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I'm falling for this girl...and I've only known for her 3-4 weeks


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I am falling for this girl I just met on the week of August 2nd. I am tripping, she tells me how her psychic relative told her she would meet the guy she would marry this month. Also, her horoscope sign reading on TV said she will meet the guy she will fall in love with. Regardless, I think shes the perfect woman. We go out to the park and she brings her lovely dog with us and it was alot of fun. I am sprung!! I need to control my feelings though because I do not want to get hurt. Any suggestions would be great but I think I am going to tell her I think about her alot and I love her company

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I am falling for this girl I just met on the week of August 2nd. I am tripping, she tells me how her psychic relative told her she would meet the guy she would marry this month. Also, her horoscope sign reading on TV said she will meet the guy she will fall in love with. Regardless, I think shes the perfect woman. We go out to the park and she brings her lovely dog with us and it was alot of fun. I am sprung!! I need to control my feelings though because I do not want to get hurt. Any suggestions would be great but I think I am going to tell her I think about her alot and I love her company


Well, while I can't say I believe in psychics and their predictions (I don't believe in anything supernatural) I can tell you that I believe in falling (in love?) for someone quickly. I'm having a similar situation in which I am infatuated with a woman that I've only just re-connected with in the last week and a half. This; however, isn't about me, it's about you.


My suggestion to you is to (if she's single and completely available) make a move on her asap. Flirt with her, get together with her as much as possible, and when the timing is right, make a move such as kiss her. The only thing I can advise you with is don't tell her flat out "I like you," because for some reason, women always begin to dislike what they know they can have without any trouble and she'll probably loose interest. Call me jaded, but it's true. An example of this is, I knew a girl that wanted me till I gave into her, then she stopped liking me, then when I started to reject her, she wanted me again. She was a worst case scenario but it's always like that with most females on some variance.


Don't let her get away but avoid telling her straight up that you want her. Instead, show her that you want her and I think things will work out.


Make your move without fear, and if all else fails, just remember that there will ALWAYS be someone else as good if not better out there waiting to find you.

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I think it's a bit soon to say "I think about you a lot." Saying you really enjoy the time together, however, is fine.


Most people do not find it attractive to have someone clinging on them. You may or may not be, but it's how she perceives your actions that make her think this way.

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I don't think it's true that telling a woman "I like you" will make her cool off. If anything, for me, it'll make me like the guy even more. That's what happened to me most recently when I fell hard for a guy I only knew for 3-4 weeks, and even then, I barely knew him.


But congrats and enjoy the new relationship! Remember take it slow, don't let ALL the mystery die down

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Congrats, I am very happy for you. I agree with ScorpioGal 83 about taking things slow, even though nowadays thats hard because I have learned that many people ( including myself ) jump into relationships too quickly. Right now I am seeing someone and we are taking it very slow, sometimes I am really impatient but somehow I have a feeling that this guy is worth it. Don't let the mystery die too quickly.

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