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Hi. I struggled today, but I am also moving forward. Maybe I don't feel like I'm moving away from you, but I feel I'm getting closer to me. If I could tell you what I've learned today, and the choices I've made, I know you'd be happy for me. I'm starting to realise that you just want to be happy. It's sad that you felt you couldn't be happy with me, but I wasn't happy with me either.

A part of me wants to believe that you'd wait for me. But I don't believe you left me for the reasons you said you did... I think you used my issues as an excuse, because greener pastures called. I'm really starting to dislike what you are, but still, I don't know do I? You wouldn't talk to me during or after our relationship.

I'm not sure I could be with you again, unless you could prove your breaking up with me was because you loved me and wanted us to be together forever.

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So I've been talking to you these few days and sigh. I really need to stay away.

I love you so much. It hurts to know that no matter how much I want things to be different, it's too late, and I must leave you behind.

I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I do I do. T__T.

It's so hard. It's still so hard. When is this going to get easier?



I just can't stop loving you. I feel so helpless.

I ache all over. And I wish it would stop.

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Over a month ago my boyfriend decided to move out. He moved back in with his mom. He still called and stopped in to see me, and to take my son to the park. After his taking my son to the park, he started not talking to me online, nor picking up my phone calls. Recently, one of my friends had spotted him walking up the road with a girl. She fit the discription of an ex girlfriend. I didn't say anything. I had been trying to call him for a few days and no one would pick up, so I blocked my number,Then one day I turned on his facebook and seen that this girl had sent him a heart on his wall.

It made me mad so I basically told him that I heard he was with her, and I wanted him to move his things and get out of my life, and have a good life with her and her kids. He then deleted me off facebook. I called him up to see why and he started screaming at me, telling me I was stupid, and crazy, and he didn't do it. It was the maddest I have ever seen him he sounded more inraged then guilty. He said he did not. And continued to tell me off. His mom was in the background telling him to stop and to calm down, He then hung up on me. I called back and she said he was really upset right then and couldn't talk.

He now has deleted me completely off his msn. He claimed on the phone he would be here in a few days to get his things. Why not get them right then? It is nice stuff to. He even told me to sell it. We are expecting a baby in October, and he completely ignores me now, do you think he will come around? I feel bad to jump to conclusions, but I honestly thought he was cheating. My biggest issue is why she would go through the actions to protect her privacy, and delete her mutual friends. Why would he tell her? this is the note i sent... does it sound bad??

ook Jack... I got a message about Sarah, stating that you two were dating behind my back, for quite sometime... it was on my answering machine 3 nights ago, plus I seen you two together so kinda obvious.. I understand we are done and you have to come get your things. I find it ignorant that you are not even replying, or making any attempts to retrieve items that you left laying all over my house, I dont see why you can not store it at her house. You are not stringing me along anymore. FORGET IT! We will never get back together...you leaving things here is really pissing me off. Just give me a date, and I will personally leave so we do not see each other. You don't need to have anything to do with the child, just dont walk in and out so suddenly with this one as you did my son. It has left him very confused, and hurt. Oh and i am not the crazy baby momma. I am just trying to get you out of my life, so you can focus on a family with her,and her two children (as the caller had said). Thank you.

HE up and deletes me of of facebook instead of telling me anything else. SO then I called him, he lashes out on me, denies it, and hangs up on me.Just after he brought my son back, he said he would probably be back the next day to get him again. People are coming to me and telling me that they have seen him in our area everyday, and this girl lives away from here. I can not understand why he would tell her about me finding out, if he was cheating on me in the first place. This girl is even going to my friends at there workplace. Telling them that she is kind of seeing my ex and wants no trouble. Now I am hearing rumours that he is going to get a dna test to prove he is the dad.

Keep in mind they both claim they did not do anything while we were together. But shortly after I sent him a letter, she starts contacting my friends to tell them that she wants no trouble.

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Hi.....well, your vacation days are past and you are back to work. I was worried about all the dental work you were having done, I feel sad that you had to kind of stay indoors b/c it was embarassing otherwise, but today you look great, your smile is awesome. And I am happy you got it over with.


