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I gratefully give up OR NOT! Still here!

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i would still do the no contact thing for a while. really give yourself the time to evaluate the situation. do you really want her back? evaluate yourself, evaluate her. think about what changes need to be made in order to head into a healhty relationship with her. try changing things about you. what was she unhappy about? what were you unhappy about? has she told you why she wasunhappy? i think you still need a month ro two of no contact. then let's say, sfter you started to heal adn can evaluate the situation in a logical manner, then i would say you can call. but you are too close to the situation at this moment- and plus, she has a bf. wait until you re in the position to make a good decision adn if you still really miss her, give her a call and talk about it. NC cannot work forever. like you said, she wants you to fight for her, but she broke up with you and it sounded like you have fought for her, but she's looking for more. at this time, you don't know what it is, so, you probably need to think about it. otherwise, if both of you jumped back intot he relationship, the same problems will keep ocurring and both of you may be unhappy.

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From what it seems, she may be confused and she may be wanting you back, but she needs to give you action and not words. Her actions at this point are not wanting to let go of Kevin, for what.... the "little things"? If that is what she is mainly hanging onto then it seems she may have made her choice. It seems to me that she is trying to have her cake and eat it too. She wants you to fight for her, maybe she should be fighting for you, maybe she will eventually. But for now, keep doing what your doing.


For your own sake and so you can sleep at night without regret, treat others as you want to be treated. Speaking of "evil plans" here. One day, you may finally get to the feeling that you just want her to be happy where ever she may be or whoever she may be with. That will only comes with closure, which I don't see any time soon if these games continue. Until you have found someone else you can be happy with or until you have done everything in your power to get her back, you won't find that closure. Just remember to always think before you act. Don't cause undue hurt.



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Thanks sis, I was getting a bit manipulative.


Times are lookin up. I've not heard from the ex since earlier today, we had some friendly banter going before lunch. When we spoke last night I said something about her side of the bed, I forget exactly what. But this morning she asked me if I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and I said "It was not the wrong side of the bed, it was YOUR side of the bed." I kinda dig that response.


Well, the texts initiated by me have stopped, and so have the calls. I will be dropping the dog by her house tomorrow night but will remain aloof. Then I will see her in school on Wednseday and will be using every ounce of strength I have to just be similiar to the way I was last week.


I know I can remain aloof Wednseday because I will be giddy. I talked to Jess tonight and we are doing a lunch date on Thursday, so that will be in the back of my mind as I am in class with the ex. I will be resolutely content. I have something to occupy my mind.


S&D, I value your opinion but feel that right now she wants me to fight for her just to prove to herself that I am still here for her, wanting her. I think no matter how hard I fought it would only serve to quell her weekday loneliness and build her self esteem. That is not my job anymore. The best results and reaction I have gotten from her came when I was honestly moving on. Honestly, before last Wednseday I was truckin on, I was sure it was over, and that made everything so much easier. But now here i am starting all over again, lost as ever, and I think that was her exact intention.

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Here is my latest dilemma. The ex's birthday is Sunday, her rebound guy will be here on Saturday presumably through Monday morning. The ex in my opinion wants me to woo her back, hence her comment about my doing certain things if I really loved her, etc..


So, should I get her a b-day card and come up with some genuinely written literary thoughts. Or should I get a card and simply write Happy B-Day in it, or no card at all.


She is a fool for my written word, she always loved my cards and letters. I also thought about writing her a letter and just enclosing it with the card and just wishing her a happy day on the card. I also thought about leaving some roses with the card.


Either I would leave all of this on her sisters front porch or her bro in law, who is still my accomplice gets off at around 7am and I could meet up with him on his way home and have him set it all inside on the bar for when "they" wake up.


Any thoughts?

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I could be wrong, but it seems for this situation, there is no harm in going for it, roses and everything. It is still at the point where you need to do everything you can so that in the end you can be confident that you tried it all. Just stay in the mindset that you may not receive the reaction you have in your mind. You still need to take care of yourself right now. It is so difficult because there are no rules to follow.



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I really don't know. I'm still waiting for you to let us know what you WANT to do.


