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What does it really takes to be popular??


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Besides being yourself and nice to people what else?? There must be another thing behind into it on why certain people are popular and well known.


What does that feel like anyways??? I hate popular people, grr. LOL, can't help it, they have many friends and seem to fit with everyone and nice things are say about them. Otherwise the average person just either have few friends or is just normal, nothing much say about.


So why are these certain people popular and did they do to get to that point?? Any ideas people???

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I consider myself very popular, not like the Sexiest Jock popular and am looked up upon, more like I got along with every group in high school, I never had an opinion on what they wore or what kinda music they listened to, I was me and out going with everyone. I am still very talkative with anyone I meet or am standing around, I am always the first of the group to go walk up to a cute group of girls. its honestly just having a big heart and getting to know people before you judge them, sometimes it actually takes a little bit of molding yourself in to each group of people, be you still but a little tweaking!!

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Popular people make people WANT to be around them. They are charismatic, personable, funny, charming, yet down to earth and "real". I've always considered myself fairly popular. I still run into people that know me and I have no clue who they are. I am horrid with names. I tell everyone that and then make a joke and we all laugh about it, works great when someone really seems to know me...asks about my new baby, bf, etc and I"m like...ummm how do I know you???


Popular people are magnets and draw people to them. Popular people are looked up to. You always want to know what the popular people are doing so they are always a topic of conversation. They are leaders, definatly NOT followers. They do their own thing are confident and proud of themselves without crossing the line into arrogance and conceit.


Honestly, the most popular people are born with that special charisma that makes you want to be near them.

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Popularity comes from loads of self-confidence. Confidence has no budget and pride is on the inside. Love yourself. Polish up your people skills and always try to look and feel your best when in the public eye. Success gives you praise and being a free spirit also makes others gravitate to you. Respect and Elegence always wins over older folks, Charm and grace wins your peers and being active and spontaneous wins over the younger crowd....Dignity and Integrity by far wins the opposite sex.

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Like people say, you have to dress for success. Nothing says, "hip" more than wearing a long sleeve shirt under a short sleeve shirt under a long sleeve shirt, especially if you're over 20. Oh, and always brag about all the crazy things that happened to you and your friends at the club over the weekend, even if 95% of the stuff you say is completely embellished.


No, seriously though, waveseer is right, and being non-judgmental of others goes a long way to people wanting to hang around you.

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Popular to me is the prom queen back in high school or the high school quarterback. In Hollywood the ultimate popular couple would be Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.


In general, popular people are usually pretty good looking. Not always stunning but at least "above average". I never saw a "popular person" who is unattractive. They have to be hip, cool, charismatic, be charming and have that undefinable "x-factor" that draws people in, that mesmerizes people, that makes people want to get to know them better. A lot of Hollywood stars seem to have this quality too; they are magnetic and lively. They brighten up the room. They are always outgoing and fun.

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I think being charismatic and funny is part of it. And yeah, you should be relatively good-looking! Never hurts.


Being popular has its negative sides. It's 50/50 depending on the person.. some people are incredibly FAKE yet they're considered 'popular'. Doesn't mean everyone likes them. It just means everyone is under the impression that the person is popular (sounds confusing...yeah). There's a burden that comes with it. It's like all eyes are on you and you're expected to never have a bad day or to snap at someone or to do certain things that could taint your image.


That's just my experience, anyway.

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Normally, the harder you try, the less successful you are. Being attractive won't actually make people like you more as a person, but they will generally be nicer to you to your face. Members of the opposite sex might nod at you in appreciation while pondering how incredibly stupid and boring this individual in front of them is.


It's a certain combination of comfort, confidence, relatability, and extroversion that often comes with (but it's not required) a sprinkle of wealth and/or looks.


However, striving to be popular is almost a sure fire way to make sure that it never happens. You try too hard, your motives are too easy to read, and your "Do they like me" radar is visible to everyone.


Genuine popularity is a result of striving for some of the goals that waveseer and others have stated, not an end in and of itself.


With all of that said, popularity (in my opinion) should be the worry of politicians -- everyone else should leave that concern behind in the high school that they graduated from.

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I think being charismatic and funny is part of it. And yeah, you should be relatively good-looking! Never hurts.


Being popular has its negative sides. It's 50/50 depending on the person.. some people are incredibly FAKE yet they're considered 'popular'. Doesn't mean everyone likes them. It just means everyone is under the impression that the person is popular (sounds confusing...yeah). There's a burden that comes with it. It's like all eyes are on you and you're expected to never have a bad day or to snap at someone or to do certain things that could taint your image.


That's just my experience, anyway.


Ya. High school popular is different. I was pretty popular in high school, but I'm not that charismatic or outgoing. People just generally like me/want me to like them, even if they didn't really like me or even secretly hated me. Strange, but true.


In real life, though, most people don't care too much about me... =( =( haha. Probably because I've gotten really quiet since my high school days. My friends tend to be popular everywhere. Not all of them are good-looking, but most are. Most of them are really funny and generally nice people. Some are really glamorous. Others are down to earth. But the key is they're FUN to be around.

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Ahhh. SAME HERE, PinkElephant.


But also, once you're out of high school.. you meet so many different people from other walks of life. People with stories and colorful histories... you're no longer in your little pool of teens. What was deemed cool or popular back then probably isn't the way it is now haha. So it's tough to be "popular" in the real world.


I'm more reserved now that I've been out of high school. Life's not like a walk down the hallway to my 2nd period class. It's hard for me to even meet people!...


People seem to be more interested in figuring out their life and doing their own thing. Guess it's all part of growing up?

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you can get anyone to like you if you let them talk about themselves..and you seem interested... also.. people like when ur confidently not in need of them.. like.. for some reason.. with me... i always look like i couldn't give two craps about anything, and people are just drawn to me.. i mean.. even the other day at the dmv.. theres like a million people around.. and i was the one everyone was asking to borrow a pen from.. like.. i even had two pens out at once.. it was ridiculous.. and i just want people to leave me alone...

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