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Waiting for the right guy....


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Hello. I am a 25 year old virgin, I know pretty unheard of right? I am not necessarily waiting for marriage, but I want my first time to be very meaningful and I haven't been in a relationship yet where I have felt that it was the right time. My best friend who is also 25, was a virgin. She got married last weekend to her boyfriend of 6 years who was also a virgin. It was funny because we used to all joke about how we were the last 3 virgins on earth, etc, lol, and it's a pretty known fact in our group of friends. So since she got married last week, obviously, they're not virgins anymore. It's funny because I knew they would since they're married, I mean that's just plain obvious, but when she told me they had, it was weird. I feel like a kid or something, lol, because I feel like I'm behind or something. I know this sounds crazy, but it's like I feel as though I'm inferior in some way, and it's totally not like that. I don't know how to explain exactly what I'm feeling, but it's like I sort of feel a pressure to have sex, even though no one is really pressuring me, lol, it's like it's all in my head. I don't know, this probably sounds nuts, but I just had to get that off my chest because it's really weird now. My best friend and I have been inseperable for the past 11 years and we're like sisters. So like I said, no one's pressuring me at all, but I just feel "left out" in some way or something, and it's totally ridiculous. I just wondered if anyone out there has felt that way or knows what I mean by this at all? lol

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I think it is natural to feel like that. She has moved ahead in that regard, got married, had sex and now you feel left behind...like you are the only one left. However there is a whole "underground" world of virgins out there, your age and older who, like you, are waiting for someone who they really connect with so that it will be a meaningful experience. You are not a kid compared to the your friend...you just haven't been as lucky as your friend in the romance department. She is still the same friend, her having sex doesn't change anything and shouldn't change how the two of you relate.

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I know my culture may not relate to yours LOL Just like to let you know being virgin at the age of 25 or older is very very common in my country. So you are definitly not the last virgin in the whole world. Most of my girl friends waited to have sex with the men they later got married to.

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Welcome to ENA.


You know just this morning I responded to another thread kind of similar.

This isn't as uncommon as you think. This is your life and how you live it is always up to you. The alternative would be to hook up with some guy to have sex and that just doesn't sound like what you are about.


Best wishes


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