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Going to University, terrified and excited!


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first of all, congratulations!

when I went away I felt terrified and excited as well. I would say get into clubs/activities/sports/job and basically any extracurricular stuff that you'll be doing on a regular basis and you'll meet and make friends just fine. the cool thing is there are a ton of other people on the same page as you, a ton of people who want to get out there and make new friends just as eagerly, and college (I'm talking the university type of college) is usually a really inviting environment for it. so I really doubt you'll have any problems with that. You'll find that there are plenty of opportunities to make it happen, plus you're a girl (which makes it even easier lol), so fret not.

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The best advice I can give you:


Eat well. Try not to go out to restaurants very much, and make sure you're eating a proper diet. I lost weight freshman year, but this was because I was virtually living on toast and peanut butter.


Also, take it easy, don't stress. You have a LOT of time to figure out just what it is you want to do. No rush. Don't take on too much at a time. This includes both scholastic as well as extracurricular things like parties and bars and clubs.


Don't drink too much. You're at school to learn, so try to make that your priority. Don't forget to keep in touch with your family...university is exciting, but remember that they're there for you when things get too stressful.


You'll make plenty of friends, but living alone is hard. I don't know how you're going to be bringing in money and/or paying for things, but you're going to have to start paying more attention to your cash flow and what you use it on. Rent and groceries are now much more important than a new pair of shoes or a dinner out with friends.

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No sororities or fraternities in UK universities, so no need to worry about that. Plenty of clubs and societies, though, to keep you busy for the time you're in the bar or the lecture theatre. You'll enjoy it. Freshers week is an experience you'll either love or hate, but whichever it is, don't worry about it too much; I can scarcely think of anyone who didn't have a good group of friends by the end of the first semester. Living away from home for the first time is enormous fun!

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Omg you'll have so much fun - take it from someone who has just graduated and wishes she could relive the last four years of her life! if your'e from the uk freshers week really is the best...messy!!!!!!!!


advice: get pally/good terms with your lecturers, they can help you out when it comes to essay drafts etc

and just say hi to everyine be smiley everyone si drawn to a happy confident person! and don't be scared of asking for their fb/number to keep in contact everyone's in the same boat! have fun

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