It seems like you got really happy with your new life, your girl came back to confuse things, and I haven't read you say whether you still want her back or not. You seem to be flip-flopping a bit.


Do you want her back? Or are you just feeling the need to exert control on the situation to see if you COULD get her back?


I'll assume that you do want her back...


What I want to say is GO FOR IT ALL. Heck, you might even instill some jealousy from him... but you might also get her angry for interfering (I assume she knows that you know he will be here this weekend).


The other big risk is that you put yourself back a few weeks.... but judging on the way you recovered the first time out, it would only be a matter of time before you can be back to your new self again.


I think you should do what you want to do... it seems clear to me that she is asking you to woo her again. To PROVE that you are not the "lacking spontaneity" guy she claims you'd become.


I'm anxious to see what happens.... my EX's Bday is coming up in two weeks, and I've been learning from you all along. (again with the similarities)


PS: I'd REALLY like to hear your thoughts on my next move... I'm getting totally conflicting opinions depending on the source. Some say "make contact for some low-pressure hanging out", others say "no way, don't make it so easy, NC is working".

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Ok, screw it, Im going all out, roses or a massage gift certificate and a card with an enclosed letter. She actually asked me today if I am happy she is saving me some money. I said how, and she said because you dont have to buy me a b-day present, little does she know. She wants me to do something, I just don't know if it will woo her enough,or what.


Today in class she started the note passing. it was all good, even a bit of "us" talk, but not much, we ran out of class time as it was about to get either good or bad. I massaged her neck during a presentation, she responded by leaning her head down. I had my arm propped on the back of her chair and she would lean back and I would gently run my fingertips along her back. Before class started we were talking and there was substantial eye contact.


I asked her why she told me she loved me and missed me last week and then turns so cold this week. She said she let too many of her emotions out last week, that she should not have done that. So she is feeling some effects.


She is feeling down with a cold or something. A while ago I text messaged her and told her "I know you feel like crap but you look beautiful today."


I have nothing to lose anymore, she has made it obvious that she wants me to do something, so something I may do. Just what? I still do not want to give her emotional fulfillment just to fill her lonely times. What a mess.


On another note: women never cease to amaze me. If you all remember about a week ago I spoke of a radiantly beautiful classmate. Well in an e-mail I asked her if I could call her sometime. Today she said I could call her but she is dating someone, WTF? I steered clear of that one. But she did smile and wave at me as she came to class and then spoke with me at break, and then walked out with me. Women, I swear!!!


Hope all is well. S&D, I will keep you posted on how the B-Day plan turns out. And no I don't know what I want, if the ex comes back I will make my decision then. So for now it is all systems go in every direction!!!!!!!

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All systems in all directions... sounds like a recipe for a tangle! I like it.


I wish you all the luck!


I'm also slightly jealous... you are still in school, which allows:

a) direct contact with the EX... something I haven't had in 5 weeks... so no chance at being cool and aloof to her face.

b) a bevy of other women to notice.


Keep it going!

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S&D, there are a bevy of other women. GeeCee may remember me speaking of some twins a few weeks back. Well I ran into them today and I am interested in one of their friends who gave me her number but somehow I did not manage to "store" it in my phone so I asked them if they would pass my number along to her. We will call this one "PolkaDot." Anyway, I told the twins the story and they said she may be here this weekend with them and that she may be moving by me. I just hope they give her my number and that she calls.


"Jess" called today and we are going out tomorrow for lunch, I am picking her up from work. She sounds so cool, outgoing and always on the move. But school is almost out and things will slow down. Good for me.


Ok, here is the nitty gritty. I went to dinner with the ex tonight and we just cannot keep it light-hearted. She knows that I am very detail oriented and actually laughs because I have so many questions.


So I badger her for some closure or something, I really think I would have been alright if she said there is no chance for us ever. That would bring such clarity. But she won't say anything even remotely close to that. She will not give me any closure and thereforeeee that gives me hope. We talked and it really got nowhere, her emotions were not what they were last week, today she was strong until on the way back to school I get a text from CPA-girlie to meet them out for drinks and instead of parking the truck and going into school with the ex I drop her off at the curb and she asks where I am going and I say Houston. She looked upset and just got out of the truck and left. HeeHee.


