bed now and I'm getting ready to drop these, into the washer....it felt so sad taking them off the bed, remembering when I put them on, knowing you were coming over later that night. I'm tired of feeling sad and hurt, I"m tired of missing you and grieving for you.


Weekends are tough, but tonight I'm sitting here in my sparkling clean house, I'm stocked with wine and good food, and I'm barricaded in waiting for the big snowstorm that will hit tonight. I did my long run today, so tomorrow I can just stay warm inside and watch football and drink beer I still think of you, I still love you. But I accept that you are gone. Now it's time to focus on mySELF.

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Why do you refuse to give what we had a second chance? I have so much love to give you. You were always my superman. And now you don't even miss me. You've told me that. How unfair for you to lead me on for four months, telling me you still loved me and wanted to get back together. You liar! I can't believe all this time I had so much hope, when you didn't mean a word of it and spent all of this time moving on. How dare you do this to me? I don't deserve to be treated like this. I don't even know who you are anymore, but that doesn't stop me from wanting you so, so badly. I want the old you, not who you are now. But I know that you'll be the old you to your new girlfriend, you know, the one you cheated on me with. And that really sucks. None of my begging and pleading and crying has gotten me anywhere. "You can't always get what you want" has taken on a whole new level of meaning, and it's not fun.

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I know you have a new girl, and it sucks. I shouldn't know. It's better that way, but I know, and I can't un-know it. You do things for her that you didn't do for me. I know this is the honeymoon phase and that we had one too, when you would do anything and everything for me. But it's unfair. You should have had the courage to end things instead of making me start the conversation. It's been almost 4 months since you told me you don't love me. Did you think about me when you moved to the big city? A new place with no memories of us except the picture you had already packed... you got a good deal.

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Hi you $@*)$*)(@&)(@&$)&$,

You come by my house the day of my birthday with presents. You come like you are so innocent and like you miss me and can't stop thinking about me. You try to flirt with me and made believe all the stuff you say. I know your moves and all your lies. You think you can fool me but I'm the one fooling you. I know that you are with her and that you are trying to make her like me. I just can't understand that.

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I know you think I don't have the right to be angry or jealous because we are no longer together, but in my heart I know I do because I truly love you and still want to be with you.


You are hurting me a lot. A lot. The pain won't leave me H.

Please, stop this and have a heart. You are unbelievably so heartless. I swear I'm hurting so much.

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Sorry that I called you this morning and suddenly hang up. I don't know why I did it. I just feel that you are trying to play with my mind and my feelings. How did you became such a person? I don't even know you anymore. I was really well in my NC and know that you came by my house I feel bad. I know that this is your purpose, keep me on hold until you get sick of her. But I just want to tell that I'm moving on and I'm also moving next year. I know that this new took you by surprise but it's just something I have to do. You got your chance with me and you blew it. Now is my time to focus on me and all the things that I really want to do with my life. You are no longer part of it so you just can leave me alone. Bye Q. I can't deny that after you being a jerk I still love but maybe not that kind of way anymore.

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I wish that I could hate you for all the promises that you broke. You were never interested in looking for a better job for yourself, to move in with me, to support us in moving forward. Instead you stick your head in the sand, act a coward and let it all fizzle out.


You will never achieve your dreams. You are stuck in this hole of a town and will never get out. I'm heading for the stars instead. Ciao

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....I haven't emailed you in a week, I want to, right now, but I am writing here, instead. What would I say that you don't already know? Nothing new. I am trying to live my life, without you. I am trying to live a life of passion and vibrance; I am not going to allow your absence, to take away my zest for life.


I am going to move forward, and I am going to achieve all my goals....I will be happy in my life. Your loss will not destroy me. It has slowed me down for 5 weeks, but that is a mere breath, in my life. No more....

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