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If you had just told me how you were feeling we could have worked it out like we always did. Instead, you gave up on the relationship, but you were too much of a coward to end it with me. So I had to end it, and having to live with that kills me. Why would you do this to me? How could you? You said you loved me. I guess you lied.


You told tons of people that I broke up with you, which is true, but you didn't tell them that I was forced to do so. You received all the pity, and all the attention that you constantly yearn for. You even got a new girlfriend a couple weeks after our split. You made me feel so guilty for ending things, yet I'm the one whose suffering. Your actions are those of a dumper, while I'm actually feeling what a dumpee goes through. I hate that this is switched. I wish you could feel what I'm feeling.

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I had to end it, and having to live with that kills me. Why would you do this to me? How could you? You said you loved me. I guess you lied.


You told tons of people that I broke up with you, which is true, but you didn't tell them that I was forced to do so. You received all the pity, and all the attention that you constantly yearn for. You even got a new girlfriend a couple weeks after our split. You made me feel so guilty for ending things, yet I'm the one whose suffering. Your actions are those of a dumper, while I'm actually feeling what a dumpee goes through. I hate that this is switched. I wish you could feel what I'm feeling.


Same feelings here! I had no choice, Brian. Well I did have a choice, actually...let you continue to rape me when I was asleep or break up. Let you go AWOL on me and everyone else or stop being friends. Let your sex addicition destroy you or get out of the way before it destroyed me. You act like I just broke up with you out of boredom or not being in love. You are so wrong. I am so loyal. I would stay with someone forever if they respected me, but I couldn't and it's YOU who is like the dumper for what you did to me. Why are you the one with a new chick? Were you just pretending to want to marry me until an opportuity to bang someone came along? It's just crazy. You're a liar, a cheater, and a thief. You didn't defend me, you were not there for me, controlling, manipulative, and selfish. But I somehow managed to love you. How did I do it? How was I up all last night obsessing about you while you were probably in bed jacking off to your own picture? How can you insist that I get a ride home from church and beg everyone to give me a ride yet now you take off before I can even leave? You care about me sooo much, but suddenly now I can find my way home? Ya, see...all the wolves in sheep's clothing. They care so much when they get something out of it, but when they're not involved, they couldn't care less. I'm more in danger from you possibly harming me than some random person on the street. I hate you.

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How could you leave me, and go back home when home is a hour away. Why do I feel like I did something wrong? You were outside, and you started to yell I hanged up the phone, and you took off, in front of my own mother and little brother you left me in LA, with no car to get back home. The whole month you treated me like a slave. What did you expect me to do. Stay?? And then you tell me, you never got over me cussing at you 6 months back. Well if you hadn't disrespected me in front of our friends, guess what NO CUSSING!!! And you held it in, and you let it fester, and boil, and consume your happiness. You could have said that was still bothering you. But no. Hiding how you feel does not make you stronger idiot.


4 years together.............. then 3 weeks after we break up. U have a new man. And it's long term, really??? You figured that out after 1 week of dating him. Your hiding.So what if you guys grew up together in kindergarden. Who gives a F.. He is just like a lot of guys out there that you said YOU were thankful you didn't fall in love with. You always let your rage blind you. I would take you back in a snap, as long as you didn't sleep with him. And time can forgive things. But without the ability to apologize for what you did, even after 1 and a half months of NC., just bewilders me. I apologized within a minute of realizing what I SAID. For you it's as if, apologize are below you.

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I'm all over the map which is why I'm so glad you don't know about ENA. I told you I like to go to an advice forum and you never asked what the name of it was, so I guess you don't care. I'm glad I didn't blow my cover.


Right now I just want to hug you. I was thinking last night about sitting next to you in church and blowing your mind by holding your hand during the service. Do you remember when you did that to me? I told you I just wanted to be friends, yet you reached for my hand anyway and I let you hold it? You said you were going to fight for what you wanted and I told you I liked that. You weren't gonna give up without a fight. Part of me wants to do te same. But I'm afraid you'd yank your hand away and cause a big scene. That would be so embarrassing. I know that holding your hand would get to you though because you melted when I held your hand. Maybe I can clasp your hands when you walk through the door on Sunday morning. Hugging won't penetrate your walls, but touching your hands might do the trick. You know, I really need to leave it to God and LET HIM WORK THROUGH ME. I can't do it in my own strength. And maybe it's not even time nor is it ever the will for me to do that. If so, fine, I guess. But I'm sad. I remember the days when no pride stood between us. Those days when we prayed. Brian, for hating you so much, I do love you. It's twisted, but I do. In my heart of hearts, I don't resent you and there is nothing there, just love and understanding and forgiveness, but you probably won't ever see it because I can't afford to give it to you the way you are now.