So then I call her and tell her I am at a loss at what to do. I tell her I cannot chase her because come the weekend no matter what I do she will be flying out. I tell her that no matter how I approach things with us that I will always love her. I convey how indecisive I am, that one minute I want to fight for her and the next I know I cant in this situation. She did make a comment about I have not been fighting for her, that I never even call her. Is it as simple as that? Can I really make leeway here just by calling her? It cannot possibly be as easy as that.


Her outstanding comment is that she is not committed wholeheartedly YET and that she will not come back unless she is, which is her basically reiterating my words.


Later she text messaged me and it said "I am not trying to hurt you. Your heart will lead you right."


My response was: "My heart will lead me right, but will it make things right"


She knows I am seeing alot of other people and hinted that I may fall for one of them. I told her I am not serious with any of them.


And as for her rebound, he is going through a divorce. He and his wife split in January. So they BOTH truly do seem to be rebounds.


I dont think I will contact her anymore this week and then go through with my weekend b-day ploy and then wait for her response. Game on, maybe. It is so exhausting. So much easier to just start over brand new.


And in case you are wondering, I called and turned CPA-girlie down tonight, now is that progress or what?

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After my last post last night the ex called me about 4 times. We made some small talk and inevitably some relationship talk. She alluded to how it is nice someone wants to see her all the time (referring to him) and I came to the conclusion that she is just giddy over his attention.


I reminded her of when we first broke up and she said we are 100% over and there is no chance for us, I asked her what has changed in the last few months. She said you don't just stop loving someone. We talked about, or I talked about how this break up has been so good for me, I have grown so much and am now having so much fun and I just wish she were here to share everything with me. She is wondering what all she is missing out on. I know she is.


We also talked about the little things that were missing in our relationship and i told her that those things just amount to a habit change, we were stuck in a bad habit rut. We were not doing the little day to day loving gestures out of habit from being together since our teens when we did not know all those gestures. I told her that now I am older and this break up has taught me alot, we would be starting over from scratch and would build new habits, a new life, a new love for each other. How can she possibly not wonder what we could have? Would a girl really pass up this opportunity and leave herself to always wonder and regret, remember she already said last week that if she did not give us another chance she would always wonder and have regrets.


The last time we spoke as we were getting off the phone I told her that no matter what happens I want her to be happy. She said "you lie", and I said no I am serious because no matter what I will be happy, I just wish the same upon you.


Also, I asked her how she knows he is not in NY talking to his ex the same way we have been talking. She said he is not, that they tell each other when they talk to us. I said so he knows we have been talking alot lately. She said well I used to tell him up until last week, LOL. Why is she not telling him now? HMMMMM


It was a good day and night of conversation, I don't feel our relationship talk is pushing her away, quite the opposite in fact.


I have that lunch date with "Jess" today and I have to say, Im pretty excited about it. This girl already knows alot of my friends and if things work out with us that is one less hurdle we would have to worry about. Will post later.


And I just want to thank everyone who has been keeping up with my thread, I am tired of updating my friends and so this is where I let it all out. Again, Thanks.

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The more you talk about your situation, the more I see things clearly for you.


My take (from an outside perspective of course) is that she will not be sure until she thinks YOU are sure. This whole break-up seems to smack of "I'm not happy in the relationship b/c you don't act like you love me anymore... I deserve love and attention and will look elsewhere". Now she is realizing that she does love you... and is afraid you have moved on. She's not going to act while she sees/suspects you of being happier without her... that is the worry that caused her to break it off in the first place (she worried you weren't happy with her... now your happiness without her is reinforcing that fear).


You sound like you are waiting for an answer from her. I think the answer is already there... she is waiting for you to decide what you want.


At this point you are both at a huge standoff. She's waiting for you to SHOW her that you have decided, and you are waiting for the same.


One of you is going to have to GET SURE about what you want, and then take the risk. It doesn't sound to me like she is in a secure enough position to do that any time soon (or ever).


As I see it, that leaves it up to you.

