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I do believe in the Secret, and I haven't been convincing myself that I'm sick.


I have stomach issues, sure, but I don't think there is anything truly wrong with me. I work out, eat healthy, I rarely get sick, and I have a great immune system. But I do feel like something deep down is telling me there is something wrong with me. I'm hoping it's nothing major.


My mom almost called the ambulance for me the other day, it was Friday night and I had the WORST stomach pain. It felt like a tugging on my belly button that spread to my right side and it was just a tearing/throbbing pain. It felt like someone was stabbing me in my stomach with a knife. It came on all of a sudden, and I tried to lie down and change position and when my mom came home and I walked down stairs (tried) Everytime I'd step forward, or lurch the pain was horrible, it erupted all of my body and I was curled up in this chair just crying and pressing a pillow to my stomach, it was the worst pain. And the top of my lip was numb.


I was praying, just praying it would stop. I lied on the couch and just tried to stay in one spot. It was like a stomach spasm. My mom went to the grocery store and got me some prilosec and heating pads. The prilosec helped, and I felt better and was able to eat some.


Yet when I went to bed that night, it started ALL over again....


I'm hoping it wont happen again, because that seriously was the worse pain I've ever dealt with!


Yesterday, when I woke up I just had a few bites of health food pizza (I cant eat regular pizza, too greasy and very bad for my stomach) and I felt SO full. Like seriously, I felt like I was going to puke.


What is the deal?!


My mom thinks we should get a follow up at the doctor, but not the one that did my colonoscopy/endoscopy. She also checked out my friend who has been to the hospital 5 TIMES for her stomach issues and the doctor tells her it's nothing and she should do yoga?


Yeah don't think so, I need a GOOD doctor.


I just don't want to do anymore tests. I'm soo done with that.

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I work out, eat healthy, I rarely get sick, and I have a great immune system. But I do feel like something deep down is telling me there is something wrong with me. I'm hoping it's nothing major.


You seem sick quite often (referring to all the threads and posts of yours about it) and say you're not eating much (due to it being fatty/unhealthy/stomach issues you're having). So that kind of contradicts the whole thing.


I think that what you wrote about "something deep down is telling you something is wrong", is what annie was referring to.

Your gut keeps convincing you something is wrong.


Example: when someone (me lol) missed her period I immediately began freaking out I may be pregnant. My stomach would be turning all day everytime I thought about it and that made me feel sick/paranoid.

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Well I do have a good appetite, but there are certain things I cannot eat because of my stomach issues. Why make them worse?


Its just lately, the past feel days that I haven't been able to eat very much at all


I'm nearing my period and I started early, so when I'm on my period I dont usualy eat alot.


Sure I have alot of stomach issues, but I've never got Pink Eye, the flu, mono, strep throat, or anythng like that!


I even stayed with my boyfriend when he had the flu, kissed him and everything, had sex etc, and I didn't get it


That's why I mean, good immune system. I also eat and drink after tons of people and I've never gotten mono.

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I'm not saying you have a bad immune system, since I doubt it would have much to do with your stomach issues.

And otherwise, let's say it was a stomach flu you had, I think even with a high immune system you can get it. Just that your body will likely/maybe battle it quicker then someone with a low immune system. I'm no doc though.

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