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How could you say on June 25th these were the happiest years of your life? How could you say on June 28 that you wanted to marry me and we would be getting married?

How could you say the morning of July 13 that you loved me and to have a great day and not worry about our fight?

How could you break up with me on the evneing of July 13?


How could you not love me when I loved you so much?

How could you walk out on our life, home and pets?




You suck!

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More pieces keep coming together...only to make me feel more sick.


I just realized that the girl you cheated on me with was at work with you! The reference she made on your FB wall to "buying some more tools " meant she was buying more tools to work on that plane with you! So basically, you had been seeing her and spending all day at work with her helping you by your side! OMG. And for you to be able to call her meant you had to ask for her number WHILE WE WERE STILL TOGETHER. Why were you getting her number? Don't tell me---business? Yeah right. What business would you have talking to her? You're a contractor and she's nothing. But still you got her number even though your phone wasn't even working. What's up with that? And you told me that she liked you but you probably wouldn't go out because of "her parents." What? So you guys were hanging out and going out to dinner and liking each other all along, but you thought it was ok because you "probably" couldn't go out because of "her parents?" Seriuosly? You didn't sound convincing. Your sister said you asked what she thought about her (after you brought her over to the house). What did you guys do at the house? Do I even want to know? Your sis said that "That don't fly in my house!" What did she mean? DId you guys actually have the nerve to have sex in the house with your sister there? I mean, wow...I am stunned. My heart is aching. I doubt you watched movies cuz your dad is always watching TV. The only place to bring her is in your room on your bed. And you saw nothing wrong with this, yet you hid it from me. I told you everything, even about my ex, but you hid something like this. And you guys were supposed to "go out to eat." Is that why you're always late now to Bible study? Every time? Oh, it sickens me. My obsessive mind is killing me. It is torture!

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Same feelings here!


EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED WITH ME. 100000000000000000000% spot on!!!!!!!


wow.. I could have written that exactly.



Haha, I'm kind of glad I'm not the only one. It helps knowing that I'm not the only person dealing with this kind of break up.

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I feel good today. I've been out of the house, and I'm leaving again later. No matter how much fun I have, or how little I think of you when I'm busy, I always think of you when I return home. It's like I can't avoid it. All day I'm fine, but when I come home the first thing I do is get on ENA, and start thinking of you. On the plus side, I don't cry over you anymore. My memories are fading, and I'm allowing them to go. I don't want you anymore.

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I just Remembered. It's not my fault.!!!!! YOU choose not tell me what you were thinking. YOU choose not to tell me how you felt. YOU kept all the anger inside, and let it boil over, not me. No way. I have no trouble expressing myself, but you do. Thinking it will make you weak to reveal how you feel. So High Schoolish. YOU ARE 25 YEARS OLD!! Stop playing tricks on your self, you know the song "Don't let me get me" .. You did. Because you have nothing to do besides school, you refuse to go and look for a job, and expecting it to just drop in your lap. And you see me depressed, because EVERY DAY, i am sending out apps, within 80 square miles of where we lived. WHY???? because I want you to have the best of everything, I hate hearing other people saying they took their GF here and there, and I can't. That drives me to become a better BF. I would have given up school, just to work and make our life much better. BUT NOO!!! You can't see it. All you see, is ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME!!!! What (name) wants, why can't he do this for me, or this for me or that or me.


Never will that attitude bring you a decent man. Your own father said it, you were there."HPZOOM, you are the only respectable man, any of my daughters have ever brought home!!" one is 34, one is 30 the other 27 and you are 25. You had it all.


But you let a few bumps, turn into craters.


Remember New Years. I was praying for a job before so we can celebrate with a little amount of money. I refuse to go up north with your family, with sisters that disrespect me, and you do nothing about it. We made plans to stay home, if no money was there. That's the only holiday we have together. A week Later "I am going up borth to celebrate with my sisters" The nerve of you. You see me here struggling, trying to put US on the map, and you pull this punch. "so we are just gonna stay home, and celebrate here in the living room" YES YOU SNAKE. That's what you do, when you have plans with someone. That's what you do when you say I want to marry you. Think and Thin, the only thing thick is your Head!!!


