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signs of impending separation

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Continuously waiting for that "something" that's going to spark everything back to life and make it perfect again. Feeling like it's there's a constant waiting for this ... "change" that will happen, be it an event or just something that happens, and once it does, things will be good and normal like they used to be.


If you're waiting for something like this is may not come. It may be long gone already.

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1. Avoidance of emotional or physical intimacy... a growing feeling of 'distance' between you.


2. Whatever the person does, it irritates you (or each other). Little innocuous things bother you, and things about the person that used to bother you a little now disgust you or drive you crazy. (A lack of tolerance for anything the person does that irritates you.)


3. Your primary feelings about the relationship is exhaustion or ennui... you don't even want to talk about problems anymore, just avoid the person and get away from them as much as possible.

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Off the top of your head, what would you say are the top 2 or 3 signs that the marriage/long term relationship is not working any more?


This is not off the top of my head, but straight from the lips of the psychologist I talked to during my engagement:


1. Lack of respect/admiration for your partner; &

2. Fighting in a certain way. I.e. name calling, attacking for issues that have nothing to do with the issue at hand.. e.g. "this is just like when you did X" or "you're an idiot".


Makes a lot of sense.

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