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I've been reading your posts for a few weeks now and thought I would add my thoughts (but they are only my thoughts). If you really want to get back with your ex then someone needs to make a move, be bold as it seams that you are both playing an emotional game of chess. If you think she is truly the one you want then lay it on the line to hear in no un-certain terms. Be romantic, unpredictable. It will go either 1 on 2 ways. 1) She will say no - in which case it may set you back abit but you come accross very postive and have options (you sound like a babe-magnet) or 2) your ex might realise that she loves you and wants to be witth you.


It's all about how you play your changes and what they would mean to a new relationship. As you said some times you get in a rut and habits that don't really do the relationship any good.


Anyway these are only my thoughts but I am enviable of where you are. I will never be able to get my ex back - it is over for good and it does hurt so much.


keep us informed



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S&D, DragonLady, I am fighting now like I've never fought before. we talked this morning, I tell her how I feel but she does not know what she wants. She e-mailed me this morning after we talked and I e-mailed her back a few minutes ago, they are as follows:




I am not at a point where I can tell you how I am sure how my life is going to turn out. I will never tell you to fade b/c I always want you apart of my life because you mean a lot to me, if you can understand that. I have a lot of options to weigh, so that's why I told you to live your life the way it will make you happy, without me putting false ideas in your head or giving you hope. I don't want to hurt anyone, I just want what will make us both happy. Me talking to you does not help you and I am sorry.




My response was:


I desire you like I have never desired anything in my life. You are everything to me and I want to show you that through my actions and not words like I have been forced to do now. If you are having doubts about you and he well then you are not in that wholeheartedly either. I want you to figure out what it is you want. If that turns out to be me I have a wonderfully technicolor life to share with you, I will not let you down.


If you do not have plans on giving him up and giving us a chance just say so. That way we can see where that new dimension will lead us. We may be friends, we may not, but one thing is for sure, we cannot continue this way. I am so much better than the guy you originally fell in love with, I am more sincere, caring, and loving. Know that, remember that. Come, let me infatuate you, passion will overwhelm us. Our life together could be so radiant.


Are you not telling me to leave you alone and that we are over because you think I will take Gabe away? If that is the case, don't worry. I understand he is your dog too, Im sure he wants you back as much as me. So all I ask for from you is honesty, be true to me about your feelings, it is not your job to protect my heart. You cannot hurt me any worse than I have already been hurt. When you cannot tell me anything concrete that unintentionally gives me hope, so if you know something just tell me. I am strong, I can deal with it.




So now I am off to a lunch date and will possibly find a reply when I get back. If she told me it was over once and for all I would be relieved.


Also I talked to her Bro-in-Law and all systems are go for the B-Day stuff. I will meet him early in the morning and he will place flowers, etc on the bar for them to find upon awakening. He also told me that the new guy is head-over-heels for her, he has mentioned cashing in his pension and moving down here. But how could he? Is my ex telling him one thing and me another. The ex did tell me that he cannot cash in his pension because he would lose all of it.


What should my next course of action be?

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And here is her response:


You want truth well here it is:




I do love you but I also love Kevin. You are both two very different people that both love me and want to be apart of my life very much. When he talks about moving here, he loves me that much to consider changing his life to be with me, b/c that is how confident he is that he wants to be with me. You both have a lot to offer. There are many things that you do that I love and there are things he does that you don't that I don't want to live my life without. I know you have changed, but some things just come natural and you just do them because that is apart of who you are. The whole situation is tearing at my heart heavily. I am not holding back because of Gabe. I hope that you would never take him away from me, but I talk to you because you are important to me. We talk in depth about both of our situations because we don't want any secrets. Yes I haven't told him of our conversations this week b/c he is scared of losing me too and it makes it harder on me. I can't hear pain from two people, it is hard enough to see and hear your pain. I don't know what else to say. I know you can't wait around on me and I don't expect you to. That is why I have tried not to give you false hopes, b/c I knew I would only hurt you more. I just question how I can affect two people so much?




So what do I do now? Give up, back away and let her figure things out on her own. I cannot play this tug-o-war anymore. I am not hurting, Im sad, a little dejected but really OK. How can she love someone already, it's only been two months of weekend visits. WTF?


My lunch date went well, sh eis very talkative and busy with work and a two year old, but we seem to get along really well. Things with her will probably move slow if anything because of her hectic schedule.