But, even though I love the minutes you come and talk to me, I am very sad because the context has shifted. I find myself wondering why you even bother to come by - do you really like me as a friend or do you feel some sort of obligation? I would hate to be reduced to obligation. Anyway - you ended things, so there is no obligation. Then, I am very sad when you leave to go back to your office. And, as the day continues, I get even more down, because I know you are just a few hundred feet away, in my building, we are under the same roof but you are no longer sitting there thinking of me while you work.


It's like one day I was very important and you talked to me constantly and thought of me all the time- and the next - you decided to focus on her and BAM your switch turns off just like a light.


I wish you could turn my brain and heart off like that. I wish I could hate you or even, feel nothing for you. I make a little progress then it just falls away - and the pain hits me like a ocean wave - cold in my face - salty water in my wounds.


How, I wonder, can you be so happy - while I am so sad?

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M McC,you will always be fighting your demons because you will never confront your own issues.Your insecurities and your neediness are your own biggest downfall,not my issues.Throwing me out of your home because I didn't tell you I loved you enough the night we went to my friends 40th.I don't know how I didn't dump you there and then.Instead I waited for you to finish with me.I really thought you would have seen the light one day but so far nothing.It was only when my friends told me how outlandishly you treated me,I began to realise your behaviour was your issue and not my fault.I know one day you will be shook,when you realise how disgustingly you treated me.Only I loved you as much as I did,I would have ran a mile from you.I don't want you back,I'd be mad to ever share my life with you again,but I would love to hear from you again,just to say you're sorry.

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Why? Why do you go from ignoring my texts to texting & calling me, telling me you miss me, to ignoring me again? All in less than 2 weeks. This is torture, and you know it. I need to stop this...I need to focus on other stuff. I need to better myself, and stop caring about you so much. You obviously don't care about me right now =/

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i'm so tired of you still being brought up when people ask about my last relationship. do i still love you. of course i still love you and you love me. we knew this when we ended. but its so much harder to explain why that isn't enough reason to be together. i know its not enough. i know now that love is not enough and it makes sense. but it hurts so much. everyone around me so determined to set me up and find me someone great. when all i keep referring back to are things about you. but i know you arent the whole of what i want. i want half of what you were...and the rest i dont know. i just want love. i want crazy good amazing love again. i want it so badly. im sick and tired of trying. im so sick of trying. dating sucks. nobody gets me the way you do. nobody even wants to.

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...I don't understand you! Ok. We're broke up, I get it, you made it clear. You were compassionate, granted. You were respectful, kind, but, you made it clear we are done.


So yesterday at work, we had a long conversation, a nice one. And you IM'd me when you got back to your desk later, and we talked for the rest of the afternoon on IM. I did NOT IM you. You IM'd ME. And you invited me for lunch on Friday, and I accepted. Today - you completely avoid me - I do not understand Very confusing.


I am all set to run my 8K tomorrow - my first official race - and I should be all psyched up and revved - instead now I am crushed again and letting you take my power away. I'm such a loser. Fail.

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I've had so much self confidence and positivity lately... but with Thanksgiving rolling around and the season of the holidays I'm sort of down right now. I still wish you and your wonderful daughter a great day - but selfishly it feels like this is wrong. I miss you both, but I won't bother you. I've never understood how people could be depressed around this time of year - but now I understand more than I wish I ever thought I would. Take care of everyone, including yourself...

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Its been 5 months - so much has changed since June 17. My life is completely different because of you. Yes, I am in the same place I would be, but I am such a different person. You both ruined and saved me from myself; I dont know whether to hate your or try to begin to forgive you -- we never talked, so I just dont know where to go. You ended our engagement, moved home, and moved in with another man two months later. How could you do that? There's nothing else to say - just, how could you ever do that to us? You gave us absolutely no respect - I still cant believe this has happened. God, how I wish we could just talk; I know you have someone else, but I just want to hear your voice. I still love you deep down, but I hate you for what you have done. Its not fair. After 5 months, I should have moved on with my life, but I still care. I hope that maybe one day you will think of me, though I know you wont; its not in your nature. Im sorry for everything I have done, but I do not deserve this.

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Hi Mike. How's it going? I just wanted to say that I'm jealous and I hate you. You're going to get so many girls.

You had a relationship with an older woman, and you dumped her. You're good looking and have your head screwed on. You'll be a hero. Your friends will idolise you and the girls will want to find out more. I hate that - whilst you're revelling in female attention, I am hurting like a mother b1tch. Well, do you know what? You're the b1tch.

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