Did your sisters volunteer to come here? Hell no. THEY MADE THEIR PLANS ALREADY WITH THEIR BF!! But they couldn't respect our relationship, and told you god knows what about me, to create this fight. Yeah I may not have money Now, but I am not a ex drug dealer, like one of your sis BF. I never cheated on you like the other sis BF. And I don't do drugs, liquor, gamble or stay out late like all the rest of them.


It's not enough or you. What was left was for me to cut off my arms, and give it too you, and slap me around with it!!



Thank god, i found this site. This is really helping!!!!

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AND!!! Why the heck, are you a agent for chaos??? I told you I HATE HATE HATE, Drama. It serves no purpose. I know you are a attention seeker. But you do it in such wrong fashion. I'm not perfect nobody, walking God's green earth is. If I get attention, it's about how good I treat you, look how much he loves her, he is always there. You on the other hand, "He didn't do this, he didn't do that, he said this, and that" Stop the woe is me routine.


And stop being the VICTIM, when you are the start of the problem! You could shoot me, and say to people "he shot me"


ACCOUNTABILITY, INTEGRITY. These are things I told you I value, 4 years ago, walking by the beach getting to know one another. But your selfishness, and your ability to act like a whooped child, whenever you are in the wrong is amazing.


If you are accountable for yourself, and have integrity, automatically you become HONEST. And branch that off into RESPECT. Why is it so hard to realize that??


But you make it so freaking difficult with you being so stubborn. Your sisters told me you were. I didn't think it was this bad. And your vindictive, and spiteful ways, are bringing you down. It made me leave, when I had FINALS!! I had to drop my classes, rather than get a F. Because "Oil went on the teapot". Get outta here. Hey, I didn't leave by my own choice. You helped me make that decision, by telling me time and time again to leave. So I left. I don't care if you held on to what happened in JAN, SAY SOMETHING!! That's why god gave us mouths!!!!


And then you cry. You are one tortured person inside. PRINCESS!!

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How are you spending all these free evenings, Brian? Ugh! We would have been meeting up for choir practice in about an hour but since you were kicked out, what are you doing? Your sis says you can't have "Anna" over, so what are you doing? Going all the way over to see her and stay the night? Are you spending the weekends with her like we used to do? I know you guys are going to have a big event this weekendd (on our church day). I feel ill. What about the youth BBQ....that you were in charge of? That is next weekend and no one has said anything yet! Are you still going to do that?! OMG.

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I finally sent you the photos from the vacation we took in June. It was a bittersweet moment handing the postal clerk the envelope.


I dreamed about you last night; that's what prompted me to send you the pictures. I just don't want to hold onto them anymore.


I was going to type "I'm sorry that I wasn't what you wanted", but really, I'm not sorry. You know why? Because I'm great the way that I am. I have flaws, but nothing big. I am mentally stable, attractive, and all around a great catch. The fact that you are too narcissistic to realize that isn't my fault.


You'll never, ever find another love like me. I guarantee that. You'll date girls like you used to, sleep with them, but never commit like you did with me. I'll be "the one that got away" for you. And who knows, maybe one day we'll end up together again (honestly, I still haven't been able to shake off that feeling). But in the meantime, I'm going to enjoy myself. I have a date with someone on Sunday and BOY is he good-looking. Nothing may ever come of it, but I like knowing that HE is interested in ME. He's so HOT. I know you'd be jealous. Especially since you've never dated and will never date a girl who's got the looks and smarts like I do. Face it, dude: you dated bimbos in the past, except for me. You'll only continue to date them.


Also, avoiding Facebook because of you has really made me realize how much I don't like Facebook, lol. So at least that's a plus.

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I truly, truly hope I don't see you tomorrow. As much as I eventually want to make peace, I'm not sure how I'll deal with seeing you tomorrow. You don't even work in the same office anymore, why the heck are people inviting you to this? I feel if I don't show and you do, I will have submitted and admitted I've given you total control. If I do show up and you decide to show up as well - ughh.



I swear, someday you will regret... but I still love you, even if you don't realize how much that word means to me.

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