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I nearly shed a tear reading her response. It must hurt, but I think you know how you need to proceed. Right now she is not with you, she is with another, and because of that you need to move on. If you play your cards right, keep your distance and be the good guy you are, she will see that eventually. She has not been involved with this new guy very long so she is still on the honeymoon of their relationship. It might not stay so rosey in the future. They are still just getting to know one another, so once he moves she may see all the things she doesn't like instead of just the things she does.


So move on, just keep improving yourself. Take a hard look at yourself and figure out your weakness' and turn them into strengths. You will be alright. I can tell you have a good head on your shoulders.

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Well, unlike H&P, I did shed a tear.


Sincerly, all I know for sure is that what they are feeling for each other is in no way love. You have to remember that what she is feeling for this new guy is something she hasn't felt for over 9 years. She has no clue what she is going through. Its lust and new found affection that is also glamorous because of the distance and the allure of NY. She will figure out one day that what she is feeling is not love.


You claim that her response did not hurt, it may have been closer to the answer you need, but it does hurt a little. I have to say that at this point, from her response, I am seeing an immature side to her. I can understand her confusion, but this far into it and for her to tell you that she loves him, seems too selfabsorbed to me. It angers me. Move on and take care of yourself, what is meant to be will happen. It is easy for me to stand outside and say this, but at this point, I wouldn't want her back.


Just one more side note, if he does move down there, he can buy her her own dog!



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She nearly begs you to lay it all on the line.... you do so and then she recoils.


She's obviously still using you as she tries to sort through her feelings. I don't think she has decided what she wants, and is stringing you along b/c of it.


At this point I'd be pretty angry with her. That is no way to treat someone you spent all of your adult life with.


The biggest problem I see is that she seems like she isn't half as self-aware as you are... and she isn't seeing things in this situation all that clearly either. I also have clearly seen the immature side of her popping up throughout this ordeal. Because of this, anything that happens is likely be mis-interpretted by her.


I agree with the others. Time to put her behind you again... it should be easier now.


However, if you are still hoping against hope, I don't see what the harm can be in going ahead with the birthday plan... I know it might sound stupid, but she doesn't seem to take hints well... and she might still be worried that you haven't shown her enough effort. One last gesture on the way out the door should eliminate any doubt that you've tried. (that is if you want to).


After that... or even before it... asta la vista baby... you deserve (and WILL FIND) way better than this!!!!!!


I'm down for you Sincerely... but I know you have better things on the horizon and I find that so encouraging!

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I have got to say I feel for you on this one. The fact that she has the other guy around and tells you how much she loves you both tells me that she cannot sort out her feelings - she likes the immediate gratification and attention of the other boy and such.


What does this mean? It means that she's loving the attention of two boys fighting over her. Of course she'll say that she hates the drama and that she doesn't like it and all - but you know what? That is the truth: she loves it.


You cannot permit her to have her cake and eat it too. I would tell her, "you know what - clearly you have a lot of decision making and my being here is not going to make it easier for you. so, consider this my last communication for a while - you know how to get in contact with me down the road once you've cleared things up in your mind."

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She nearly begs you to lay it all on the line.... you do so and then she recoils.


She's obviously still using you as she tries to sort through her feelings. I don't think she has decided what she wants, and is stringing you along b/c of it.


At this point I'd be pretty angry with her. That is no way to treat someone you spent all of your adult life with.


I agree wholeheartedly.


I truly believe that she is confused, but that is no reason for her to project her confusion onto you....which is what she is doing.


By announcing her 'internal dilemma' to you, all she is doing (and deep down she *knows* this) is keeping you around.


I haven't been around lately, and haven't caught up completely with your posts SH....but does your ex know that you are dating?


If not, I suggest that you drop hints to let her know. If she *does* know that you are dating, I would inform her that in light of her confusion, and the fact that this could drag on for months, that you have decided to pursue something that will be more fulfilling.

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Good Post.


The only alteration I would make is to say that her behaviour is more than likely not intentional...but born out of a natural insecurity that exists within us all.

I have tried to have my cake and eat it at times as well....and while on reflection I guess I did love it, at the time I would have deined doing so.


