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Saw ex-girlfriend today and it was sad/emotional


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Smudders... she's a wonderful woman. If circumstance were just a little different we'd probably still be together, we've both said that too. Anyway, yeah, it's sad when exes can't at least be friends, but I suppose some things are not meant to be.



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Southern, you're insight was so a "Sex and the City" moment (I'm obsessed with that show lol). I agree with Southern, she knew you worked there and came in to show off her life/man a bit. If you sent her an email or contacted her in anyway, you would just reaffirm that she "won". The fact you didn't say anything, probably makes her feel like you could care less, which is better.


Omg!! lol Best compliment ever (seriously)!!! I'm obsessed with that show too...maybe they're rubbin off on me lol Thanks girl!

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