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The typical “I’m-in-love-with-my-best-friend”

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What do I do? I’m slowly falling for him and he makes me so happy. We just got off the phone just now (we were talking for a hour and a half) and the conversation flowed so effortlessly. We have SO much in common: same family background, same goals and ambitions. I love spending time with him and I really miss him when he’s not there.


But, the problem is I’m moving back to the UK for the next 4 months and, 5 months after that, I’m starting graduate school. Also, I don’t want to lose a great friendship. If I tell him and he doesn’t feel the same way…I’d be crushed. What should I do?

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While I would normally say bite the bullet and tell him and just deal with the fall out, in this case, because you are going away, I would suggest you just go with the friendship as is, and then see where you are placed when you get back...

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I'll only be back in town for 5 months...should I even tell him then? I guess if he doesn't feel the same way it wouldn't be terrible because I'm moving. But, if he DOES and I move, that would be hard.


A part of me wants say it so badly because it's crazy falling for someone and not tell them. But...I'm really nervous.

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I have been dating my best friend for over a year. I approached him basically saying "I have feelings for you. This is why. I just needed to tell you how I feel. Don't feel pressured into anything. If you don't feel the same way, we can just pretend this never happened because I would still want to be friends regardless."


There is a risk that it might make things "weird", or that he won't be receptive to an LDR - but you never know until you try, and I think even if it doesn't work out you will be glad you took the risk.

Good luck.

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Sky-Cherries, how did you say it? How do I start?


We were together at his house and I said "I hope this doesn't affect our friendship, but I was wondering if you'd like to go to a movie sometime, not as friends?". He said "A date?". I said "Yes"


And that was that.


I'm not saying it's going to be that easy, because he'd been planning to ask me out for weeks, little did I know.


But you never know.

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I think everyone has feelings for their best friend because there the guy who has always been there, that you generally feel comfortable around, can talk to easily.. And there must have always been something there in the beginning for you to wanna get to know them more. But saying that i have 2 best guy mates and only one of them i would ever consider ha!

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