When we start seeing someone new, there is always a feeling of uncertainty about where it will lead. However, to be able to pursue the new relationship with the comfort of knowing that we can keep an ex 'waiting in the wings' is a temptation that not many people can avoid.....consciously or subconsciously.

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My daily update on my whirlwind of a life: As of today I am backing away. My savior GeeCee and I have decided that the b-day ploy could backfire on me. Instead of getting in her head and making him seem irrational if he reacts bad he could pity me and make me look silly. So I have decided to just send her the stuff on Monday at her work. My goal is to do things occasionally that she will have to hide from him, I need her to start keeping secrets, dirty I know.


I went out last night with 3 of my best girl-friends and they said just move on. They see the new me and are soaking me up, enjoying every minute of my company. We sat in Canadian Chickies restaurant (who by the way turned cold to me when they got there,LOL) last night and had a few beers together and Gina pointed out that if my ex were there she would not enjoy herself. She does not drink beer. Kinda made me realize she is a bit high maintenance.


The constant professions of love that she wants to hear from me are obviously getting me nowhere, they are just boosting her ego and giving her reassurance that her hook is still in me. So here I fade.




Now you all know I have to update you on my nightly female happenings.


I was standing and talking to my friends when all of a sudden a female cop walks up and nudges me flirtatiously. At first I did not recognize her but then once we got to talking realized she used to go out with one of my ex's bro-in-laws friends. So we get to talking and she finds out i am single. She wants to get together sometime. So we go on to talk and I find out she is in a relationship. I ask her if she is happy and she says not really. She wants to give me her number and I say oh no, I will not be THAT guy. So she insists that I give her my number. I do, and my last comment to her as I was leaving with my friends was "Lets play."


I am so deliciously evil. Bad me!!!


This weekend is sure to be full of new meetings. Will keep you posted.

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I went out last night with 3 of my best girl-friends and they said just move on. They see the new me and are soaking me up, enjoying every minute of my company. We sat in Canadian Chickies restaurant (who by the way turned cold to me when they got there,LOL) last night and had a few beers together and Gina pointed out that if my ex were there she would not enjoy herself. She does not drink beer. Kinda made me realize she is a bit high maintenance.


SH .... listen to a voice of reason! Does not drink beer!?!?!? Give up the chase immediately!!! It is just not worth it!!!


SH, regarding the police-woman - you are becoming like Majord with your FANTASTIC stories!! Keep them coming!


I shall email you.


G xx

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My Gawd, why would anyone ever want the ex back. Get your butts out there and see what lies ahead. Twas not the best night for me but it will suffice.


I grabbed cop ladies butt and she liked it. That is just the beginning.


Aight, about 10 years ago I dated this gal, we got kinda wild and played with bananas, crescent wrenches, alka seltzre and ice (oooh yeah), etc, we were wild in bed. I see her tonight for the first time in nearly 10 years. She has a kid now with her hubby, but good lord she has the most beautiful eyes, that is what attracted me to her in the first place. So I see her the first time early in the night, she tells me about her married life, they seem OK. Later on, hours later, I show up with canadian Chickie and her friends and all the sudden gorgeous eyes wants to hook up. I say "I thought you were married" She says" But yeah, its been 10 years" Im at a loss for words.


So just like last night with the cop lady, I will not take her number, but she gets mine. Women, I swear again, can we ever really trust y'all?




We were at a place where the ex's whole family was, sister, mom dad, etc..... I actually took another good lookin girl by their booth to bum a beer. And the whole time all of them were asking who she was etc, etc....


And what is even better than that is earlier in the night they saw me with some other girls and actually asked me if they could come along (the guys in the ex's family), I was with the best looking gals in the place.


I really am happy being single, at least on the weekends.l Something good always happens. But catch me on monday or tuesday and things will surely be different, although me and "Jess" have been talking more.


GeeCee, coin me a new name, its time.

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Ooooooh SincerelyHurt .... weekends are your forte!!!!




You need to refer back to this thread on Monday, Tuesday, especially Wednesday and Thursday, OK?


So ... for the very last time SINCERELYHURT, great news.


New naming ceremony later on today, OK!


G xx

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